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05-09-2023-0944 - Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B (Elsevier Science)

    Nuclear Inst. and Methods in Physics Research, B

    Published By: Elsevier Science
    ISSN: 0168583x
    Coverage: 1984 - 2023
    Peer Reviewed
    Covers all aspects of the interaction of energetic beams with atoms, molecules and aggregate forms of matter.

    October 2011, Volume269Issue(20)
    12th International Conference on Nuclear Microprobe Technology and Applications, 20100726/30, [editor] Tilman Butz, Tilo Reinert, Daniel Spemann

    1. Contents


      Source Information

      October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)PagesxiiiToxv


      My Articles

  1. Fabrication of smooth silicon optical devices using proton beam writing


    Source Information

    October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)Pages2448To2451


    This work gives a brief review of proton beam writing and electrochemical etching process for the fabrication of smooth optical devices in bulk silicon. Various types of structures such as silicon-on-oxidized porous silicon waveguides, waveguide grating and disk resonators have been produced. Optical characterization has been ...

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  2. Editorial board


    Source Information

    October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)PagesIFCToIFC


    My Articles

  3. Editorial


    Source Information

    October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)PagesvTovi


    My Articles

  4. First direct-write lithography results on the Guelph high resolution proton microprobe


    Source Information

    October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)Pages2435To2438


    The recently completed high-resolution proton microprobe at the University of Guelph is Canada’s first one-micron nuclear microprobe, which represents the country’s state-of-the-art technology for various nuclear microprobe applications, e.g. direct-write microlithography. Its probe-forming system is comprised of a...

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  5. Ion beam characterization of advanced luminescent materials for application in radiation effects microscopy


    Source Information

    October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)Pages2326To2329


    The ion photon emission microscope (IPEM) is a technique developed at Sandia National Laboratories (SNL) to study radiation effects in integrated circuits with high energy, heavy ions, such as those produced by the 88” cyclotron at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL). In this method, ...

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  6. High-aspect ratio microstructures in p-type GaAs and InP created by proton beam writing


    Source Information

    October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)Pages2457To2461


    With proton beam writing (PBW) and subsequent electrochemical etching in HF-solution the creation of high-aspect ratio microstructures in p-type InP was performed for the first time. Microstructures with high surface quality as well as high-aspect ratio possessing lateral dimensions down to 1μm were produced....

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  7. Three dimensional measurement of nanostructures by single event TOF-RBS with nuclear nano probe


    Source Information

    October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)Pages2233To2236


    Single, double and triple-layer test structures were measured by time of flight (TOF) Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS) for checking the sensitivity and resolution. A single-layer nanostructure with Au stripes on a Si substrate was resolved by TOF-RBS measurement within a short time of 256s...

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  8. Materials analysis and modification at LIPSION – Present state and future developments


    Source Information

    October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)Pages2175To2179


    The LIPSION laboratory which became operational in 1998 has been improved in numerous ways since that time in order to enhance its capabilities in materials analysis and modification as well as life sciences. This paper summarizes the modifications and improvements made and gives a description of the present state ...

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  9. Characterization of a millefiori glass find from Aquincum by SEM-EDX and micro-PIXE methods


    Source Information

    October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)Pages2389To2392


    Research has been focused on the analysis of archaeological glasses from the Roman age and medieval times. Study of ancient millefiori type glasses from the collection of Hungarian Museums has been started. A test measurement, carried out on a glass fragment supposedly part of a dish, was performed...

    My Articles

  10. Behavior of Paramecium sp. in solutions containing Sr and Pb: Do Paramecium sp. alter chemical forms of those metals?


    Source Information

    October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)Pages2393To2398


    The behavior of Paramecium sp. (Paramecium bursaria) in aqueous solutions containing Sr and Pb was investigated to determine the role of protozoa in the migration of radionuclides in the environment. Precultured living cells of P. bursaria were exposed to aqueous solutions containing 0.01 or 0.05mM ...

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  11. Highly sensitive molecular detection with swift heavy ions


    Source Information

    October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)Pages2251To2253


    Various imaging techniques using microbeam have been applied in biology. Secondary ion mass spectrometry (SIMS) is one of the prominent tools for biological imaging; SIMS can provide data on molecular distribution in biological samples smaller than 1μm. However, conventional SIMS has only low sensitivity for molecular ions...

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  12. Construction of a confocal PIXE set-up at the Jožef Stefan Institute and first results


    Source Information

    October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)Pages2237To2243


    A new confocal PIXE set-up at the Jožef Stefan Institute in Ljubljana was recently designed and built. It consists of a silicon-drift detector, a specially designed polycapillary lens and a snout-alignment interface for precise positioning. It allows detector movement in all directions and therefore precise ...

    My Articles

  13. Biomedical research at LIPSION – Present state and future developments


    Source Information

    October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)Pages2254To2259


    Since its commissioning in 1998 the high energy ion nanoprobe LIPSION has been developed into a versatile tool for a variety of applications in biomedical research. It includes quantitative trace element analysis with sub-micron spatial resolution and 3D-element imaging, as well as 2D- and 3D-microscopy ...

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  14. Fluorine analysis of human enamel around fluoride-containing materials under different pH-cycling by μ-PIGE/PIXE system


    Source Information

    October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)Pages2274To2277


    The caries preventive effect of fluoride-containing materials (FCMs) might depend on the caries risk of the individuals. Two pairs of demineralizing and remineralizing solutions of pH-cycling were prepared for simulating low and high caries risk. The purpose of this study was to determine fluorine (F)...

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  15. Proton beam writing of microstructures in Agar gel for patterned cell growth


    Source Information

    October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)Pages2444To2447


    A rather useful prerequisite for many biological and biophysical studies, e.g., for cell–cell communication or neuronal networks, is confined cell growth on micro-structured surfaces. Solidified Agar layers have smooth surfaces which are electrically neutral and thus inhibit receptor binding and cell adhesion. For the...

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  16. First results obtained using the CENBG nanobeam line: Performances and applications


    Source Information

    October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)Pages2163To2167


    A high resolution focused beam line has been recently installed on the AIFIRA (“Applications Interdisciplinaires des Faisceaux d’Ions en Région Aquitaine”) facility at CENBG. This nanobeam line, based on a doublet–triplet configuration of Oxford Microbeam Ltd. OM-50™ quadrupoles, offers the opportunity to ...

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  17. Proton beam writing of long, arbitrary structures for micro/nano photonics and fluidics applications


    Source Information

    October 2011, Volume269(Issue20)Pages2417To2421


    The last decade has seen proton beam writing maturing into a versatile lithographic technique able to produce sub-100nm, high aspect ratio structures with smooth side walls. However, many applications in the fields of photonics and fluidics require the fabrication of structures with high spatial resolution that extends ...


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