Blog Archive

Thursday, June 23, 2022

06-23-2022-0631 - Competence Influences Standard & Notes

 It is not recommended to advertise or educate the general populace of inferior genetic & genetic disease Americans including the employed, in the art of mental institution.

The unloc, enslaved & hostage situation at NAC is a serious concern. Mental & excess opportunity for crime profit benefit has caused gross international damages (esp. w/ internet, cell phone, computer, photo, video, etc.). USA should not reduce difficulty of enslavement, slavery, trafficking, peonage, etc.. Mental has deteriorated CL1 competence to timely and proper response to the concept/word of concern. Influences Standard.

It is not recommended to increase prisoner count during hostage situation, especially where USA has a history of dangerous involvement in foreign country affairs, enhostaging foreign people, collecting foreign people, imprisoning warriors foreign, missing records/gross critical negligence and human trafficking to target foreign equity.

Please do not facilitate conspiracy, violence, harm, torture, etc., and to/of the Department of Defense.

Thank You.

Respectfully Yours,



Ps. Please euthanize the missing. For singles facilitate though health care arrangements for progeny prompt (e.g. brain clone embryo descendant, rectifications required to avert decoy trap; in vitro (male) or in vivo (female)); for couples facilitate through health care arrangements for progeny (e.g. brain and/or reproductive organ genetic signature, blanks embryos, standard values or animal derived not humanized/hybridized/etc. wild type for rest, verify no resemblance/overlap/etc., preparations/innoculations/cultivations/adaptations/refinementations/etc.; in vitro male in vivo female). Euthanize the rest. Proper disposal of embryo practices reminder euthanasia and cremation timely prompt.

Pps. Please exercise high caution about independent civilian groups that have self-assembled for purpose to profit benefit by disease, health care, ambulance, EMT, fire fighter, police, paramedic, medic, volunteer, etc., inc. mental anything. They may be involved in schemes. Especially when they are very young as right out of college, high school, graduate school, post graduate school, associates, etc.. They may also be involved in unorthodox practices. High concern exists that the group may attempt to target elders, children, retired, immigrants, equity, licensed, equal age person who is employed and not in the traffickers ring as a trafficker, their peers, people their target was put into the life of, HEGL, PGL, RGL, SGL, Nazis, etc..
The America schema of mental is not for general populace, misinformation about mental is serious. Privacy has been compromised by independent groups that may have operated in the degeneration of America by human trafficking. There may exist a group that operates in the theft of the reproductive material of unknowing civilian victims at north america continent west. one possible center of operation at orange county california est. 1990-2020.

Request to cease operations in psychiatry/crisis/psuedo-law/mental-in-healthcare/indoctrinates, law enforcement, social services, independent/assault groups, etc., as it concerns a gross mistake (1970 BTR), grand singularity (DOP, SSF, baby birthright 70-90 est.), and a general malfunction (cloak, psychoacoustics, DIW/amnestic drug, DCAT/DFA, Break enter, abduction, implant, torture vic, illegal human experimentation, slave, enslaved, etc.).

Most all matters may be resolved by simple information and directions. Self-isolation (social limitation) is recommended until non-violence principle abidance capability is practiced and decent. personal fund must be present prior to socialization.

America Rules, Laws, Regulations, etc. (at least rules) should be clean, simple, non-offensive to foreign country, accessible, reasonable, understandable to all, respectful, non-restrictive, bounded/conditioned/constrained/address of confound/etc., time limited/redactable/remediable/honest/traceable/identifiable/etc. (w/o mis by rul) etc.. Enforcement by euthanasia of whole family pref.

Only clemency for immigrants, Asia, Russia, England, etc.


Request to cease psychiatric/crisis/etc. operations [at least until restructured entirely and with evidenced proper liability/accountability/equity/verity/integrity/etc.], & to release detention in relation to general malfunction

Request to cease psychiatric/crisis/etc. operations & to release detention in relation to general malfunction

Request to cease psychiatric/crisis/etc., & to release detention in relation to general malfunction


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Dissipative System Quantum Decoherence Decoupling Optics 

