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Tuesday, June 28, 2022

06-28-2022-0112 - SSA SSDI Fund Class & Overpay Exemption for Groups & On Deterrent to Anorexia Nervosa Criteria Satisfaction SSA USA NAC DOM DRAFT drafting perusal survey perfunctory

 Anorexia Nervosa is a specific condition with a very long history.

Ranks by lowest weight, highest age, longest time/duration, severity, beauty, youth, etc.. Fertility (virgin) and white is implied by anorexia nervosa. However, they never share, and rarely look/seek (esp. mating gauge, attainment of compliance/perfection and worth comparison, introvert-sane-etc. group finding, etc.). Practices are mandatory, systematic, methodical, strict, etc.. Violations of practices are punishable by law, suffer, imperfection, etc.. The occurrence of weight increase or deviate from practice is heavy penalty.

Most stable form (reliable same no change over long time; highest utility, etc.) is special. 

Tall height and anorexia special class. Traditional anorexia any, although child likeness by size, frame, appearance, distant impression, faint, fragile, quiet, solitary, reserved, ageing/tissue-damage suppression, etc. (<6'0 tall with real legs; proesthetic legs are long sticks takes long time to train sometimes rebodiment, special country practice tradition indication (anorexia should never actually loose her legs by practices, etc.; they are very strict. Often euthanasia only in circumstance of amputation, sterilization, traffickation, mutilation (gavage/deforming face-widening jaw/ageing/becoming ugly/etc.; mutilation is contrary to their aspiration/practices/etc., removing the jaw (and facial/neck/lower-face reconstruction surgery) to remediate widened jaw is not always mutilation but physician ordering to remove the jaw may be considered mutilation/amputation especially where injury or surprise or expect another outcome, etc.. also anorexia does not expect rule breaking, violations, etc., that exceed the securities and resource of the location where they live/etc. (do not expect break enter where police cannot explain or identify suspect/find assailant, etc..), violence, etc.. Harm and torture without violence may warrant penalty. Anorexia will report to superior or authority usually report to highest white male authority including police. However, where amnestic drugs/DIW/implant/etc. they may report or not. They may require time and reflection/analysis/processing/etc. after some types of amnesia inducing assault methods implemented/utilized against/on them. They also conscientious and considerate (they careful of rumor, prudent, cautious of danger, reserved, reticent/terse, quiet, etc.). They are solitary, never assailants when alone, they are hostages in groups of people always (never the assailant), etc..)). They also may have religious, warrior, breeding, country/region/territory/colony/etc., history. They have decent relationship to equity (albino, not bleached), lord, god, man, hero, war hero, war lord, drug lord, noble, scientist, engineer, veterinarian, nuclear scientist, miners, men groups good equity, slaves, men, intellectual, scholar, apprentice, workers (men), frail/feeble/dying/sick/etc., king/queen/etc., leader, great leader, royalty, religion, warrior, breeder, black stallion/brood mare, war, tradition, colonies, etc..

Persons with Anorexia Nervosa are reasonably expected to never be seen or heard. They require high resource (funds not food). Including Spinster model, high position of society, education or special domicile (Harry Potter Skinny Teacher). The step down model is Teacher (Mrs. Honey).

Anorexia practices evident in some regions at some times and other regions all time.

This additional mention is to reference the existence (advance implementation) of deterrent from birth and to anorexia nervosa that is evident at the USA north america continent west.

The prior email by:, failed to address that most people do not qualify for anorexia nervosa diagnosis, at least for ten to thirty years and maintenance of weight between 0-50 lb (on accurate) or loss of weight. Anorexia nervosa is earned honor.

The recalibrated duration is ten years and recalibrated weight is 0-75 lbs between 5'0-6'0 (with legs usually). No cheating is permitted. Traditionally basic catabolism. Water. Maybe salt, wood/paper, chemicals (baking powder, iodine, acid, phosphorous), plants/rocks/thin film/powder, raw mat, etc..

Diet (eg age 0-20>), Activity (eg age 0-30/40), Stimulant (tobacco caffeine)(eg age <0,20-60,100>) relevant.

The marginalized groups, etc., almost never satisfy the condition of anorexia nervosa. Anorexia nervosa is not accident, short term, violence, etc..

My apologies that this message considered a variety of subject components indirectly/implicitly/directly/etc. related to the topic. 

Most applicants under the age of fourty with a weight above eighty pounds likely do not have permission to record the condition of anorexia nervosa as current on their SSA SSDI applications. The exceptions exist, including high capacity anorexia nervosa, high utility build, the deterred from birth, etc..

It is usually reassigned to Failure to Thrive under 5'2. Code 100.

