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Wednesday, May 24, 2023

05-24-2023-0240 - The Place Vendôme (French pronunciation: ​[plas vɑ̃dom]), earlier known as Place Louis-le-Grand, and also as Place Internationale

Statue of Napoleon by Antoine-Denis Chaudet

Communards pose with the statue of Napoléon I from the toppled Vendôme column, 1871

Place Vendôme, Paris

Place Vendôme, circa 1900


The Place Vendôme (French pronunciation: ​[plas vɑ̃dom]), earlier known as Place Louis-le-Grand, and also as Place Internationale, is a square in the 1st arrondissement of Paris, France, located to the north of the Tuileries Gardens and east of the Église de la Madeleine. It is the starting point of the Rue de la Paix. Its regular architecture by Jules Hardouin-Mansart and pedimented screens canted across the corners give the rectangular Place Vendôme the aspect of an octagon. The original Vendôme Column at the centre of the square was erected by Napoleon I to commemorate the Battle of Austerlitz; it was torn down on 16 May 1871, by decree of the Paris Commune, but subsequently re-erected and remains a prominent feature on the square today.



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