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Monday, August 23, 2021

08-22-2021-2134 - USA-W-E-U-etc. Cabinet House of Representatives and Senate (Where is Waldo - Party Time Don Goes (Mother Goose?) Hunting Party)

Above. Petersens, Smths, norway, nord, Amcans, Bruen Neander, layng, aziv, amcan, jewej, nigg, wht nig, Short Brown german, bruen neander grayden, grayden-rose-hurd, chaney chain, dr silbers, ispirescu lead brain blk-fungus-n romarome (gypsy vagrant), fin, norway, rown, brown, stolen child, trafficker, Heathen, barbarian, jews, germs, psycho brain worm italian des., Americans, North America, United States of America, Amcos, United States, United Shits of Earth, etc..

Im not shelling these. 

USA Plans: Put Shells on these brains. Put Brains in these shells.

Asia transplant brain into russia, middle east transplant brain into asia, usa transplant brain into both. all transplant brain into birthright missing shells (inc her black black black black black etc. ts etc.).

USA plans.

Above. Placeholder 

Below. Mister
USA Plans: Mister in stolen silk and goods from china assumes the USA people (will go as far as u let her world - were beyond rape, sterilize, etc. - its now at climb of foreign lad). Working with relatives to enslave and steal birthright shells, enslave and kill asians, etc..

Above. Middle East Woman (Stephanie Anton Great Mother of Sons of Worth TS4 of middle east special operations due anorexia, low fluid tolerance (doesnt drink or eat or smoke or do drugs), physiology, intelligence, technical skill, etc. and white-ivory, blk-green eyes rem, black curly hair; rf. ts4) & Germahy Baby Girl & Irish-Europe Baby Boy (head top only).

Below. Research Subjects, Rejectations, Amcans, etc.. What to do about U, sa? These trafficked birthright in same cunt? profane vulgar violent toward dop; like dey equal? In their future damned. Hindu god never approve.

Above. Jew; Theif. 'shell swap? look...I do-' 'shell swaps and traffickers and stolen cells' 'stolen cells thats everyone' - USA problem. We have no litters for a theif. No litter for you. Stolen shell, etc. 
- Veterinarians. 
Below. Satan (six hundred diet coke two liters bob fryer load onto satans deathship); Nuclear Winner (rebodied dop; 1960, 1920, bf.; iodine, lead, phosphorous, arsenic, prussian bleu, etc.). dop, bop, etc.. Missing shell, body, shells, eyes, sons, etc. (Missing CL1, et USA et Earth, etc.). - Don Problems. We have litter for you. - Veterinarians. Agent Blue Parade.

Above. Before I went to school, I had a country with chemicals. We went hostage 1900s with no record. 

Above. Surgeon, WHT. USA no no surge. no equals on earth. its a she. dont cum to nlab. my patients lk bttr den urs.

Above. Science
Below. Art

Above. Mein Land. BOP, DOP.

Above. Satan with u also.

Above. Robert Lee Bettey, D.V.M.; R for Robert.

Above. Help us bob, america traffickers and sterilizers.

Above. Scientist son missing 2020. Stolen by brown cans at layng germ heathen bruen neander barbarian vagrants.

Above. Genius
Below. cos,hip.

Above. Grigory & Nikiya cartoon

Above. White n' Tight.

Above. Veterinarian (DVM); World, Earth, Universe.

Above. Sims dinosaur boy.

Above. Birthright Defenders.

Above. Bullet Eaters. - nlab; target practice - rlab.

Abovve. euthan only.
Below. Marble floors

Above. Nikiya owns all - varieties of white, bleu, grey, black.

Above. Nazis have waist.

Above. We dont want to go to america....

Above. Honors. 2pt part cross for eye-earth-etc..

Above. Hey baby wuz happenin.
Below. Chris Walsh Yellow Whinney pooh shadow and biohaz.

Above. We want white tights. We want your treasures. We want birthrights shell. We want birthrights intelligence, etc.. - USA

Above. Fine Arts

Above. Science

above. principle of physics one paper - NLAB 92. dop. bop.

Above. Who did my surgery.  
Eye spy XXY mirror, ebie daie. 
Dont publish your photograph less weaponist.
Below. I am a dentist. This is my german daughter. 
Want her back? Who did her surgery.
Antelopinis and furcchinis. liberachi jew liberacchi. your daughters deformed, gen-dis put her to the test. mister missed her so du jesuit. its a feast in the middle east before the whroe war. 

