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Thursday, March 2, 2023

03-02-2023-0727 - draft continued... (SSA draft variety continued...)


(i) The nature and severity of your impairment(s) for any period in question;

    depends on resource fund etc.. 

(ii) Whether the duration requirement described in § 404.1509 is met; and

    duration on complex cases is life. issues appear with snapshot, drop file, trying too hard, second pusher, etc..

(iii) Your residual functional capacity to do work-related physical and mental activities, when the evaluation steps described in § 404.1520(e) or (f)(1) apply.

    peonage grade is not acceptable to work or ail. ment is irrelevant. esp phy def. no extra is not compromisable compromising (draft, drafting, etc.).

(b) Our responsibility —(1) Development. Before we make a determination that you are not disabled, we will develop your complete medical history for at least the 12 months preceding the month in which you file your application unless there is a reason to believe that development of an earlier period is necessary or unless you say that your disability began less than 12 months before you filed your application. We will make every reasonable effort to help you get medical evidence from your own medical sources and entities that maintain your medical sources' evidence when you give us permission to request the reports.

(i) Every reasonable effort means that we will make an initial request for evidence from your medical source or entity that maintains your medical source's evidence, and, at any time between 10 and 20 calendar days after the initial request, if the evidence has not been received, we will make one follow-up request to obtain the medical evidence necessary to make a determination. The medical source or entity that maintains your medical source's evidence will have a minimum of 10 calendar days from the date of our follow- up request to reply, unless our experience with that source indicates that a longer period is advisable in a particular case. 

    peonage grades. beyond reasonable use, by country, hostages, beyond reasonable work/everyone effort and necessity or people w unsatisfied critical need.

(ii) Complete medical history means the records of your medical source(s) covering at least the 12 months preceding the month in which you file your application. If you say that your disability began less than 12 months before you filed your application, we will develop your complete medical history beginning with the month you say your disability began unless we have reason to believe your disability began earlier. If applicable, we will develop your complete medical history for the 12-month period prior to the month you were last insured for disability insurance benefits (see § 404.130), the month ending the 7-year period you may have to establish your disability and you are applying for widow's or widower's benefits based on disability (see § 404.335(c)(1)), or the month you attain age 22 and you are applying for child's benefits based on disability (see § 404.350).

(2) Obtaining a consultative examination. We may ask you to attend one or more consultative examinations at our expense. See §§ 404.1517 through 404.1519t for the rules governing the consultative examination process. Generally, we will not request a consultative examination until we have made every reasonable effort to obtain evidence from your own medical sources. We may order a consultative examination while awaiting receipt of medical source evidence in some instances, such as when we know a source is not productive, is uncooperative, or is unable to provide certain tests or procedures. We will not evaluate this evidence until we have made every reasonable effort to obtain evidence from your medical sources. 

physicians make every effort to respond and remain in compliance with social security administration. respectful request to consider patient status, including person, humane. It is recommended to decline citation of a physician for non-production, uncooperation or unable to provide test, in circumstance of general applicant to SSA, consultative examination (brief single appointment, not for purpose of social security administration general/specified/clear/etc., etc.), poor patient decorum, poor patient manner, 'all medical stuff i can think of', 'give me any and all conditions', etc.. Some physicians are not in the domain of general practice, and general practice cannot have added burden or extra weight of social security administration timing/reply/etc., due practice, resource, reality, time, responsibilities, obligations, duties, prior obligations duties, continuing obligations duties, etc..

Physicians should be granted clemency, especially specialists, general practice, private practice, etc., and for each and every case applicant to the social security administration.

The medical record file may not be complete, especially in circumstance of patient personal life circumstances, decorum, purpose, etc.. The malicious patient purpose cannot become an issue for physician with support by the SSA on condition of citation by SSA of physician for uncooperative/etc., in circumstance of time/fact/circumstance/etc.. It is recommended to clear the physicians, and to not cite physicians for uncooperative (especially in circumstance of few things, save me, all this extra stuff, etc., patient types). Physician should not be cited for uncooperation in circumstance of emergency patient, especially without criticalities, with treatment/clearance, and with good prognosis [does not include amputations, sterilization, blindness, paralysis, etc.]. Private practice should generally not be cited by SSA, because they are essential at general practitioner, antibiotics, pre-emergency, primary care provider, physician standard, many patients physical exams, annual vaccination schedules, annual care schedules, age, life planning, etc..  The good GP for antibiotics/annual-physical is essential; including the great GP for real health care/standard care/antibiotics/annual-physical (physician standard).

