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Friday, June 30, 2023

06-30-2023-1709 - Reparation, Restitution, Remediation, Repatriation, Reparations for Slavery, transitionary error and cover courtesy fund, conspiracy restitution fund, war reparations, rationary, rational, ration, punitive, rudimentary, primitive, primal, basilar, crude, compensated emancipation, illicit enrichment, unjust enrichment, etc.. (draft)

Reparations are broadly understood as compensation given for an abuse or injury.[1] The colloquial meaning of reparations has changed substantively over the last century. In the early 1900s, reparations were interstate exchanges (see war reparations) that were punitive mechanisms determined by treaty and paid by the surrendering side of conflict, such as the World War I reparations paid by Germany and its allies. Reparations are now understood as not only war damages but also compensation and other measures provided to victims of severe human rights violations by the parties responsible.[citation needed] The right of the victim of an injury to receive reparations and the duty of the part responsible to provide them has been secured by the United Nations.

In transitional justice, reparations are measures taken by the state to redress gross and systematic violations of human rights law or humanitarian law through the administration of some form of compensation or restitution to the victims. Of all the mechanisms of transitional justice, reparations are unique because they directly address the situation of the victims. Reparations, if well designed, acknowledge victims' suffering, offer measures of redress, as well as some form of compensation for the violations suffered.[2] Reparations can be symbolic as well as material. They can be in the form of public acknowledgement of or apology for past violations, indicating state and social commitment to respond to former abuses.

Proponents of reparations assert[3][4] that in order to be effective, reparations must be employed alongside other transitional justice measures such as prosecutions, truth-seeking, and institutional reform.[5] Such mechanisms ensure that compensatory measures are not empty promises, temporary stopgap measures, or attempts to buy the silence of victims.[3]

Restitution and unjust enrichment is the field of law relating to gains-based recovery. In contrast with damages (the law of compensation), restitution is a claim or remedy requiring a defendant to give up benefits wrongfully obtained. Liability for restitution is primarily governed by the "principle of unjust enrichment": A person who has been unjustly enriched at the expense of another is required to make restitution.[1]

This principle derives from late Roman law, as stated in the Latin maxim attributed to Sextus Pomponius, Jure naturae aequum est neminem cum alterius detrimentum et injuria fieri locupletiorem[2] ("By natural law it is just that no one should be enriched by another's loss or injury"). In civil law systems, it is also referred to as enrichment without cause or unjustified enrichment.

In pre-modern English common law, restitutionary claims were often brought in an action for assumpsit and later in a claim for money had and received. The seminal case giving a general theory for when restitution would be available is Lord Mansfield's decision in Moses v Macferlan (1760), which imported into the common law notions of conscience from English chancery.[a] Blackstone's Commentaries also endorsed this approach, citing Moses.[3]

Where an individual is unjustly enriched, modern common law imposes an obligation upon the recipient to make restitution, subject to defences such as change of position and the protection of bona fide purchasers from contrary equitable title. Liability for an unjust enrichment arises irrespective of wrongdoing on the part of the recipient, though it may affect available remedies. And restitution can also be ordered for wrongs (also called "waiver of tort" because election of remedies historically occurred when first filing a suit). This may be treated as a distinct basis for restitution, or it may be treated as a subset of unjust enrichment.

Unjust enrichment is not to be confused with illicit enrichment, which is a legal concept referring to the enjoyment of an amount of wealth by a person that is not justified by reference to their lawful income.

Reparations for slavery is the application of the concept of reparations to victims of slavery and/or their descendants. There are concepts for reparations in legal philosophy and reparations in transitional justice. Reparations can take many forms, including practical assistance to the descendants of enslaved people, acknowledgements or apologies to peoples or nations negatively affected by slavery, or honouring the memories of people who were enslaved by naming things after them.

Some reparations for slavery date back to the 18th century in North America, but the groundswell for such actions has gathered momentum in the 21st century, with both governments and individuals in the United Kingdom, United States, and European colonial powers such as the Netherlands taking various actions.


