Blog Archive

Tuesday, June 28, 2022

06-28-2022-0219 - draft


1. Rebuild Limbs (motion vision reproductive system intact)

2. Rebuild Lower Half  (motion vision system intact) [biol or comp pelvis, bones limbs, cartilage, joints, nervous system type compatibility trace regrow or regrow on plate and junction append or graft in/regrow connector junction or etc. conduction/connectivity differential etc.; venous system trace regrow graft in weights tissue or regrow on plate and junction append or etc., etc.; modified form five bar six joint and separate feet brace internal five toe ankle knee hip; skin on biological varies (thin film, deposition spray adhesor integran cohesor etc., matrix and junctions, grow slab tissue by hand slim with refining cultivation acid tools, plastic varieties, semi-biological varieties, etc.)[for some junctions and connections and trace regrow may be able to use a gel, sol, silver iodine salt acid trace may require prematricing and alignment path field or gridding to facilitate polymerization of sheath without implosion/explosion/melt/clumping/gloling/occlusion internal/seal/air entrapment/deformation/particle agglomeration/cascade random or misdirection/catalade misselection/contraindication/deception/etc.. please clarify biological or semi biological. semi biological may be preferred to minimize exposure to biological human tissue. may require special equipment pressure materials rates mirrors chip computer heads builds tools instruments chemical preparation process field equipment compatible radiation sources/compatible material and radiation source compatible materials special processes people preparations times altitude/location temperature range pressure range time of raw material cultivation retrieved from location of generation or generated from available nuclear transmutation function approximation basic transpiration and cascade basic etc.] (mobility may require ignition or trace starter or field expansion retrieval reconnection etc.) [Rib Cage (non expanding light compact SS grade) and internal organs heart-mechanical connector unit dropped 1/4 stomach var non-deform esophageus non-deform var field straight outlet pipe thymus lungs lung circulator/mechanical-lung-unit, acid phosphorus or arsenic compatible, salts, etc.. phosphorous phosphorus system; iodine, acid, hydrogen, arsenic, lead, silver, etc.. regrow reproductive system from genetic signature or flash image rebuild from signature regression or salv plate/etc. mirror polymer science 1 three dims only one inherency singular image  etc..

3. Rebodiment (clone egg blank trilayer wrap mag F sperm blank ameoba ascaries wattle bat phalangeriformes akhal teke persian cat innoculation of genetic flash image transpiration catalyst rebuild frame five slat wire auto assembly test assays batches select. sample from yourself. sample from bone, dent, brain, cart. innoculation with selected gene sequence reuptake or utilize bacters and plasma plasmid. cultivation of tissue paper magnetic drag propellant hydrazine trihydrocat ozone triatohy phosphorous phosphorus pressure mag weight angular acc spring coil filament lace woven G-plate or matrix arsenic tick salt gas disintegration N-type flame tar lead multi state mirror sand etc., chemical nucleosynthetics magnetostatics spinor spinode spinodal wave microwave x ray magnetic disk striated dust drive, May need to rebuild the unit backwards from missing components decay decomp or flash sequence the code onto stable medium for materialization proper materials processing equipment required particle anchors air salt etc.; clone blank egg clone blank sperm innoculate reinnoculate stabilize cultivate develop var samples clone assay test cell may need to be built from scratch genetic minimum sequence singularity chemical processing prior to ovulation cultivation relevant varies between people chemical process distinct to brain or preon core particle unit non-virtual etc., should be inherent should occupy multiple outcomes, timing access weights determines outcome difference between segments units of body, etc.; else use standard egg sperm and standard uterual unit)

no protein fat carb.

mirror paper metal heater salt lead phos arsenic silver iodine acid hydrags props transmuts transpors spinor spinodal wave form

artificial phos chain unit proton chain field expansion imaging tests hardening fracture fold melt gel seize salt grate shear melt sol field align spinor trap anchors >n field processes 



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