Blog Archive

Thursday, March 2, 2023

03-02-2023-0805 - SSA and Helping Physicians (DRAFT) [small appreciations]

Social security administration can help physician by simplifying/consolidating/organizing/addressing the required documents in general (inc. issue with structure, errors, deviance, structure variance evident implied, natural deviation, etc.), making the forms accessible online (including letter structure to accept stamp/nurse-code/general-ssa-application-code-region instead of personal letter), providing reimbursement/repayment/financial restitution to physicians and their practices for the time and effort spent in relation to SSA (e.g. time and effort spent in support of application to SSA for disability, etc.) [government health care insurance eligibility for ssa matters repayment to physician, practice, etc..], clearly delineating all ranges all tests and concordant eligible profiles with accompanying document/file/packet/etc. to receive region-code-stamp by physician/etc. and submit to SSA for approval timely without further ado (addressment of vague, loosening, etc., presentations should be addressed by the federal bureau of investigation or by referral a brief police stop local to the patient/person receiving ssa ssdi fund short chat, social services addressment, arrangements/corrections, etc. (no revocation reductions of core fund necessary, addressment of auxiliary infarction/pre-infarction/violation/non-compliance risk/etc.)).

It is also generally requested that USAF help physicians to help the people. Assistance to SSA and Education, including Licensing Boards, Pharmaceutical/Drug Companies, Laboratories, Testing Facilities, Measure Anchors Domains, Agencies, Organizations, Administrations, Authorities, Honorables, etc., is always appreciated. 

Community assistance is variant domain. Business/Practice/etc. terms are delicate.


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