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Wednesday, June 22, 2022

06-21-2022-1132 - brain transplant rebodiment

brain transplant or whole-body transplant is a procedure in which the brain of one organism is transplanted into the body of another organism. It is a procedure distinct from head transplantation, which involves transferring the entire head to a new body, as opposed to the brain only. Theoretically, a person with advanced organ failure could be given a new and functional body while keeping their own personality, memories, and consciousness through such a procedure. Neurosurgeon Robert J. White has grafted the head of a monkey onto the headless body of another monkey. EEG readings showed the brain was later functioning normally. Initially, it was thought to prove that the brain was an immunologically privileged organ, as the host's immune system did not attack it at first,[1] but immunorejection caused the monkey to die after nine days.[2] Brain transplants and similar concepts have also been explored in various forms of science fiction. 

Memory retention possible.

Brain transplant procedure remove sufficient unit of brain brain stem and spine or not. brain stem conscious double connect state match drive computer system. downgrade brain to hydrogen, proton/electron, nuclear subsistence possibility prior to brain transplant. May require gas material to sustain new transplant until systems reconnected, and supply initiated self-sustaining. Consciousness should return easily with full memory. DRAFT VARS (variable methods etc. should be easier than America USA NAC DOM has argued over the last three hundred years (by 2000); America USA NAC DOM is a melting pot scheme [esp w/ hostages; around human trafficking intellectual property theft etc. worsened in 1800-1900 with immigration and old american/church/authority try desperately to retain control over people etc.]. 

Please remember the Middle East has been working on brain transplants and rebodiments for a very long time; originally linked to middle east. Middle East is very experienced in medicine, breeding, science, mining, etc.. Credit for rebodiment and brain transplant earliest understanding to the Middle East Continent East.

(e.g. equity, persia, breeders, persian cat, akhal teke, black rose taliban, albino, god jesus roman the devil satan, birthright, giant man, dinosaur, very black man high equity, anorexic very thin people, elephant, baby litter, mirrors, high equity genetics, etc.).

Note. middle east is above his/her creations on the hierarchy, order, etc.. 

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