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Thursday, February 16, 2023

02-15-2023-2311 - drafting continued... clone var brown type usa nac dom

Clone/Build Processes For.... (men)

Daddy Laying {caution}

Brad S {caution}

Nrile Roach {caution}

Sarge (wavy brown sarge brown iris) {caution}

Crusaders  {caution}

100% caucasian, and caucasian vars.


Dr E

Dr Silvers (brown trunk neck short) [tool bo]

middle feasty

mengele costume

german trops

french guryanas


bruen neander

chris walsh 

chaney (wavy bruen)

Note. Brown Brown caucasian groups. brown brown groups. 

Note 2. chaney and italians are variants, not reference to caucasian model standard.

Note 3. dr bettey and sun, work, etc. {tanning}

Note 4. Dog maker, etc..

Note 5. the anorexic russian queen brown line; catherine brown line

Note 6. persian brown lines; mest brown lines

Note 7. europe brown lines

Note 8. africa blacks

Note 9. russian brown lines. grades. 

Note 10. latin brown lines. grades.

Note 11. omit asians, africans, small groups, single line, fragile, vulnerable, etc.

Note 12. Conservation of species consideration in regards to note 11.

Note 13. Secret service modifications. Standard Frame. Grades.

Note 14. Capacity.

Note 15. Breed, Brood, Breeder.

Note 16. Disposition calibration range.

Note 17. Hairy of Fairy, Tall or Bald, Meat or Eat, Lean or Spleen, Teen or Beam, etc..

Note 18. Identification

Note 19. Resource, Men, Requirements, etc.

Note 20. Weapons requirements, tech-pharm requirements, land/etc. requirements, domain requirements, survival requirements, standard, standard requirements, etc..

Note 21. Slaves, farmers, workers, warriors, builders, builds, reserve, etc.

Note 22. Skill set, Cl1=L5, projected time, projected space, space, time, etc..

Note 23. equipment, materials, facilities, etc..

Note 24. record, document, etc..

Note 25. euthanasia task force, marriage progeny task force, etc..

Note 26. euthanasia

Note 27. assination, genocide, euthanasia, kills, etc..

Note 28. implant, clone brain, verifications, imaging, rebuild, scale, drugs, technology, signal, virtual reality signal, receiver, n-cell pile, tamper, etc..

Note 29. nuclear weapons, weapons mass destruction, etc..

Note 30. builder, rebuild surgeons, in vitro, egg cloning, self self embryo, etc..

Note 31. cloning

Note 32. cloak

Note 33. psychoacoustics

Note 34. famine, addictation, amnestication, biological carry repository organism, processing plants, power plants, sewer plant, water plant, pipes, mines, transport, heavy processing units, special class processing units, big sig, etc..

Note 35. Reactor Towns

Note 36. USA NAC DOM

Note 37. Annual Meltdown Celebration (decade, thirty, hundred) 

Note 38. Annual Death Reverence or Celebration

Note 39. Lest we forget...

Note 40. Saint Patrick.

Note 41. Rebodiment, shell/organ storage, surgery, reconstructive surgery, rebuild surgery, artificial organs, etc..

Note 42. Brad rules.

Note 43. Church

Note 44. Civilian reassignments (esp. 100% caucasians) by caucasian 100%

Note 45. No foreign wars (by usa nac dom), no infiltration by usa nac dom, no further migration by usa nac dom, no further overpopulation outside domestic borders by usa nac dom, no further weapons attacks by usa nac dom, no further anti-reactor operations by usa nac dom, no further offense by usa nac dom, no further poisioning by usa nac dom, no further vht by usa nac dom, etc.. {draft}

Note 46. No trafficking, slavery, peonage by usa nac dom

Note 47. Address civilian affairs/matters, housing, health care, mate, progeny, fund by usa nac dom government federal. state interface. local cover image for residents (facilitate release in emergency etc.). Police address stalk, spy, illegal human experimentation, hostage children, mobs, break enter, abduction, human trafficking ring scheme, illegal sterilization ploys, plot/plan/scheme, perpetrators, illegal posession of human product, illegal use of human product, operations off the docket, drugging people, etc..  USAF help physicians to help the people (non-emergency, rebuilds NTSP). USAF & SF or USSS to address emergencies critical/higher-grade/etc., or proper task force federal agent. Civilian activities should be censored, lifestyle is in domain of self education/effort (sometimes); imaging considerations, privacy, situations, temporary, etc..

Note 48. Release the men that need to leave, including unaware/unconcerned/etc.. ongoing release situation. 

Note 49. Field protocol is rescue rebuild release.

Note 50. Civilian matters pertaining to technology or pharmacy that do not concern a general malfunction, etc., are to be regarded with discretion. Technology and pharmacy advancement implications, unintended consequences appreciations, possibilities, etc., should be cleanly addressed by the authorities in accordance with protocol/license/etc.. USAF civilian law affairs should clean up after issues, and support the authority (clear the authorities). misinformation, leaks, disinformation, etc., spread should cease or be censored/mitigated/etc.. clean up assistance should be available to individuals from a state federal subsidary or from the state beneath federal. state should be permitted to assist with standard document clearance for any, including provision/assignment/etc..

Note 51. debarrment of traversation to foreign by usa nac dom etc. in effect, (until enforcement),  {may require implementation, etc.}, restraining orders for each person, isolation life, segregation option to old groups, land grants to immigrants/groups, etc.. extermination order is generally not permissible. execution orders are sometimes acceptable. euthanasia option should be available to persons at usa nac dom generally. hostages need to be released, especially with rebodiment/surgery/rebuild/etc.. 

Note 52. etc.

Note 53. draft

Note 54. USA NAC DOM CL1, L5 (100% caucasians, informal/casual)

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