Above. Fat americans.looks like nati bettey. help me i am fat.
Above 2. Who did your tee. Your shirts wrinkled. Filler accident - do it yourself. etc.
Above 3. Bone grinder. Petersen Butter Churn or lard soup.
Above 4. Took so many try to buy chinese.
Above 5. Antelopinis.
Above six. Why you do this to don.

Above. Mirror Hausen

Above. Nikiya
Below. Steve

Above. Seuture Thread for clothes in silk

Above. Spiral Bones

Above. Lessons Learned; Blue Face midevil ballet.

Above. J-Bl, N, Foreign, Not-USA, etc..

Above. Rouge Pot.

Above. birthright of pruss greece earth planetearthy 1992; station loc nac dom. amnestic world. nuclear winner. cl1 don.

Above. Niki did my neck.

Above. Dr. Bettey D.V.M., the Veterinarian is stuck in USA NAC DOM j2000.

Above. Nikiya, etc. World. Marie Antoinette (Coppola, 2006).

Above. Nikiya room. 

Above. America standard baby crib with sharon petersen in power.
below. America torturing don of prussia, birthright of prussia, etc. (after shell swap, missing eyes, etc.; thirty year hostage minimum - public rec usa nac dom etc.). you can see maul face and face injury. amcan injury signature (german x mxhaw x bruen x lat x as x bk x etc.); bruen injury signature; etc..

Above. Physics Optics.

Above. Planetearthy; methroxy planet. SIV, HIV, Petersen-Syndrome, HILVT1, etc..

Above. neck injury, hair.

Above. Batman bf1800-40.

Above. We have no room for feastys. Dr. Layng and the middle feastys.

Above. Where nikiya went.

Above. Fright Night.

Above. Gold Grid | 0000.

Above. Old n Cold. Dr. Silvers sold. 

Above. Help Germany! Help Russia! I don't want to be middle east, asian, black or latino... Help me.

Below. hell, we want your shell!

Above. I am not middle east. I just live there.  
Below. I was waiting for odysseus to come home; When Chainey chain the psy-it showed up with wines for Troy my son; and just wouldn't leave. He had none for helen... he must have heard a word but wouldnt show it... 

Above. Dr. Bettey's wallet. at USA NAC DOM.
Below. Dr. Bettey's shoes. at USA NAC DOM.

Above. Hero Purease, Tank You. We must send good to hostage Asians in America berry row purice for Asians in America only purease. They must save money for rice. must have rice.

Below. No, I have no clips... Just a hair clip.

Above. We must now send mask to Asia in America; America have bad breath from german. Teeth falling out from assault by Americans. Now need mask all time for covid.
Below. We send wood clog for Asia in America, but germany buying them all so asia america have no wood, cellulose, tobacco, wood shoe, wood clog, wood, rice, etc.. America stealing everytying.

Above. We make flax tribute for russia, but russia send no more and kill all russia in america and remanents. due theft of body by Americans, america, amcans, USA, latino, brown, middle east, nigger, hybrids, weird stuff, apemans, etc., brain by BTR. defamation, trafficking, stolen child trafficker family, disease, amnestic drug, cloak, clone, ip theft, birthright, viv, etc..

Below. Quantum of Leap. Where is James Bond.

Above. I am not a nigger... I look pretty good. I think she means white person brain theif of black man body, organ, child, structure, function, etc..
Below. Satan agrees. (I am not lying, satan reassures.)

Above. Nobodys kids wearing my white and tights and white tights is a crime in russia.

Below. Satan says that she means amcans wearing white, being white, etc., is a crime in universe. Because they all mix should make non-traditional color, only slave color. Americans in general not allowed to white tight because of goth, russia, prussia, asia, whites, history, race equality endeavors, etc.. Why she hostage? Where birthright, birthright hostage also (sarcasm)?

Above. America peopos. Bruowns. White should be extinct in america by now. americans should wear brown tights. 

Peepoos america united shits of earth. i tell all my kids just call em pee-poos, dem not hamans, dey apemans - yur mam ape hepashape furryape tape rape escape, etc.. dat how dey stold the birthright shell, and they drugged her amnestic kept thirty year to one hundred plus year hostage. Sund like a petersen plan oh. oh hehro purease.

Below. Nikiya and USA finally consider sanction to child marriage (child and child may marry or be arranged to marry) due broad BTR (out of ctrl) and adult brain stuck in child body circumstance (not a mental illness, disease, etc.) needs adult rights but disclosure for proper grouping with adults. Else euthanasia. 

Above. Litter Girls Say Tank You! If only approved thirty years ago... Were almost thirty no progeny and no marriage yet because traffickers stalkers stolen-kids rapers misters wilkes USA amcan americas violence USAF free-disease diseases grayden-bruen-neander-psychopath wars-USA etc.. German girl even went to church (see blonde girl photo above). If only we had what they may have today; if it were us today, we would want to be married without delay regardless of age. Male Female marriage only.


