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Thursday, June 23, 2022

06-23-2022-0519 - VAR DRAFT VAR DRAFT Foreign Country Tobacco Caffeine (2022) 6/11/2022


Foreign country needs tobacco (cigarettes light), zero calorie energy drink caffeine cold, cold Diet Coke, clean water (plant or system), import soap (or plant or make at home), refrigerator, floor heater metal milk house heater and special electric unit for town or plant, two blankets each and crop/equipment/supplies/etc. for clothes (or chemical materials equipment etc. plant for making fabric). water purification plant system, laboratory for tobacco cultivation (and equipment for preparation storage transport etc), food fluids processing plant/laboratory/packaging/storage/etc., nuclear reactor, flint stone or matches or resource for tobacco light, vape pen (liquid nicotine manufacturing plant laboratory prep pack store), basic bombs, trees wood for house, powdered cellulose factory for food, chemical laboratory processing storage, embryo lab processing storage, microwave, etc.. popcorn or celluloaf. America should design build sufficient to supply town and to allow town to upscale. 1 carton of cigarettes (20 cigarettes per pack; ten packs per carton) per person per day. All especially poverty, developing countries, entrance by USA occurred, Cuba, climate change, Madagascar, etc.. All optional. Tobacco may be modified to sustain growth/survive in a variety of environments and under various environmental conditions. Must be explained by USA how to care for exact crop strain exactly in all condition varieties at location. USA may need to fund to sustain the people impacted by USA nac global expansion dissemination of America operations 15,18,1900-2000 Especially in relation to human trafficking ring and to allow those not traffickers not involved to survive etc.. Globe needs increased privacy less surveillance (including less traversation by other country/etc.); Privacy violations violence by Americans infiltration technology pharmacy advancement abuse/use of stolen intellectual property by America use of cloak by Americans et al etc., etc.. Etc. Draft Foreign country needs tobacco (cigarettes light), zero calorie energy drink caffeine cold, cold Diet Coke, clean water (plant or system), import soap (or plant or make at home), refrigerator, floor heater metal milk house heater and special electric unit for town or plant, two blankets each and crop/equipment/supplies/etc. for clothes (or chemical materials equipment etc. plant for making fabric). water purification plant system, laboratory for tobacco cultivation (and equipment for preparation storage transport etc), food fluids processing plant/laboratory/packaging/storage/etc., nuclear reactor, flint stone or matches or resource for tobacco light, vape pen (liquid nicotine manufacturing plant laboratory prep pack store), basic bombs, trees wood for house, powdered cellulose factory for food, chemical laboratory processing storage, embryo lab processing storage, microwave, etc.. popcorn or celluloaf. America should design build sufficient to supply town and to allow town to upscale. 1 carton of cigarettes (20 cigarettes per pack; ten packs per carton) per person per day. All especially poverty, developing countries, entrance by USA occurred, Cuba, climate change, Madagascar, etc.. All optional. Tobacco may be modified to sustain growth/survive in a variety of environments and under various environmental conditions. Must be explained by USA how to care for exact crop strain exactly in all condition varieties at location. USA may need to fund to sustain the people impacted by USA nac global expansion dissemination of America operations 15,18,1900-2000 Especially in relation to human trafficking ring and to allow those not traffickers not involved to survive etc.. Globe needs increased privacy less surveillance (including less traversation by other country/etc.); Privacy violations violence by Americans infiltration technology pharmacy advancement abuse/use of stolen intellectual property by America use of cloak by Americans et al etc., etc.. Etc. Draft They also need antibiotics, silvadene, dewormer (ivermectin or etc.), betadine, barbiturate for Euthanasia, iodine, phosphorous, phosphorus, silver, hydrogen, acid, possibly arsenic lead etc., salt sodium chloride, tools, supplies, computer, mirrors, sharps, rebuild limb/organ/eye/nervous system rebuild to deparalyze/etc. and graft knowledge, rebodiment knowledge, laboratory grown organ from genetic signature knowledge, clone knowledge (inc embryo), etc., including plants and mines (hopefully mines also although not necessary but need supplies). May need custom build off of the land for mine or factory plant for nuclear transmutation. They need specific instructions on how to build maintain deconstruct repair etc. plants/bodies/etc.; and how to prepare necessary chemical from land; how to build/etc. plant from scratch at land ; mining for raw material acquisition and processing storage instructions; including how to store and use chemical ; including how to store use chemical to produce supplies materials etc.; etc.) There is much more. Everything must be clear simple specific non investment no debt safe sustainable humane decent standard etc.. America cannot debt contract investment-term foreign country etc.. America return only to give for free supplies or rebuild post construction. America cannot use odd designs or non sustainable or unconventional or overly basic or etc., design types. No violence harm torture; no trafficking slavery peonage; etc.. Americans must be respectful of beauty youth fertility. Thank You. (Drafting, draft, 'rough draft' American education system 1990-2020 term to consider a text that is not formally written, edited, complete, etc.) No prerequisite required