Dean son missing 2020; Nikiya Anton Bettey son mis...
Second Blog
Illicit Edit Advisory Post Missing (from Blog Niki...
Cloak, Clone, Drug Compound Antagonist Amnestic Dr...
Dissipative System Quantum Decoherence Decoupling ...
Brain Transplantation and Amesia [AD SO CONF] (car...
Euthanasia Request (Carry over blog, Nikiya Anton ...
ME S AS; AS S RU; US S BR; USBR S All (Carry over ...
The intended audience for this account is: 100% Ca...
'A Technology to Make a Physical Body Not Ostensib...
'They are unaware that they are intoxicated while ...
Administration Addressment to Audience (Carry Over...
Monday, April 12, 2021 
Cloak, Clone, Drug Compound Antagonist Amnestic Drug, Brain Transplant (Laboratory Grown Organ), full rebuild, psychoacoustics, lab grown organs, DCAT, human trafficking (carry over blog Nikiya Anton Bettey 2019) [illicit edit advisory]
Saturday, December 19, 2020
Cloak, Clone, Drug Compound Antagonist Amnestic Drug, Brain Transplant (Laboratory Grown Organ), full rebuild, psychoacoustics, lab grown organs, DCAT, human trafficking
Cloak, Clone, Drug Compound Antagonist Amnestic Drug (cognitive physical incapacitant; DCAT), Brain Transplant (w/ rapid dissemination-facilitation of nervous system regrowth/attachment) BTR, laboratory grown organ (cellular foundation), full rebuild, psychoacoustics (acoustic weapon large scale), embryo human derived from source any (fractionation of egg, genetic material, etc.), distance incapacitation weapon, genetic modification/gen mod,  Artificial metabolism, etc..
Nuclear powdered Jeep vehicle; ground dig with nuclear power.
1. cloak physical body
2. clone human
3. drug compound antagonist amnestic drug (without awareness/event-recall)
4. laboratory grown organ from genetic signature
5. psychoacoustics (large scale distance enabled acoustic weap)
6. brain eye transplant implant; biomech/bioeng
7. full rebuild
8. embryo human derived from source unconv (fractionation of egg, egg clone, set clone, animal to human, retrograde gen, etc.)
9. hybrid human; artificial metabolic (resp/dig/genitourin), art nervous system (card; transport/ Tx Rx);
10. zero point shift/zero point change/etc.
11. stolen children/trafficker families
12. Psychology - conditioning, priming, etc.; human-X interface, etc..
13. Genetic modification humans (cross-species transfer, etc.).
14. distance incapacitation weapon (esp. for utilization with prep, amnestic drug, lab grown, chemical, etc.).
Quote [Reference Retained]
The Searchers: Love Potion Nr 9 -
Monday, April 12, 2021 
'A Technology to Make a Physical Body Not Ostensible to the Unaided Human Eye, Standard Camera Lens, etc..' [REFERENCE] (Carry over blog: Nikiya Anton Bettey, 2019)
Saturday, September 26, 2020
'A Technology to Make a Physical Body Not Ostensible to the Unaided Human Eye, Standard Camera Lens. (etc.)' [REFERENCE]
 'A Technology to Make a Physical Body Not Ostensible to the Unaided Human Eye, Standard Camera Lens.' [REFERENCE]
Monday, April 12, 2021 
'They are unaware that they are intoxicated while they are intoxicated. They cannot recall the events that occurred while intoxicated once unintoxicated.' [Reference] (Carry over blog: Nikiya Anton Bettey, 2019)
Thursday, September 24, 2020
'They are unaware that they are intoxicated while they are intoxicated. They cannot recall the events that occurred while intoxicated once unintoxicated.' [Reference]
Monday, April 12, 2021 
ME S AS; AS S RU; US S BR; USBR S All (Carry over Blog: Nikiya Anton Bettey, 2019) [Illicit Edit Advisory]
Wednesday, November 25, 2020
USA et al. BTR Brain Transplant Schematic Draft - Asia steal Russia. Middle East steal Asia. United States TRAFFICKpaprog Birthright; Stolen-Children (Birthright) Steal Russia/Asia/etc.. Latin America steal USA, Jew-MiddleEast, Russia. 2021
Middle East steal Asia; Asia steal Russia. United States traffick_paprog Birthright; Stolen-Children Steal Russia/Asia/etc.. Latin America steal USA, Jew-MiddleEast, Russia. 
M: Brain transplantation; gen-mod/laboratory grown brain - prepared for ease of incapacitation/conditioned/etc.; distance incapacitation weapon/laser/technology/etc. (physical cognitive incapacitation blindness amnesia paralysis consciousness-impairment (no flaccidity/no collapse/etc.)); pharmaceutical amnestic effect humans (event or episodic memory impairment retrograde and anterograde processes in most assault drug schemes/drug schemes used in assault). A technology to make a physical body not ostensible to unaided human eye, standard implant, standard camera lens, etc.. SPD AMCAN-Terrorism-Trafficking-Treason-Jew-AMCAN culture of America. Browns job.
Thursday, November 12, 2020 
Brain Transplantation and Amnesia (AD, SO and Confounds) [Draft][111220] (Immunosuppressants and amnestic drugs (RIV; PHARMACEUTICALS) for utilization in the transplantation of Brain.) [REFERENCES RETAINED]
Brain Transplantation and Amnesia (AD, SO and Confounds) [Draft][111220]

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