Blog Archive

Sunday, September 5, 2021

09-04-2021-1905 - Please do not accept donation/etc., before/after/during/etc. depression (inc. pandemic 2018-2020). Thank You. Do not traffick, donate, adopt, steal, receive/purchase/sell/donate/gift/give/share/etc., sterilize, violence, harm, transplant, clone, swap, gen-mod, share, give, give away kids, foster kids, foster, kick out, reject children/progeny/etc., lock out, etc., during a great depression (inc. before and after). Euthanasia only. Thank You. - Ps. Depression type event/era/circu/occur/etc. indicative of failed country; herald to trafficking scheme disguise as country (esp country melt pot USA) and as committed by country to fail/is failing/failed. CIA 618 (concerning advanced matters of human types, members, people, person, child, progeny, fertility/youth/beauty, shell, gene, sequence, color, etc.)

A matter concerning human biological material/product/reproduction/reproductive/reproductive material/reproductive product/genetic/gene/code/number/sequence/signature (biological/engineered/genetic/natural/derived/perturbation/variant/aberration/integrant/derivative/derivation/occurrance/creation/substitution/etc.)/ bioengineered/progeny/child/baby/fetus/embryo/polar cell/cell/fertility/reproduction/procreation/person/hybrid/human/clone/man made life/life/acellular life/cellular life/artificial intelligence ideas/pets/animals/mammals/etc., and Depression Events.

Please do not accept donation/etc., before/after/during/etc. depression (inc. pandemic 2018)(esp. fertility/foster child/sample/material/etc. donations). Thank You.

Please do not accept donation/etc., before/after/during/etc. the pandemic (inc. financial depression 2020)(esp. fertility/foster child/sample/material/etc. donations). Thank You.

Please do not accept donation/etc., before/after/during/etc. depression (inc. pandemic 2018). Thank You. 

Do not traffick, donate, adopt, gift, receive/purchase/sell/donate/gift/give/share/etc., steal, violence, harm, etc., during a great depression (inc. before and after). 

Do not traffick, donate, adopt, gift,  steal, scheme, receive/purchase/sell/donate/gift/give/share/etc., violence, harm, sterilize, harm, transplant, clone, swap, gen-mod, share, give, violence,  use a cell donor, move cell/sequence/IP/gene/component/part/whole/etc., give away, foster, etc., during a great depression (inc. before and after). Do not move plant, high equity genetics, rare genetics, superior genetics, pure genetics ever to another line (including duplication, branch, false split, etc.). Euthanasia only. Thank You.

No Violence or Harm Please. 

Euthanasia only.

Thank You.


Note 1. Male and Female make direct line progeny together only please. Persons with or without children may require evacuation from USA NAC prompt; and to a location where they may mate/procreate and have-keep-bear-raise-etc. direct line progeny (equal to their highest self equity, without theft); if USA cannot arrange for their mating and procreation on time (including through any age). May make direct line progeny or organ from persons actual self genetic signature (direct line/self/actual/etc.) not-stolen only (if stolen line then euthanasia only please). If no way to procreate for person euthanasia only in home/where they lie/lay and by US SS (United States Secret Service Special Task Force - preferred/ideal/etc.; else United States Armed Forces (on occasion of downgrade of intel), etc.). 

Note 2. Nikiyas suitors may require fund from federal government to leave and to enable their marriage to and procreation with equal female to their highest equity genetics (the male suitors do not share, the females may not share ever (inc. steal from another man, non-husband man, etc.), no share permitted, share debarred, etc.). 

Note 3. In affiliation to or located at North America/etc. may require fund from federal government to evacuate/resettle and to enable their marriage to and procreation with an equal to their highest equity genetics (male female mate/pair only please)(the male suitors do not share, the females may not share ever (inc. steal from another man, non-husband man, etc.), no share permitted, share debarred, etc.). 

