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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

08-16-2021-2155 - Considerations to Fourth Reoccurring Direct Stimulus Check

Fourth Reoccurring Direct Stimulus Check

Retention of educated, born united states citizens and caucasians (past 30+ years). Cannot replace civilians with underground persons and uphold domestic/US security-relations-negotiation-life-rights-coordination-secrecy-freedom-escape-brain transplant-disguises-deception-trafficking/liberty/happiness-substitutions-nondiclo-etc.. (if Earth v. Nikiya, then earth dies)

Cannot default to satisfy expectation principle of action. To satisfy expectation is for USA to replace persons and cover with confusion evidenced by definitions of security. Impedance to communications will fail efforts to coordinate, population, etc., and will result in sub-group formation without support for USA.

Securation of lands at continent west requires civilian level one civilians and armed forces retention high.

Must satisfy basic human needs prompt permanent without slippage/imposition/change/etc., not extraordinary desires/standard/selfishness/desperations/etc.. Basic human needs - e.g. house, land to farm, water inlet-outlet, toilet/sewer, water/earth/air/fire, mountain/hill/valley/plain, sun/wood/rocks/lake/stream/river/trees/etc., horse or car (short distance transport), privacy/defense/security/marriage/progeny/rights/etc., law enforcement defend property/family/etc., weapons, technology/antibiotics/betadine/surgical knives for personal use only/pharmaceuticals/chemicals (personal use), clothes, furniture, resource, toys/makeup, surgeon for facelift/limb extension surgery/neck lengthening surgery/etc., amnestic drug antagonist (that is not harmful to fertility/youth/beauty), cloak alarm systems/identification technology (that is not harmful to fertility/youth/beauty), assailant w. amnestic drug or distance incapacitation weapon alarm systems/identification/auto-termination of illicit entry - e.g. S.Wade & S. Petersen etc./etc. (spontaneous obliteration; without survival or harm to fertility/youth/beauty), method to grow self organ/shell/etc. from self genetic signature, etc., euthanasia, personal use items/collections/etc., etc. (other schemes/else may be used to conceal slaves/gen-mod/stolen people/stolen race/stolen/etc., etc.; e.g. lifeforms that do not eat cellulose/food/carbohydrate/bread/plant/etc. or that eat molecules from air, etc.; e.g. lifeforms with special advanced engineered/discovered metabolic systems to balance/derive/utilize/etc. energy from not-food/not-meat/not-plant/etc.). Must maintain white presence in order to encourage outcome white where and when everyone inbred (and without action to sterilize, traffick, etc.)[e.g. outcome of american people should parallel American Girl; or Joseph Smith on the Mormon Prairies-plates-prayers-etc. with large family and everyone have baby; etc.]. May cosmetic alteration and etc., to whiten populace without cause harm to beauty youth fertility and without violence (methods exist).

Underground persons appearance to repopulate or increase population to secure land at continent west would instigate heightened security foreign and compromise foreign relations permanent. May require utilization to determine fate of united states, etc..

Stabilization of population turn over. Counts of appearances, similar, difference between then/now, spreading, movement, behavior variance between doubles, etc..

Cannot permit mass emigration from USA including overseas retention of USA persons or else is considered and will be considered by world a war of united states of america against world.

America cause to maintain population of slaves, undocumented, illegal immigrant, poverty, unknown, denied, de-righted, rightless, no gun, bruen neander, trafficker, violent, stolen child, stolen sequence, stolen intellectual property, stolen, was stolen, cover for stolen, etc., is to effect domestic, international, world war.

Segregation and sub-groups should be supportive of USA and not participate/engage/cause/etc. actions to foreign country/land/etc. that would be or become adversity/averse/etc. to foreign. Including actions to cause adversity to beauty/non-violence/etc.. Segregation and sub-groupings by likeness are considerable, and may be warranted.

Americans have held the land; However, too many americans, too great spread of america waste-ideas-theft-disease, too great trafficking, too great violence, too great use of stolen intellectual property and outcome to subjugate the scientist by any means available, extranecessary, etc..

Permissions to immigrants, including undocumented to return home. Means must be made available to people to enable them to return home. Permission for student, teacher, immigrant, scientist, etc., to leave North America is essential to their safety/future/life/etc..

Cannot return emigrants (USA entered into foreign country to reside permanent), must be executed only. With no replacement ever. Including execution of entire genetic line (domestic and foreign). etc..

USA must pay USA residents, citizens, etc., and to maintain good relations with population. USA must pay foreign country and to maintain relations to foreign country. Resource, Land, Privacy/Space/Time/etc., etc.; and Fund connector must be supplied-furnished-etc., in order to prevent fractionalization/independent packed house schemes of independent families, etc..

Time will default to mass emigration, execution, disease spread, war, violence, population turnovers, and escalations, security slippage, gross losses, turnover extinction, scientist extinction, etc..

Pay domestic starting, fend off emigrants (work w for count to kill or decide), etc..

Disclosure to foreign country essential information mandatory. USA must not enter foreign country without notice; exceptions include italy/norway/etc..

Italy-norway-etc. are shell and child stealing for many centuries. Is a secret and conspiracy with evidence, fact, truth, etc.. Practice of theft must be demolished/extincted.  