Side: Hey chris walsh! Hey baby waz happening. whered u putty de be.
Other Side: We killed em and coverd up.
Side: Chris you cant do that.
Other Side: We drugged them amnestic so dey dont know.
Side: Chris walsh is an ape.
America: The man ape do ape.
Europe: I got an ape thats chasin me, and i dont know what i did...
Side: Chris walsh we cant have more violence or trafficking...
Other Side: Chris Walsh says... Look I am not gonna preface by my identity ok.
Side: Chris Walsh is an ape.
Other Side: Ho, now you repeating yourself.
Side: Your wavy bruen ape. Neander Stripe.
Feds: Were looking for de bees, we canna find alll em ya knewd.
Side: You have to or be halfed.
Feds-B: Look we got bitty and bigger, we got a pro cal mister!
Side: You have to euthanize misters, you cant negotiate with misters.
Feds: Yeah tell it to the bans.
Side: Leave them alone. We have to prevent mister defection/emigration/etc. and execute the misters including all missing misters.
Feds: Were tryin were justaf mister ll find out and asia will come to his aid.
Side: No way. misters in stolen silk. der no way bambam help mister ever. 
Other Side: Mister wont find out, hell call. haha. get it he will call. like heel call.
Side: Chris walsh your not funny.


Stage: Chris Walsh is an ape. Behold wavy brown hair caucasian 100% caucasian, American Brown Eyes, Brown facial hair, Brown Tan Ivory Yellow Light Skin color, and surgery with no surgeon on record. Behold and feast the middle east, feast your eyes on the works of brown and bruen-neander: Christopher Walsh, Sheriff Dumputy, Christopher Walsh.

Audience: Is this guy supposed to replace James Bond? We are doomed.

Stage: No, Christopher Walsh is Where's Waldo. Can your daughters identify chris walsh in time or will he escape like ape after the wape? Your daughters cannot identify chris walsh because he is brown. Can they identify chris walsh in a stolen shell, how about chris walsh connections. Feast your eyes never, on the don of prussia.

Don of pruss: ...

Stage: Do you have any words for the audience or Chris Walsh the finest brown american specimen straight outta california.

Stage 2: No.

Stage: Chris Walsh is an ape, with no contestance.

Stage 2: Christopher Walsh is near impossible for non-generational equivalent to identification performance.

Stage: Are you sure? You wouldn't say that you don't know chris walsh?

Stage 2: No.

Stage: Perfect! Chris Walsh is not able to be identified except by in-group members.

Stage 3: Predominance. Exceptions should be disregarded.

Stage 2: Stage should identify chris walsh by brain transplant of USA federal agent and chris-walsh in-group member [temporary two way; USA federal agent into chris walsh in-group member; chris walsh in-group member into jar; reverse upon finishment] (USA federal agent, chris walsh and person of chris walsh in-group/chris-walsh in-group member.)(No permission to use disregarded/exception/foreign/unw/unk/anothers/dual/ssf/stationed/ss/etc.) only and to avoid cascade of catastrophe. Federal agent brain must be returned to federal agent post-operation/activity/etc.; time to return should never exceed safe/term/operation/duration/short term/short time/use/one/one hour/etc. (no fail of safe; no extension of term (extension of term is co-operant/etc. fail, los, etc. with active recovery effort by remaining/non-operants/etc. required always else circumstance of abandonment; abandonment is always impermissible, regardless. brain must be returned to shell, euthanasia if injury, etc.. records required/recommended, but not as a precondition to/of euthanasia/kill/death/etc.); extension of term becomes search, rescue, collection, identify/count/sort/etc., returns, etc. and by non-operant/co-operant/overseer/superior/etc.; extension, abandonment, unforseen circumstances, etc., require euthanasia prompt - especially if non-retrievable/etc. by same/known/etc. and as determined by time/background/fit/organization/etc.)[C1 - one agent on floor; one same/known/etc. and as determined by time/background/fit/organization/etc., who can retrieve the agent on floor; C2 - Target, Target connection in-group vague and fixed relations]. For example. Christopher Walsh Target; Christopher Rooney Target connection in-group vague and fixed relations (inc. to Chris Walsh). All losses is euthanasia only. Extraordinary confounds (birthright etc.) is euthanasia only. Dependents/loyaltys/etc. is euthanasia only.

Stage 3: No further.


