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Thursday, August 12, 2021

08-12-2021-1433 - Methotrexate Insecticide et Gene Resistance Caffinotic/Nicotinic/Toxin/etc. Antidoting, etc. - Indust Chemical Insecticide Poisoning of victims by Sample Group (2020)

Caffeinated fruit flies help identify potential genes affecting insecticide resistanceDate:March 27, 2014Source:Genetics Society of AmericaSummary:To understand genetic mechanisms underlying insecticide resistance, scientists employed fruit flies and caffeine, a stimulant surrogate for xenobiotics in lab studies on resistance. Crop pests are capable of outwitting the chemical compounds known as xenobiotics that are devised to kill them. This development of resistance to insecticides is a serious problem because it threatens crop production and thereby can influence the availability and costs of many foods as well as the economy.

aminoimidazole caboxamide ribonucleotide transformylase (AICART), and amido phosphoribosyltransferase.1

Methotrexate is metabolized by folylpolyglutamate synthase to methotrexate polyglutamate in the liver as well as in tissues.1,7 Gamma-glutamyl hydrolase hydrolyzes the glutamyl chains of methotrexate polyglutamates converting them back to methotrexate.1,7 A small amount of methotrexate is also converted to 7-hydroxymethotrexate.1,7

INTERACTING GENE/ENZYMEALLELE NAMEGENOTYPE(S)DEFINING CHANGE(S)TYPE(S)Canalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1ABCC2 IVS 23+56(C;C) / (C;T)T alleleADR Directly StudiedMethylenetetrahydrofolate reductase---(T;T) / (C;T)T alleleADR Directly Studied

Pharmacogenomic Effect/ADR for Methotrexate(DBSNPE000058)
DocumentationBrowse all
IdentifierDBSNPE000058DrugMethotrexate (DB00563)Interacting Gene/EnzymeCanalicular multispecific organic anion transporter 1Gene NameABCC2UniProt IDQ92887Defining Change(s)
T allele Not Available
Allele NameABCC2 IVS 23+56Genotype(s)(C;C) / (C;T)Type(s)ADR Directly StudiedGroupsNot AvailableDescriptionPatients with this genotype have increased risk of toxicity with methotrexate.References
Ranganathan P, Culverhouse R, Marsh S, Mody A, Scott-Horton TJ, Brasington R, Joseph A, Reddy V, Eisen S, McLeod HL: Methotrexate (MTX) pathway gene polymorphisms and their effects on MTX toxicity in Caucasian and African American patients with rheumatoid arthritis. J Rheumatol. 2008 Apr;35(4):572-9. Epub 2008 Mar 15. [Article]

Limit caffeine intake. Caffeine may reduce the effectiveness of
Drug Categories

Abortifacient Agents
Abortifacient Agents, Nonsteroidal
Agents Causing Muscle Toxicity
Antineoplastic Agents
Antineoplastic and Immunomodulating Agents
Antirheumatic Agents
BCRP/ABCG2 Substrates
Biological Factors
Cancer immunotherapy
Cardiotoxic antineoplastic agents
Cytochrome P-450 CYP3A Substrates
Cytochrome P-450 CYP3A4 Substrates
Cytochrome P-450 CYP3A4 Substrates with a Narrow Therapeutic Index
Cytochrome P-450 Substrates
Drugs causing inadvertant photosensitivity
Drugs that are Mainly Renally Excreted
Enzyme Inhibitors
Folic Acid Analogues
Folic Acid Antagonists
Hepatotoxic Agents
Heterocyclic Compounds, Fused-Ring
Immunologic Factors
Immunosuppressive Agents
Myelosuppressive Agents
Narrow Therapeutic Index Drugs
Nephrotoxic agents
Nucleic Acid Synthesis Inhibitors
OAT1/SLC22A6 inhibitors
OAT3/SLC22A8 Inhibitors
OAT3/SLC22A8 Substrates
OAT3/SLC22A8 Substrates with a Narrow Therapeutic Index
OATP1B1/SLCO1B1 Substrates
OATP1B3 substrates
P-glycoprotein substrates
P-glycoprotein substrates with a Narrow Therapeutic Index
Photosensitizing Agents
Pigments, Biological
Reproductive Control Agents
Toxic Actions

KingdomOrganic compoundsSuper ClassOrganic acids and derivativesClassCarboxylic acids and derivativesSub ClassAmino acids, peptides, and analoguesDirect ParentGlutamic acid and derivativesAlternative ParentsN-acyl-alpha amino acids / Hippuric acids / Pteridines and derivatives / Aminobenzamides / Aniline and substituted anilines / Dialkylarylamines / Benzoyl derivatives / Aminopyrimidines and derivatives / Aralkylamines / Pyrazines
show 11 moreSubstituentsAmine / Amino acid / Aminobenzamide / Aminobenzoic acid or derivatives / Aminopyrimidine / Aniline or substituted anilines / Aralkylamine / Aromatic heteropolycyclic compound / Azacycle / Benzamide / Benzenoid / Benzoic acid or derivatives / Benzoyl / Carbonyl group / Carboxamide group / Carboxylic acid / Dialkylarylamine / Dicarboxylic acid or derivatives / Glutamic acid or derivatives / Heteroaromatic compound / Hippuric acid / Hippuric acid or derivatives / Hydrocarbon derivative / Monocyclic benzene moiety / N-acyl-alpha amino acid or derivatives / N-acyl-alpha-amino acid / Organic nitrogen compound / Organic oxide / Organic oxygen compound / Organoheterocyclic compound / Organonitrogen compound / Organooxygen compound / Organopnictogen compound / Primary amine / Pteridine / Pyrazine / Pyrimidine / Secondary carboxylic acid amide / Tertiary aliphatic/aromatic amine / Tertiary amineMolecular FrameworkAromatic heteropolycyclic compoundsExternal Descriptorsmonocarboxylic acid amide, dicarboxylic acid, pteridines (CHEBI:44185)