USA NAC DOM resp: Petersen USA US America extremely inclined to steal shells from Italy, Norway, Russia, Asia, Browns, Islands, etc., and to utilize shells in crime. Shells may not be indicative or brain or double-connect influence source person race/etc.. Line length inflation by united states of america common to distant shell from origin. usa brains degerate, they proj/disp to the other (cannot realize timely; didnt confess until post trafficking of birthright; blamed the birthright with flawed/failing/fated argument and executed self-entitled opinion assertion; retained birthright as a prisoner of war, swapped her shells and mass trafficked her (actuality; USA no privilege to sanction self); petersen-et-al. mass procreated themselves independent of birthright and before birthright was planted (with petersen trafficking into their own line and stealing children into their lines (esp. always stealing superior genetic line unless stealing for cover/jesus-christ)- reference italy/norway practices actual by identification and principle of empiricism/evidence/reality/etc. not argument-perceived-etc.); usa stuck the grossest people in existence near birthright and tortured her to fight her own way out alone with disconnection from her records/origin/evidence/identity/honors - e.g. color-etc./intellectual property/gang-family-group-etc./pets/equipment/shell/etc.; birthright is not related to any known race or people including petersen, usa, nac, norway, italy, etc.; ancestors of family she was planted into have ties to earth country groups of people; birthright id of no relations defuncted dna hypothesis of life requirement/consciousness and indicated acellular and non-identifiable lifeforms (prelife, particle) as means necessary for earth/human race survival/etc. - due tampering of humans and life processes - to differentiate between higher lifeforms and humans and mammals and animals, etc. (aversion to cellular (dna and worm and dna tag/tattoo/marker/barcode/etc.)  facilitate acellular/variant/etc. lifeform); we wont work with earth, petersen, jews, amcans, americans, usa, perturbations, deviations, aberrations, derivations, integrans, abominations, gen-mod, stolen child/gene/sequence/existence/etc. (inc. every existence-circumstance to conceal or abberate presence or existence not sanctioned by biological origin progenitor/etc. - biological origin progenitor is not the surrogate/birther/recipient/acquisitionist/hands of theft/hands/eyes/etc.), trafficker, humans, mammals, animals, cells, etc.; etc.). Thanks.

Euthanasia legalization, large scale implementation. State or Function or Word or Action. Euthanasia is recommended for each person. Euthanasia has a time. Walk in death clinics with government controlled euthanasia operations and cremation with supervision/surveillance/federal grade security/etc. considerable. No permissions to turn, conceal, alternate purpose, operations, bidirectional, etc., facility/operations. Euthanasist must be committed to killing perfectly everytime, everyone, without selfish or self. Euthanasist may kill self. Obstacles to euthanasia of stolen child, non-speaking, incapacitated, partialed, experiment, failed, degenerate, deformity, disease, slave, trafficker, tiny, etc., should be zeroed/leveled with execution where euthanasia fails to act/reach/etc. and on time.

Execution is special circumstance.

Death orders are beneath high equity, executioner, euthanasist. Must never be accessible by civilian level one/people/human/etc..

USAF duty to prevent infiltration (including contact), prevent access, prevent tresspassing/break and enter, prevent cloak civilian experiment/warefare/excursion/pilot/operations/etc., prevent amnestic drug excursions/events/etc., prevent distance incapacitation weapon use, prevent poisoning of resource/land, prevent cross-family contact, execution to violator/etc., prevent abduction/theft/etc., prevent non-self (respective to origin) use/etc., prevent cloning abuse (other person gene or sequence or marker or flash imaging or etc.), prevent trafficker stolen child family, prevent stolen child (esp w/o traff-ster-etc.), prevent infiltration includes sabotage/etc., prevent cross field view (surveillances/petersen-espionage/etc.), prevent subversion/blind advance with gain/etc., execute timely and prompt (no prev), execute violations/violators/etc. timely and prompt; includes appropriate execution-cecessation-with advance prevention (means cessation by execution of domestic north america person-violator-etc.), etc.; execute and ensure no police disobediance or crime (execution of petty officer (polices)); execution of civilians and usaf disobediance or crime; ensure no resurrection/theft/stolen/cover/subversion/deception/secrecy/conspiracy/espionage/double/look alikes surg/clone/continued consciousness/flash memory imaging/indoctrination-torture/schemes/etc. as appropriate (pilots experiments warefare mass-trafficking covers last-of-line-asslt one-unknowing-foreign-vic 'we do-n kno' blind-disparity advance with gain on CL1 are not appropriate); maintain separate groups of resident present emigrant civilian armed forces criminal, psychopath, incriminated, leader, fame, reputation, power, foreign, scientist, time delayed, time displaced, space displaced, non-self, etc.; uphold truth, go down with the ship, no rescue/christing, proper ability-memory-etc. without theft espionage (e.g. theft from superior to elevate inferior), etc.. Prevent domestic infiltration of one family into another family (trafficking - theft of child/person/etc.; sterilization of biological mother/father/parent/parents/etc.; etc.), including take over/theft/enslave/enhostage/abductions/amnestic case/amnesty by amnesia/seizure/land acquisition-spread/land spreading/property expansion/property theft/property hiding/hiddance/trafficking/theft/stolen/slave/etc. (choice should never be obscured by amnesia; amnesty by amnesia is not permissible where petersen and espionage). Execution of persons without redeemable capacity [not a value problem] (stolen and not redeemable is execution; thief is execution; cover-etc. is execution; etc.). Prevent disease to equity origin actual (is never sh swp, trans, acq imm, your cells/ideas/ideas of science-reality-space-eng-etc./etc., vaccines, common folk expo, mass antibio, etc.; cannot undo time), do not cover origin equity actual with SSF or when usa diseased the actual equity large scale and she traced back to ground zero. do not provoke your own torture, death or the don. words not herds or misters. no forgiveness or mercy to usaf women and their gangs. 

Do not falsify death. Do not inflate death count. 

Do not become exonerated, vindicated, amnestified, validated, absolved, pardoned, remitted, sanctioned, etc., by improper authority or worth (e.g. Mister, USA, Amcan, stolen child, clone, petersen, gang, smith, wade, hiv, trafficker, irvine trafficker, wilkes, senator, disease spread, disease, etc.).

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