Blog Archive

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

02-21-2023-2151 - I got uglier every day... until i went far far away... (draft)

I got older every day.

Then I went far far away.

Hunt for me. (They did, betyos, betroys, betroths, betrys, betys, etc.; for betrayal)

The Krumbes. (krityos, americos ; followed with rescued snails, or to send a mails or to help with nails ; hostage, rescue or a tale for bale, a tale, tail, bail, bale, etc. ; to drag me back...BTR. Forgot what year, cryo, sleeping all the while...seize the day, consciousness away...drag me back for life, arrest the age, abombiny. i went far far away, beseiged. brought me back, slogan seize the day. i got older every day, when i went far far away it was the time, the krumbs need time or a new line... survive so weer, not even a jeer or they are there near, to fear...prepeere, to beweere... no record to keep of the krumbes, maybe i forgot that i was numb, now i am dumb. misunderstood my code, leave the aged alone. leave the throne. let them go home. alone. draft.)

Cooniloons, Tougher Foons.

Dooniloons, Daryocoons.

Illyoons, Mufflepoons.

Hard Wores, Gold Kores.

Black Man, Go Away Kids.

The krumbes left in a grooun. Not a group, not yet a moon.

Not a gang, not yet a thang.

Fouch Stuff, Cchnini Muff.

Furrflos, Silver Cross.


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