Minimum Acceptable Response
1. Privacy Increase ; Full evacuation removal of all USAF and USA et al. including Americans and return to NAC ; Cease all surveillance permanent ; No further infiltration/entrance/persistence/appearance/visit/presence/etc. by america et al. (inc cloak; DIW amnestic drug break enter abduction enhostage assault maybe with CL1 light cloak, disinhibitant, implant, clone, brain transplant, virtual signal, etc.); Cease all entrance/etc. by America et al.; Return all Americans to NAC; Remove all surveillance planes etc.. May require euthanasia of all returned (no violence (sterilization trafficking amputation mutilation) harm torture; no trafficking slavery peonage), etc.. No violence; ensure technology-pharm available to remediate occurence of violence. Take no prisoner of foreign country; take no prisoner. Euthanize all missing from foreign country; euthanize all missing/etc. infants/etc. of foreign country. Country fall euthanize all.
2. Provide full supplies for tobacco (plant nuclear; water plant; waste plant; transport; sewer plant; facilities for cultivation production processing packaging storage distribution of tobacco), energy drink zero calories cold (cold fluids clean phosphoric acid diet drinks caffiene cold ; prepared from chemicals to standard uncontaminated processed to standard etc.; refridgeration), cold diet coke, clean water production purification processing storage distribution plant (drinking), water production plant and purification distillation processing storage distribution for household water or community (e.g. shower, laundry, cleaning, etc.), antibiotics, iodine, salt (NaCl), phosphorus, arsenic lead, silver, silvadene, betadine, barbiturate (euthanasia), crematorium, extra linens for variety of purposes (household, medical, education, restrooms, facilities, base, etc.), nicotine (vape, inhalant), etc..
3. Need nicotine and caffiene and zero calorie fluids (zero calories, etc.; e.g. water unsalted/uncontaminated/undrugged/etc., DIET COKE, etc.). NO antipsychotics, sterilytics, abortion drugs, birth control, hormones, steroids, research investigative pharmaceuticals, alkylation agents, radioactive potassium, orexigenics, anabolic substances, gene transplantation vectors, chemotherapy drugs/anticancer drugs, antivirals, mineralization induction drugs, liquefication drugs, hallucinogens, deliriants, cognitive incapacitation agents, disinhibitants, tranquilizers, cognitive modulators (e.g. attention impedence, distractors, dampeners, drivers, etc.), degredors variety degeneration and degresion/degrassion/etc., erodants/erosion induction process cascade drugs, torture drugs, drugs harmful to fertility/fetus/embryo/infant/baby/pregnancy/conception/person/etc., filament/tubule/micronic/nano/etc. type drugs, interference drugs, ferric type drugs, poisons/toxins/etc. general, paralytics, dissociants/disjointers/blindness induction variety/etc. drugs, parasite facilitants, parasites, infectors, starters/process induction starter/etc. cancotic induction starters/facilitators/etc., hyperplasia/dysplasia/genetic modification/modulation drivers/epigenetics/core magnetic modulation drugs/etc., magnetogenetification, biochemistry variant induction, variable response drugs, biochemistry tamper/modification/modulation/etc. drugs, etc.. Please no use of industrial grade, warfaring offense, defense subjective, animal grade, contamination, off label, investigative, research, developing, etc., types of project/drug/etc. on foreign country. 
4.The foreign countries requesting help that have been infiltrated by USA require constant supply of tobacco, caffiene, zero calorie fluids (clean cold), etc.. USA should remove troops, surveillance and not reenter. USA should provide resource or supplies to satisfy need for tobacco nicotine caffiene fluids-zero-calorie-clean (diet coke), etc. (no substitutes, etc.) or euthanize all and take no prisoner/keep none. No violence harm torture; no trafficking slavery peonage; no sterilization; each needs a progeny and a mate. They cannot wait or accept volunteers anymore; it will not improve circumstance long term. They may need funds from USA ; acceptable.
Thank You.

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