Repatriation of Armenians refers to the act of returning of ethnic Armenians to Armenia

Haitian migrants are escorted off the Coast Guard Cutter Tampa's fantail to an awaiting Haitian Coast Guard vessel during repatriation.
The crew of USS Pueblo as it arrives at the U.N. Advance Camp, Korean Demilitarized Zone, on 23 December 1968, following their release by the North Korean government

Repatriation is the process of returning a thing or a person to its country of origin or citizenship. The term may refer to non-human entities, such as converting a foreign currency into the currency of one's own country, as well as to the process of returning military personnel to their place of origin following a war. It also applies to diplomatic envoys, international officials as well as expatriates and migrants in time of international crisis. For refugees, asylum seekers and illegal migrants, repatriation can mean either voluntary return or deportation


In jurisprudence, reparation is replenishment of a previously inflicted loss by the criminal to the victim. Monetary restitution is a common form of reparation.

note. e.g. remediation (euthanasia, surgery, etc.), restitution (financial), etc.. draft

note. remediation traditionally may regard surgery, and assistance. for instance, beauty surgery as remediation for ageing (over age sixty of appearance)[lowlands, loose, casual, etc. ; also caution surgery is required to satisfy criteria of patient. lim term cond. surgery for beauty cannot involve making person/etc. fatter in the wrong way shape nature form etc., plump, blown round, fatty, deformed, etc.. aesthetic ethic etc.. resource men etc.. draft tissue supply etc.. draft ; pregnancy reproductive organ component acquisition/addition/etc. is different domain. malpractice, negligence, etc., is different domain. vht tsp is different domain. extended remediation for advanced domain is another domain.] (draft) [first is youth beauty, youth, beauty, etc.. (note. americans have terrible mental illness and no equity, the dont understand order youth beauty etc., or may forget require assistance etc., at any point in time. the americans actively possess illegally multiple hostages unknown location, etc.. it is suspected that the americans have crossed a time point where simple remediation options such as remediation resitution hybrid award or gratuity by court may be insufficient to satisfy demand of the general populace, people, etc. ; or to afford reasonably the corrections rectifications etc., required and in order to maintain their stationary position. should the americans continue to migrate in diretion of don, foreigns, for count, foreign country, railroads, reactors, mines, processing plants, plants, labs, storage, transport, execution domains, assasins, euthanasia domains, killers, bombers, murderers, terrorists, etc., they may require prompt disenablement and execution. please be careful of non-americans, including extended consideration (trap, mixed up, confused, lost, etc..). draft)]

note. other posts may provide a better draft or structure/etc. or circumscription of scnario various or etc., and as it concerns restitution, financial system and restitution financial domain, remediation, procedures, reference domains (word, e.g. surgery, money, etc.), etc.. draft

note.  remediation and restitution should not be mixed up. official and formal definitions should precede or supercede, etc.. draft topic line may be required for government level corrections including remediation and restitution. restitution and remediation generally should not amount to cross crimes or continued crime. also alter types of crimes or crime levels may be relevant. draft

note. state level restitution and remediation options may be available. us code. compliance regulation enforcement. independent sects and errors etc., requires multiple scale execution including etc.. draft no people participation is welcome. draft

note. general us code and nvht, ntsp, etc.. draft

note. restitution remediation should never be a demand or demanded especially by the population, people, general populace, groups, etc.. restitution remediation is for humans, vars, civilians, person, people, individual, etc.. draft some limitations terms conditions. restrictions. some exclusions exceptions exemptions. etc.. draft (draft)

note. draft

note. restitution financial ; term limitation condition. stipend annual or lump sum. neutral request. cannot breach any lines, may require overline. categorization relevance. individuals usually are expected to have no restitution in their lives or restitution for a minor circumstance (e.g. motor vehicle runs into a mail box. restitution may be appropriate to the family with the damaged mail box. draft). unfortunately, restitution is also expected to be stable, meaning stipend annual and over the course of lifespan. this may only apply to usa nac domestic or domestic americans. foreign countries cannot assume liability responsibility accountability for american or american accidents. foreign countries to usa nac dom also cannot become hostage or increase the risk by rescuation of americans under restitution money fund, including all varieties. draft  Restitution money may be required for many levels and many different things, women may spend a great deal at the finery or courtiery or court in appealance or request for restitution for fund. finer profession than chemistry. draft Diplomacy, discretion, inhibition, indirection, reverence, humility, distance, etc., of court women is refined. draft