On Deterrent to Anorexia Nervosa Criteria Satisfac

The United States of America federal government must grant fund to all immigrants, marginalized groups and first generation Americans, and in order for them to live. 


Due: Circumstance and the Times. 

~(<1800,1920,1940, 1970,1990-2022>) Large scale overpopulation by America, expansion of influence dissemination of bodies world. Breeding Operation systematization and slavery USA NAC DOM (0000,1500,1800s). Heavy mining, industry and chemical operations forced labor (peonage) through slavery of persons ported/abducted to/detained by/etc. USA NAC DOM (foreign continent to slave) and by USA NAC DOM (1800). Propaganda and lure for entrance to USA NAC DOM (e.g. 1920). USA NAC DOM population increase (1940). Some situations of mass self-procreation, mass-trafficking, donation/mandatory childing by white non-asian, difficulty finding mate/progeny for non-trafficker/law abiding person (inc US Citizen)/etc., marginalized groups, immigrants, first generation americans lab grown/etc., etc. (USA). 

Natural disasters, Migration, Pandemic, etc. (USA FOR). 

Condition: Code 100 if 5'0-6'5 or under by fail to thrive, low or very low birthweight (0-3,4-7,8-10 lbs month nine), genetics for low or very low birthweight infant, anorexias (inc. eating disorder restrictive type, regardless of weight due DIW amnestic drug CL1 stolen light cloak use by amcan), etc. [Disabled As Minor before age 18 years]; 

amputee may need full disability highest earning parents highest earning work record to afford and quietly acquire new limb/rebodiment**/lower half/etc. biological with help of physician and without trafficking slavery peonage. Four Violence & varieties. Full Disability Maximum Amount preferred (disabled before age 18; regardless of age of injury/etc. benefit of doubt), may have no parent work record.

Anorexia nervosa/ED should be approval they have little or no physician medical records, due CART team/physician incompetence/peer threats/escalated stalking-violence (break enter DIW amnestic drug implant scheme type victims psychiatrist target/traffick/gavage/fatten/destroy them (four violence victims, mutilation, sterilization, amputation, traffickation; peonage, slavery, torture, harm, violence, etc.); late to date procreate age twenty five to thirty five and fourty five and fifty five and up etc. [may live very long life, special euthanasia requests always in circumstance of violence, time, etc.])/involuntary institutionalization w/ facility closure or preferred NO institutionalization (<0000>)/human trafficking victims/body trafficking victim risk/etc.. High equity genetics, superior genetics, pure genetics, rare genetics. Fat, deformed, heavy weight, freckles, short, thin, tall, ugly, syphali, beauty, black, white, asian, recessive genetics, albino, special breed, marginalized group, immigrant, first generation american (immigrant or lab grown hybrids vars etc.), traditional/founding/historical american (captain cook, etc.), traditional american colony family (e.g. Plymouth Colony, Pilgrim, etc.), native american, amish, polygamist, HEGL PGL RGL SGL, bred, etc., require SSA SSDI fund. 

SSA SSDI full disability parents work record disabled as a minor disabled before age eighteen full disability as a minor highest earning parents highest earning work record full back pay double parental stipends no conservator/custodian/guardian/representative/etc. no reevaluation overpay exemption (no able account, no program, etc.) ; they also may need to leave NAC DOM; SSA should provide all necessary information in advance of emigration.

SSA SSDI & SSA Retirement, etc., Overpay exemption.

Exemptions: Overpay, Marriage, Career, Armed Forces/SS/SF/Pension, Progeny, Status, Citizenship, Age/Rebodiment, Special Circumstance/Prisoner/Enslaved/Unlocable/etc., SS, Special Forces, Foreign, etc. Exemption for Groups.

Especially for stationed at NAC, compulsory education at NAC, raising by NAC, etc..

Concern is very low income or zero income, insufficient financial bastion and no mate-progeny-present actual not otherwise attributable [esp. Immigrant, person remains with no living parent, grandparents/elders, single no child (esp. young adult no child, elder worked or working no child, no child yet, etc.), working couple no child, study abroad, organization, international community support, foreign at domestic, etc.] (e.g. foster, missing, estranged, non-compliance with euthanasia missing reproductive material/before birth/from womb/etc., etc.); Assigned family birth to death likely present if family in non-compliance fund mandatory or euthanasia to mitigate deprecation, violence, use, catalyzed deterioration (ahygenic circumstance/etc. effect), disease exacerbation acquisition, condition deterior/exacerbation, gross losses, diffuse damages (future, record (past), post, society, groups, lineage, position, etc.), etc..



Thank You

SSA SSDI Fund Class & Overpay Exemption for Groups

The United States of America federal government must grant fund to all immigrants, marginalized groups and first generation Americans, and in order for them to live. Dr. Bettey D.V.M. (~<1959-2022>)

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