Blog Archive

Thursday, February 16, 2023

02-16-2023-1404 - DRAFT

Corner and Amputate

Come from behind

stab in the back

shoot/Implant and Paralyze

Break Enter and Blind

Frame and Blame

Hunt and Chase

Set up and Ambush

Accost and Question

Trap and Accuse

Comment and Share

Spy and Stalk

Stalk and Ambush

Lie and Deny



human trafficking

shell swap

brain transplant raid or des fam, eq fam

brain transplant

flash image, code, transposition, signal region, etc.

time space


Prepare and Aware

See (two) there (three) do (one)

Tail and Lead and Present

Negative-Accumulate and Flip

Disdain and Delay

Frown and Gone

Stare and Dare

Blend Transfer Control-Remove-Present Spotlight

Plan and Act

Shot and Miss and Anyway

Scheme and kidnap/abduct

Kidnap and Educate

Americanize and Hostage

Teach and Disappear

Deceive and Scar

Lie and Deny

Scheme and Steal

Plot and Twist

Derange Hission Rearrange Place

Confound and Control

Decoy and Ignite

Mesh and squish

Weave and Tighten

Pound and Loaf

Grease and Erase

Wax and Damnate

Fire and Squire

Steal and Squeal

Crime and Don

Guns and Bombs

Knife and Reappear

Secret and Society

Train and Pretend

Forget and Defend

Offend and Reamend

Saint and Sinner

Martyr and Winner

Pope and Father

Boy and Wire

Girl and Squirrel

See and Believe

Know and Deceive

Cover and Shoot

Dig and Bomb

Toss and Pond

Tong and Wrong

Hero and Fallen

We the fallen and dr bettey dvm

War Hero and Don

Iron Cross and Land

Builders and Build

Imposters and Kiln

Kurd and Kurtsey

Ribbons and Fairys

Square and Fare

Fair and Kare

Year and Tear

Mirror and Wear

Jeer and sheer

rare and pair

mare and bare

no share and no hair 

no care and no dear

bend and derail

break and down

spiral and pool

cool and tool

shoe and foo




The in-circle domain, allowance, rules, general rule of no-transposition/repurposing/etc. (esp. to inferiors, trainees, not-co, players, etc.)

Watchers, readers, family, etc., special class. 

Fans protected class.

Standard students <18, not men/players/etc., not in-circle, etc..

Standard people/students >18, not men/players/etc., not in-circle, etc.; out circle.












Note. The Composer of this blog is not law enforcement, police, police officer, federal agent, usa nac dom authority, authortiy, etc.. {draft, manner of saying, rough outline, points of analysis, baseline reference allusion, etc.} [usa nac dom] {standard identification}

Note 2. Please be respectful of authorities, police, federal agents, agents, professionals, license, immigrant, equity, etc.. {common request to no end}

Note 3. Personal agency and autonomy are different concept types, domains, classifications, contexts, meanings, implications, structures, etc.. [philosophy, ethics] {doctrine and discipline references}

Note 4. Mathematics Logic Science Philosophy Ethics Language Reason. {domain list}

Note 5. Please be respectful of links, hyperlinks, outside, citations, hotlinks, references, sources, outside codes, etc.. Please be respectful of the originals, the photograph, the text, etc.. Most items/etc. imported/borrowed/decoration. {information date integrity}

Note 6. Please do not modify history to reimage aphrodite or venus in an integrated, loose fashion of casual draft of very low, non-professional, civilians, etc.. [please do not reimage the persons professional image to match low fandom, creativitiy, casual drafting, uncouth jokes, trolling, etc.; jokes and fanship is different than drafting is different than quality/etc.] {respect for persons}

Note 7. Some composition units are not interest of the public. {breach, abductions}

Note 8. All components herein have been used by the composer to some extent or another without permission, etc.. {general consideration}

Note 9. Quote RR USA NAC DOM BT.S [agent blue] {standard auxiliary concerning matter of attention, circumstance of reference, situation long term, etc.}

Note 10. Person patients, should have no rights with all equity dependent on my sword, beauty, word, work past done no relation. {Missing Persons, etc.}

Note 11. Background, training, etc.. Surprise appearances, and turns. Twists and plots. Schemes and amcan plans. sharon petersen. {Infiltrated Straight (big share amcan) Line End Point (usa nac dom slippery crumb & mobs)}

Note 12. My apologies for the poor draft.  (apologies for the extra notes, and variance, word choice, etc..). Narration style. {standard reverence, remorse, humility, etc.}

Note 13. The topic of tactics misuse by americans/usa nac dom young kids 100% caucasian should possibly be addressed. {civilian issues usa nac dom post big-share and no care}

Note 14. 02-16-2023-1404 - Mass crowd handling crowns by usa nac dom variety surprise (not meant to reference the victims/innocent/etc., anyone actual living deceased or otherwise, etc., draft, ntsp, nvht, etc.; not expeirment, not study, not patient/s, not subject/s, etc.; not planned ; not scheme/plot ; coincidential, etc., not recommended (in general) for pursuit/harassment/questions/etc. to the people, etc.) {title rewording, rewriting, word choice, no message texts}

Note 15. 1900s, bf. composition. signal. script. (nlab note) rf. rus,fun,gri. wallace, betteybob. {remainders for information/usa bigshare elected intels}

Note 16. usa nac dom. transcripting off docket past. 2000s. est.. (current year composition 2023) {region domain repository generator dissemination point & imposed circumstance on the non-involved/non-implied/innocent/not-guilty/clear/etc. including around year 1400-1900/2000s}

Note 17. Gracious one side carry on. (without niki, this, etc.) {standard courtesty}

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