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Monday, September 20, 2021

09-20-2021-0917 - Creation and annihilation operators

 Creation and annihilation operators are  mathematical operators that have widespread applications in quantum mechanics, notably in the study of quantum harmonic oscillators and many-particle systems.[1] An annihilation operator (usually denoted ) lowers the number of particles in a given state by one. A creation operator (usually denoted ) increases the number of particles in a given state by one, and it is the adjoint of the annihilation operator. In many subfields of physicsand chemistry, the use of these operators instead of wavefunctions is known as second quantization. They were introduced by Paul Dirac.[2]

Creation and annihilation operators can act on states of various types of particles. For example, in quantum chemistry and many-body theory the creation and annihilation operators often act on electron states. They can also refer specifically to the ladder operators for the quantum harmonic oscillator. In the latter case, the raising operator is interpreted as a creation operator, adding a quantum of energy to the oscillator system (similarly for the lowering operator). They can be used to represent phonons.

The mathematics for the creation and annihilation operators for bosons is the same as for the  ladder operators of the quantum harmonic oscillator.[3] For example, the commutator of the creation and annihilation operators that are associated with the same boson state equals one, while all other commutators vanish. However, for fermions the mathematics is different, involving anticommutators instead of commutators.[4]

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