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Thursday, August 12, 2021

09-12-2021-0349 - Contact Dermatitis, Airborne

Contact Dermatitis, Airborne (Ragweed Dermatitis; Dermatitis due to other chemical products – acids, alkalis, dichromate, insecticide, plastic, rubber, nylon; Dermatitis due to food in contact with the skin, eg, flour; Dermatitis due to paint, other solvents)
Bruce Brod

Airborne ACD is a classic delayed type hypersensitivity or a type IV immunologic reaction. It is immune mediated rather than antibody mediated. The airborne allergen or hapten initially sensitizes the skin and creates memory lymphocytes. The small chemical molecules responsible for allergic contact dermatitis must bind to antigen presenting cells or Langerhans cells, which are situated within the suprabasilar layer of the epidermis. Langerhans cells interact with CD4+(helper) T cells leading to the inflammatory response.

Irritant contact dermatitis is a nonspecific response of the skin to direct chemical damage that releases mediators of inflammation predominately from epidermal cells.

Filaggrin barrier defects that predispose individuals to atopic dermatitis might also predispose them to allergic contact dermatitis by allowing greater penetration of chemical haptens. Initial sensitization requires 10 to 14 days

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