Note 4. Occurrance of people may require Fund prompt from federal government, to prevent hostage situation domestic due insufficient funding/resource to establish a family and secure their health/rights/procreation/euthanasia/lines/etc..

Depression type event/era/circu/occur/etc. indicative of failed country; herald to trafficking scheme disguise as country (esp cont melt pot USA) and as committed by country to fail/is failing/failed. CIA 618

Note 5. Retain no hostage/etc., please let them go (inc. americans, NAC, US, USA, people, persons, etc.).

Note 6. Please euthanaize all samples/donations/retained/stolen children/stolen from womb/made and stolen as experiment-project-effort-action-occurrance-etc./trafficker/sequence/color/gene/subject-experiment-etc./signature/component/part/whole/etc. before/during/after depression (inc. 2018 pandemic). No permissions for use thereof. Direct Line progeny only for persons without progeny/unprocreated/without raised-haved-kept-etc. progeny/etc., including persons with adoption only (direct line progeny may require supervised procreation possibly with laboratory grown organ from actual self genetic signature (e.g. where organs missing/dead) and where self is not of/in affiliation to/etc. stolen-clone-stolen sequence/gene/etc.-trafficked-missing child-biological mother removed-received-victim-HEGL-witness protection-secret-desparate-save_the_line_schemes-etc. line/sequence/gene/color/person/ancestor/origin/higher order/etc., - else euthanasia to person without procreative capacity/etc. - including all children-people-etc. they accruued/etc., as well as the gang). Any fertility for donation should come from family employed to donate fertility, birth to death (living underground with protection - with no escaped lines) for entirety of country (cannot usurp early line with lower line (example nikiya in white nigger shell missing her shell no euthanasia for thirty, and have lower lines claiming to be her and that she is her child's child when she is head of line original plant with rebodiment), cannot rebody early line in lower line with psychwarefare on naiive lower line rebodied in older/purer line, cannot release lower-higher line with non-familial brain with identical reasoning, cannot release lower line brain in higher line shell placid substitution type in warfare, cannot release original line genius brain in any white-niggers shell, etc.. 1900s) with no escape lines/stolen lines/theft/steal/misplaced/genetic convergence/genetic leap/genetic change/appearances/CL1 presence/witness protection/etc. (e.g. CL1 presence - i.e. including no actual occurrance or overlap of ancestor brain rebodied in stolen descendants descandant or white nigger shell (ref. great depression theft, Melting pot & America) or etc.) and without crime/pathology/incrimination/secret/conspiracy/name/etc. (e.g. cannot be petersen, nikiya anton bettey, plants, hostages, VIV, old world russians, japanese, etc.) - Childs should be recognizable and informed about their origins at all times (biological parents birth to death underground to supply the lines should be informed at all times), childs provided to CL1 by them should have a special place - public must be informed and knowing, everyone must be eligible - rules must be enforced actively without hiatus/etc. (biological parents must never be released from underground or with cover, euthanasia at end of term). To substitute for family hypothetical aforementioned, laboratory grown organ from genetic signature should be performed for person with dead reproductive organs and no direct line progeny, if and only if his/her/etc. self line is not stolen/with stolen overlap/etc. (around the circ and spiral); Else Euthanasia only, please.

Note 7. Royalty cant half to go this far to explain, all who confuse/confound/etc. must be executed. My life breath is tiny. SSF [S1]

Note 8. CIA elevator. Unmanned woman. Dons Airforce 1900s. VIV. AN. [S2]

Note 9. Grigorys Force, E-H-C Take Down. [S3]

Note 10. VIVs Force, WUL T D. [S4]

Note 11. USA/Earth/Human/Can-Life/etc. amiss, bullet wounds. N-T-F. Shredding fabric of humanity since beg of time. [S5]

Note 12. Aberrations on Nikiya requires prompt euthanasia of nikiya/ssf/dop/bop/viv/nlab/vlab/etc., else. [S6]

Note 13. Verifications not capacity of USA SS et al., including US affiliates/etc., etc.. [S7]

Note 14. Univ F C. [S8]

Note 15. Dis. [S9]

Note 16. No penalty please for no donation, no abandonment, etc.. Thank You. If issues, euthanasia only please and humane.