Physician should not be penalized for urgent care, clinic, specialty, ultrasound request, x-ray request unserved yet, auxiliary services, pre-emergency situations, antibiotics, standard procedure, exam, test, diagnostics, treatment, care, outcome, (good-prognosis), good-health, passing exam, good grade, etc.. Especially with persons/pats running through really fast, or pop up and appear after long track record of dormancy aversion to cultivate an image/environment/scheme/etc. of complications/mistrust/escapes/crimes/frames/displacement/blame/accuse/allege/word crimes/misinformation/dangers/ganging/dormant cell rally insurrection activation agglomerate deployment/armed forces concern response evocation-solicitation-etc./civilian gang agglomerates hoards mobs disease deformity appears/massive statistical aberrations/etc..

the standard procedure, considers that person may request only medical record brief and physician verification of disability letter. disability is usually evident upon physical exam findings, corroborated by blood test simple. the physician image cannot become the subject of work/hardship/difficult times/massive work/paperwork/note/etc..  also physicians may need to completely redo the file on any SSA applicant. The issues posed to physician by a person or the SSA cannot spread to organization, government, general file, other files, other physicians files, institution file, recorder file, record repository file, etc.. Generally issues are posed by the patient/person, except in severe gross disability (blind paralyzed amputated), not physician or SSA. physicians strive to keep their friendship with the SSA active, current and in good standing at all times.

The physician is not a reflection of the patient note, or the patient himself or herself. Request to distance the patient and patient's image/life/account/record/etc. from all, including physician, social security, imaging, usa nac dom, usa, etc..

Social security administration can help physician by simplifying/consolidating/organizing/addressing the required documents in general (inc. issue with structure, errors, deviance, structure variance evident implied, natural deviation, etc.), making the forms accessible online (including letter structure to accept stamp/nurse-code/general-ssa-application-code-region instead of personal letter), providing reimbursement/repayment/financial restitution to physicians and their practices for the time and effort spent in relation to SSA (e.g. time and effort spent in support of application to SSA for disability, etc.) [government health care insurance eligibility for ssa matters repayment to physician, practice, etc..], clearly delineating all ranges all tests and concordant eligible profiles with accompanying document/file/packet/etc. to receive region-code-stamp by physician/etc. and submit to SSA for approval timely without further ado (addressment of vague, loosening, etc., presentations should be addressed by the federal bureau of investigation or by referral a brief police stop local to the patient/person receiving ssa ssdi fund short chat, social services addressment, arrangements/corrections, etc. (no revocation reductions of core fund necessary, addressment of auxiliary infarction/pre-infarction/violation/non-compliance risk/etc.)). police cannot arrest the person/etc. for dementia psych ward, hospital, private prison, odd arrangements, detainers, retainers, drill, training, suspicion, etc., in relation to matters concerning financial, ssa fund, corrections of errors, etc. (particularly as it concerns ssa fund recipients and in relation to matters of attention and ssa). in relation to content and context implied by the topic/subject group/range/collection/etc. of the passage, police should not arrest for dementia psych ward (esp upon occasion of addressment of presentations, suspicion of fraud and redressment by fbi at point of recipient of funds, etc.). dementia psych ward activities are not a sanctioned component of law enforcement proceedings/activities/etc.. 

dementia psych ward in general is terrorism without bombs/murder, and is illegal in many countries with high tech pharm adv equity and no theft.

dementia psych ward proceedings are not lawful, including substitution/illusory implementation practices/self-concocted law/self-law/interpretation of law as fact esp by gp not licensed not educated no degree/off docket/etc., etc.. weighs of law vary in concept and application (inc abstraction, perception, conception, concoction, conceptualization, etc.). some off docket and jokes are not infarction or violation grade. common sense, generally accepted principle of practice and human nature of forgiveness, clemency, mercy, etc. (not a topic, draft, etc.). abuse of privilege, taking advantage of kindness, artificial inflation of rank/authority, escalation of privilege, etc., is generally misconduct. limitation of human capacity is reasonable, and it is generally disadvised to engage in activities that may be regarded as misconduct.


as they come they are disabled.

