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Thursday, March 2, 2023

03-02-2023-0847 - max ben trt draft

2. We will determine that you have received maximum benefit from therapy, as used in 1.21, if there are no significant changes in physical findings or on appropriate imaging for any 6-month period after the last surgical procedure or medical treatment. We may also determine that you have received maximum benefit from therapy if your medical source(s) indicates that further improvement is not expected after the last surgical procedure or medical treatment.

Therapy and treatment are not as a general rule or principle within the scope of recommendation upon time, corruption, change and measure, cessation of treatment, etc.. 

Maximum benefit is not generally required, and is aspirational intent indication that should not be misused to mislead physician in practice.

3. When you have received maximum benefit from therapy, we will evaluate any impairment-related residual symptoms, signs, and laboratory findings (including those on imaging), any complications associated with your surgical procedures or medical treatments, and any residual limitations in your functioning (see 1.00S).

Patient tolerance and expectations of SSA should not be collided with physician resource, capacity, private matters, records, image, etc..

Maximum benefit generally implies that no further treatment should benefit in relation to specific matter. In other words, the effectivity of the treatment has reached the highest point of acceptable responsible use with respect to safety considerations and responsible use.  The treatment is not reasonably expected to provide further benefit, and the effect of the treatment is self-evident. the cause is the person or treatment, the cause of the treatment is the person treating or the manufacturer of the treatment or the third (trainee/self-builder/self-assigned-purpose/user of tech-pharm/intellectual property ideators/constructor/theif/clemency grantee/etc.) or lastly the builder/derivator-second (inspirator, hard builder, theft point).

regards to misinformation, word choice, errors, propogation of error jokes, etc..


they cannot receive the maximum benefit of psychiatric treatments [esp. repeatedly], that have no limit. (Quote, RR nstp nc nv ts+a nstp nc nv nr nstp nc nv)


purchasing the life, by SSA, is separate than treatment. 

the concept of purchasing the life has been confounded by corruption and volition, doctrine, privilege misuse by americans, expectations and demands to others, misuse of penalty/punishment/pain by illegitimate authorities/authority/etc., criminalization, incrimination, pathologization, indoctrination, deception clause, etc.. Slavery failed, at system fail point (country could not survive with slavery, due discrete unit reality (e.g. of independent functioning structures containers)). The displacement principle fails at brain transplant, implant, tech pharm adv, drugs, n-cellpile, structure similarities/material consistencies across spacetime/etc., modification/modulation processes/point-shift/mechanisms/etc. with non-contingency/fluid-modification/state change/etc., illusory correlation/causation errors/mathematics limitation/measure appreciation-etc./sensation limitations/human-capacity-limitations/processing capacity tolerance and errors in secondary processing/fundamental attribution errors/biases/distortions/illusion/delusion/deluge/fugue/foils/etc., etc..


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