Blog Archive

Wednesday, February 22, 2023

02-21-2023-2225 - Baby Putty and the Black Frankens (draft)


One town for White, and one for black.

Baby Putty town white.

Black franken town black.

King of the Jews, and they both white skin color.


Putty town.

Black Firefighters.


Cannot share white skin color. Both White.

Whitest of them all is the goal.

Never share the win. Never sabotage the man. Old code, before the fall of honor. 

The match score, the judge for. Clemency grant. Stolen win is not gotten back. No theft of win.

King of theives, the jew king. The traffickers ring. A don thing.

The blackest iris, the blackest head hair, the whitest skin code, is very fair.

The lightest iris, the lightest head hair, the whitest skin code, is fair.


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