note. enemy forces hostage brood mare in shell swap is abandonment and no political supercissory or fund opp. draft executionary. draft esp. no brain, and pieced brain present or wrong piece. draft (usa nac dom and hostagery at usa nac dom no concord no coop no negot same people subs ex-pats no rest exec. draft) (Draft) [mergery oddity, erasure, complication risk, etc.] (draft)

note. courting characters may also be available to assist in dire circumstance. (e.g. the last circus) (draft). Professionals only. draft

note. Multiple restitution sums may be collected for a number of different contexts/domains/etc. including but not limited to local, state, federal, situation, event, circumstance, notice, information, misinformation, misleading claim, external, indirect, appreciation, duty, theft risk, risk, theft (e.g. courtesy unreturned), request, inquiry, dependence, etc.. draft

note. accidents, infarctions, etc.. draft is generally restricted domain, etc.. draft

note. exceptions and exemptions may exist or may be possible. draft

note. violations, revocations, infarctions, malpractication, negligence, etc., may be in part restituted by a court ; including sometimes in full and extended (typically allowed or permitted especially in some circumstance domains, contexts, appreciations, etc.). (draft)

note. court applications/etc. may be edited, retired, reviewed, etc., possibly even for restitution (e.g. money). draft

note. big file general application, long day catalog, the page order file, the one paper, the index of notes, the code list (individual independent etc., independent or not dependent or not directional or direct or personal or etc.)(e.g. code note reminder), draft, the form file, the single form, variety file, various files, identification terms and fitting file, one line document, the file number at independent file repository, blank paper, a word not written, etc.. draft

note. every hundred years or in circumstance of overcomplexity, the funds may be able to be amassed and assigned to a general pension, fund, income, etc.. draft (income domain, limitations terms conditions, restrictions, exceptions, exemptions, etc..) (draft) [may acquire permanent tax exemption, not public, no solicitation in event of search for tax/non-tax-payer/etc., no solicitation, etc.] (draft) in other words, if the fund is at risk of compromise due to difficult to explain document (i.e. including one line many interpretations), etc., the funds may be reassigned and issued under semi-formal condition as a pension, annuity, stipend (annual), etc. (as an income, permanent, ongoing, etc., and that does not require document, evidence or support of acquisition method, fund history, account, record, past courting, court, tax payment, deed, etc. ; deed should be complementary etc. if possible although no deed requirement etc. ; minor funds may be amassed into a larger lump sum fund ; fund at this time should be transformed into annual stipend with consideration to provide maximum amount including extra etc. each year as annual stipend or other category of fund, other category, fund, etc.; etc.). draft Also may support the court for long term presence to assist in circumstance or coincidence. draft Maximum amount allowable should be granted. no recommendation to split schedule payment, etc.. draft

note. grace note. coincidence domain. draft

note. herosim fund should be amassed and provided for life (annual schedule full stipend each year ; annual schedule and financial stipend ; annual stipend ; etc.). (draft) the only restrictions consider old codes ; and modern handling by youth/young adults/americans/usa nac dom/subjects/armed forces/malicious political america/dystopian society with human habitants/poverns/poverts/dementias/families/low lands/heathenry/projects-schemes-plots-plans-points-etc./etc. has provoked or required all persons fititious disclaimer, etc., to avoid coincidence of reason flawed that may lead to belief in missing history file or deception by kingdom/court/princess/etc. or that the actors in the movies are actually the persons portrayed themselves or that the persons of similar name are actually depicted by the movie that is not filmed/prepared/etc. or in process of depiction of them or extended, etc.. draft files at higher level and professional profile main should not include person/groups/etc. (e.g. particularly person, titles of another domain, etc.). draft exceptions and exemptions exist, may apply, etc.. draft conscientious, courtesy, human, respect, love, humanities, etc.. draft [rf. rasputin movie and all persons fictitious disclaimer, etc. ; guideline, etc..] (draft)



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