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Tuesday, August 17, 2021

08-17-2021-0058 - South Park Idea - Space with Mingele

South Park Idea: Mingele, Hu.Wu, F.Yu, F.Wu, W.T.Fu, make a new planet in outerspace.  Because of communication errors by and the large scale misunderstandings of earth people under the influence of America.

South Park Idea: United States does not know they are using ('ride hopping') space alien channels for their energy/communciations/etc., etc.. Aliens come to south park. great wars break out on earth as united states tries to enslave the aliens.

South Park Idea: Communication disease catches america off guard, as americans slowly begin to deteriorate and loose their ability to speak language (HIV-HILVT1). An apparition of the queen floats through south park once a month. A legend transpires in south park-usa that if you see the queen apparition then you will no longer be allowed to speak any language, and that no one will believe that the queen apparition exists until after they themselves have both seen the queen apparition and lost their speech also. Then USA news reporters-media make a movie on the queen apparition legend with american peasant testimonies, and present a news article on television to herald that the last word america will speak occurs as they see the queen apparition; quantum physicists propose that no two people can see the queen apparition at the same time; etc..

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