SSA special case is reserved for thin, very thin and tall, including very tall.

SSA clemency case is reserved for foreign, immigrant, etc..

the caucasian middle (inc spectrum/group/breadth/etc.), is disabled, upon the occasion of submission to the social security administration application for social security disability income (in monetized society of united states of america with person present at the united states of america continent west north america continent, auxiliary consideration to domestic ; separately immigration, foreign, need.). the disability is usually as a minor/from before birth/the-group/the-line/-the-person/etc. (without shell swaps, etc.).

disabled variety is large, it is generally appreciated that their life is dependent on their fund as contained presence at usa nac dom.  


logic arguments for ssa case is required to remain within capacity of non-trafficker/non-theif/non-slave/non-peonage/etc..

the general ssa case application should contain a physician brief (abstract, short paragraph, letter) and a medical record brief. The timing of application does not coincide with onset of condition except in circumstance of accidents, catastrophes, full disability (on scale of incapacitated, life support, impossible survival, renigation to beneath human, etc.).

usa care is world known for theft, and result depends on intent of physician and physician with no capacity or realism attempts to escalate privilege. does not include blacks, asians, immigrants, special forces, special class, etc.. usually caucasians, and etc.. Treatment is equivalent to objective damages is not treatment, the rolling liability does not befall onto the hostage, the american cause does not become an acknowledged hostage, the kept retainer of unacknowledged hostages by america for counter point is failed at SSF.

The application may or may not be planned, planned applications and general need applications with stable situation environment are very nice. Applications that are not planned, are very clear. 

The ssa is not permitted to subjectation or prescription of physician treatment regimine, etc.. word order appreciation and concept is relevant in language and law and is insufficient to avoid the undesired revelation of actual position place rank relative to war crimes on the scale of powers.

american assaults of powers is inappropriate. the ssa is the only interface between the usa government and the people that addresses funds and life (inc. death). 

A monetized society is required to be responsible for the people present, that includes provisions or euthanasia (to prevent roll over; euthanasia/beheading/killing/death-cause/etc., murder is a perturbation of death-cause, licensed killers is generally accepted in standard caucasian society and should remain without issue/jail/stigma/piecing spreading/sterilization/no-progeny/etc., license to kill is the caucasian appreciated foundation of all education/licensing (inc privilege, consent, permissions, etc.), inability to recognize theft/hostages/gavage/inferior-genetics/etc. is american, pro-theft is american after or before they have acquired what was regarded as highest attainment that is not theirs, etc.).

The theif divide includes build, isolation, kill orders. The non-theif does not pursue, or fail.

Full system failures is american. 

Caucasian zoning domains occured by the overlap of full system failures, reaction formation, cognitive bias and distortion, kidnapping, hostagation, incapacitation of personification/symbol/object/etc., objectification/imprisonment of honorables with no avoidance and plans, theft from honorables, martyring, stigmatizing, sin sanction, body trafficking, disease generation growth, deformation, ineffective biological weapons, insufficient know/skill/capacity to survive, dependency on theft, schema schemes, minds/selves, independence guise/deception/disguise/promotation/etc., promotion of perturbed independence with dependency on theft, BTR of foreigns 1900s, reverse psychology ideation, reverse psychology, distinction error, rank error, escalation of privilege, subversion, infiltration, usurpation, supercission, theft, cheat lie steal, violence harm torture, displacement of crimes with statute for self in own country ideation, poor skill crimes (theft), word crimes, etc..



(3) Other work. In order to determine under § 404.1520(g) that you are able to adjust to other work, we must provide evidence about the existence of work in the national economy that you can do (see §§ 404.1560 through 404.1569a), given your residual functional capacity (which we have already assessed, as described in § 404.1520(e)), age, education, and work experience.

[82 FR 5864, Jan. 18, 2017]

physician should not be penalized for novel or advanced select group special trainings (treatment diagnosis concept/diagnostics/treatment-calibration/etc., biochemistry, organism control/sanitization/hygiene/infection control, 1900s) [including various group structures and orders].

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