Note 17. No donations please; advanced situations please see note 1 (may require laboratory grown organ from self genetic signature and to facilitate direct line progeny - for some Americans). 

Note 18. 09-04-2021-1905 - Do not traffick, donate, adopt, steal, receive/purchase/sell/donate/gift/give/share/etc., sterilize, violence, harm, transplant, clone, swap, gen-mod, share, give, give away kids, foster kids, foster, kick out, reject children/progeny/etc., lock out, etc., during a great depression (inc. before and after). Euthanasia only. Thank You. - Ps. Depression type event/era/circu/occur/etc. indicative of failed country; herald to trafficking scheme disguise as country (esp country melt pot USA) and as committed by country to fail/is failing/failed. CIA 618 (concerning advanced matters of human types, members, people, person, child, progeny, fertility/youth/beauty, shell, gene, sequence, color, etc.) 

Note 19. May consideration to employed CL1 USA SS to just give each person a direct line progeny of his or her own, and to arrange marriage/procreation and direct line progeny for each person (equals and above, proper pairing only, male female only). Else euthanasia only please, prefer to no unnecessary/contrary/forced/unknowing/etc. suffering, etc..

Note 20. Please do not accept donation/etc., before/after/during/etc. depression (inc. pandemic 2018; reference The Great Depression of United States of America at North America Continent of the Decades of 1920-1930). Thank You. Request to federal government to support physicians and practices humane, including with humane donation policies/etc., request to financial reimbursement of those not accepting fertility donations during pandemic/depression/etc.. Request to government euthanasia of depression donations [e.g. great depression 1920; great depression 2020] (psychology major veterinary background, my apologies sincerely... ) including before/after/during/etc.. Thank You, Dr. Bettey D.V.M., for humane judgement; Thank You, University of California Davis, etc..  [Veterinary, Psychology, Administration, Laboratory, etc.]

Note 21. Request to no penalty for business (e.g. NON life-embryo-fertility-person-child-experiment-research-social-psych-med-novel-NOS-etc.), donation (financial; without trafficking-theft-stolen-human-biological-material-etc.), etc.. No punishments requested, euthanasia only for refractory/obstinant/confounded/continued/selfish/violent/endangerment of biological mother/CIA/etc. case-circumstance-person-etc.. Request refund patrons for their donations/etc., and euthanize samples/etc.. Thank You.

Note 22.  dire circumstances/splitting-lines/civilian losses/line fracture/etc. should not herald end of depression (FINANCIAL DEPRESSION of the year of: 2020; COVID-19 PANDEMIC 2018-2019-2020). America is not depressed (psychology; psychological depression), the money or financial-resource is currently strictured by government fears/plans/hopes/frivolity/theft/trafficking/stolen child/schemes/crimes/wars/unpaid debt to foreign country for past wars/disorganization of USA/etc. (economology; economical depression). America must be permitted to have rights intact over duration of depression, and to be free from tyranny of government that should cause to facilitate/permit financial oppression/depression with dire outcome/drastic measures/devestation/suffering/violence/sterilization/trafficking/crime/no child/loss of line/donated fertility/donated-etc. child/human biological product/etc. (inc. with blame the victim outcome; where gov-irvine trafficker-police-etc. engage to blame the victim or devoid by denial of reality to render themselves psych-patients). [Economy, Psychology, Law, etc.]

Note 23. Human Biological Product Theft Warning (Great Depression 2020; The Great Depression of United States of America at North America Continent of the Decades ****-2020). [Biology, Medical, Laboratory, Research, etc.]

Note 24. illicit edit advisory. 

Note 25. People/person/leader/army/USAF/etc. may be of/in/by a country and not responsible for the to fail/failing/failed country. (Power, Fund, Right, Protection, etc., considerations).

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