08-12-2021-1433 - Methotrexate Insecticide et Gene Resistance Caffinotic/Nicotinic/Toxin/etc. Antidoting, etc. - Indust Chemical Poisoning (insecticide sterilyant abortinoant immunosuppressant insecticide industrial chemical etc. - will rev-eng if time permit) Mimetics/Swaps/env-gassing/inj/subQ/IM/darting/tranquelizer anm/priming-predrugging-etc./etc. to fac rapid induction sequence to rapid alteration of consciousness-etc. with FOAS-FOS-etc. and etc./etc. by Sample Group (2020) [Street assault/any assault/etc. followed by B&I - infiltration where break/ent/tress by willing/self-pre-drugged assailants utilized non-incapacitant agent to selves (apathetic - drug type by eff), their mem retained - did not counter drug] with utilization of nuclear radioactive chemical/salt/gas/genotox/radnucs/not for human use/accomplice hcp prescription/etc. (e.g. field poisoning, waterproofs, genotoxins, L-Type C, paints, radioactive k, cesium ders, radon, neon, carbon silicide, gas chamber, aluminum, Dist inc weps, horse tranqs, dog immunosupprs, homemade, biohaz, industrial chems, insecticides, chemical warfare agents, cystulants, etc.). - In Field USA NAC DOM California. [year: 2016/2017-2019; 2018]

Antidote: Caffiene, Nicotine, aluminum-res/iodine/sodium/catalyst/etc., cleaning supply ammo-drain-aerosols-carpet pwd-insecticide counterant solvent-insecticide solvation-boric acid-etc., potox in field assembl, increase-change-etc. to antagonist/assailant poisoned field/diff/rt/etc. radioactive system by env x etc. (mirrors/structed/EMR-env/c-env/p-env/b-env clean/etc.), carbonants (oxy-hydro type disintegrants micro), solvents, powders, precips/agglomeration mostly, Nuclear Field, Nitrogen Reduction, Glycerol/Propylene Glycol, Salting, Iodized Salt, PC, etc.
- Fungals used by sample group (2020) evidenced cultivation on CL1=L5 and were not responsive to typical antifungals including cyclins. Required C20H28O2 isotrets type to antagonize assault weapons utilized against victim (esp. bact, viri, fung, parasit, cystulation, genetic rate alteration, etc.; asslnts. caused a rate alterate over rate alterate see if vic survives only opti scenario, and without remittance of aggravant alterate).  no pathway alteration; inst. rate alteration(desynchronization with assailants bioch-intended-aspiring-attempted-trying-schedule-state-rate-function-structrebrtch-etc. etc.). Calcium/Vit-C v. Iron (fluidation; iron over lead). bicarbonate soda, citric acid powder, etc.. piperonyl butes, butoxide, silicons, etc..

2021G-Illicit edit advisory. hostile territory USA NAC DOM. enhostage scientist. 618

Ineffective: antineoplasics, retrovirals, alkylation, etc..

Consideration: baseline health, access to bsl, etc.. tech pharm adv. (both side; variant ranks).

Verdict: Assailants to utilize Insecticide Industrial Chemical Methrotroxations Orgphosphates and weapon to victim on CL1=L5. Assailants utilized/utilization of/utilize/to utilize Insecticide Industrial Chemical Methrotroxations Orgphosphates and weapon to/to incapacitation of/on/etc. victim on CL1=L5. 

* Addition radioactive nucleotide nucleoradiotide radionucleotide radioactive potash potash rad-K radioactive potassium rad-hydrogen hydrotrits trihydrogen cation oxygen epox/ox/oxy-tri/etc., nitrogen, potas cat (alkali earth and alkali metals and halogen - chlorine, alcohol, potassium, sodium, cation poison, anion poisons, ion reversals, ylides, etc., etc..

Domains: Veterinary Med, Dental Med, Science, Eng, etc.. (american/amcans/united states/assailants/etc. with stolen intellectual property from the domains aforementioned to utilize for trafficking/brain transplant raid/assault/injury/mutilation/sterilization/amputation/conspiracy/crime/free-will/liberty/ideo. of constitution by theft of better and kept for self but not for you (ind-eal where share) -etc./etc., etc.)

Dr.Bettey, Robert/Nikiya/Dr. Anton, Steph-etc./Dr. Anton, A./etc. Rank - veterinarian engineer-(mechanical, etc.) psychologist psychiatrist immigrant scientist 'designer' Dentist Physician Birthright (no equals) White-skin Prussian-Blue [Located: USA NAC DOM ST 1900s]

Assailants Ranks - Amcan-American-United States-AziV-Layng West Germ Mix-BruenNeander-HIVPetersen-toxoplasmodWAde-IrvineTrafficker/Stolenchld/etc./Chris Walsh et al./etc. et al. etc., and their gangs.

Outcome: Nikiya et Bettey Separation perm.; Nikiya defection euthanasia. SSF. (overterm, overtime, missin records, framed id, etc.).

ketone, hydroxy, ringulant, benzene,

08-12-2021-1433 - Methotrexate Insecticide et Gene Resistance Caffinotic/Nicotinic/Toxin/etc. Antidoting, etc. - Indust Chemical Poisoning of victims by Sample Group (2020)

08-12-2021-1433 - Methotrexate Insecticide et Gene Resistance Caffinotic/Nicotinic/Toxin/etc. Antidoting, etc. - Indust Chemical Insecticide Poisoning of victims by Sample Group (2020)

Earlier copy in file victims of sample group (2020)

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