Above. Five Finger America - Mister run and Mister Hide - Aperica  - Dr. Beatles appear and Hyde.
Below. Apeified - USApes - America Amnestic - America of Ape - Mecca of Ape - Meri cause to Ape - Natify - Natsnflyes.

Below. Dr. Bettey's (dvm) & dr.anton's (dds) daughter @ Dr.F.

Above. Film [Eye] (2019)
Above. Film [Day 2] (2019)

Above. Film [Hair] (2019)
Above. Film [Lens] (2019)

Above. Film [Oh] (2019)
Above. Dear Amcan (2020-2021; ~2021)

Above. Mix - Ludacris - Move B**ch

Below. Ludacris - Move B**ch

Above. Mayflower (2021 est.)

Above. Dr. F.
Below. Dr. F.

Below. Chun Li - Nicki Minaj

Above. USA component placeholder. placemat. Lost brain zone. catch an agent going thru - agent catch zone. no ancestors shell; no worth holding shell; detainment facility for lost data-brain-agent-etc.. lost in space time shell... happy child. low intellect. no apprecation of reality, realism, real, actual, difference, similar, divergency, discrimination, sum, etc..

Above. Congregation of USA, where degenerates appear after hiding. Agglomerate Amcan; Amcan Agglomerate. Conglomeration of clones, clowns, stolen kings, stolen children trafficker family proponents, etc.. Cloaks in waiting. Surgery to look like the other guy. Transplant party. Zombie gathering. Psychopath Ward. Religion of Theft. IP theft celebration.

Above. Little Dr. hyde surprised (german girl; elf n fairy), B-Bro hiding and Dr. Ton dds smiles.

Above. Steffucchi Antoon.
Above. America Congress.

Above. Mister. Brain Trans Zone. Destroy humankind shell/gen/seq/etc.. Degeneration zone. 

Above. Stephy anton type in italy 1600s. (not stephanie anton, etc.)

Above. America Parliment.

Above. Brain degeneration zone. Trafficker training shell. Jewization shell. etc.. Perm genetic and neurodegen dis. euthanasia only unless tap brain/etc.. Brain degeneration zone as mister. HIV and virus present, no perm to treat on/at/by/etc. CL1/USA/etc. (should DVT et covulation). Leukemitics. Epoxy, polymers, fat disorder, ageing disease. surgery with no surgeon. dental caries, decay, cavitation. bone cavitation, mole bone, hole bone, matrix error/defo/etc., blood disease/cell disease/cell parasitism/etc., bonal malacia. stolen shell with softening warping deformity and decay of the bones. Gen mod skin/eye/hair/etc.. Surg on skeleton, transplants present (inc gen mod principle of ops to effect; principle of operation asserts transplants present (despite no recs), premise of operations with effective outcome and responsiveness of cell to com-etc.). liquefication, mineralization, calcus, tartar, plaque, biofilm, etc. scarring sarcomation, sarcoma, infectious holding cell, melts, etc.. Ful gan, hepashityls, highly infective animal-human trans dis, infectious disease on prisoners, biolevel diseases, measles/rabies/polio/malaria/etc., worm infection friendly et dystrophy dysplasia connective tissue disease spec parasite protazoen fungus threads heartworm hooks liver worm minis (filaria, strongyloides) hybrids bact-compound, cremate only disease, caseous disease/biofilm-plaque-symbiosis-ecosys, etc.. pleura. eyebrows indicate transplant tissue/grafting, including neander, mammal-human hybrid, homo sapienism, human-animal, etc. (esp. whr na, nr, ns, etc.). Id Type: Jewej-Bro-Neander-Hybrid. No human rights, euthan only eol (huminal max reas cap). Mx transfusions/infusion syndrome (reference. Genie, Grayden-Rose-Hurd-Silvers-Chaney-Ispirescu-Petersen-Wade-USA-America-etc., feral child rehabilitated, infected caregiven as child, metabolic genetic disease, organ failure severe, mental retardation, consequential psychopathology - same situ w/ cover USA that did not cover genie due worth and did not euthanize on time either; Felled innoc line. Male type VPV. No acquired immunity (no secondary antibiotics); ref. baseline sig deviance/variance and overpinning/sequence washing and likexlike replacement, etc.. shld high outcome evidentiality of prionation prion disease and genetic fraggin. loved by coccus, botulinis, fungotix, hawaiian parasites, leshmana, trypanosome, trichs, neander dis, bone dis, con tis dis. brain dis, neurodegen dis, neuro dis, low intelligence, etc.); Body like a swimming pool nuclear soup hausen for parasite. Rabies carrier and type acceptable due lipodisposition, tissue deposition pattern, tissue type, genetics, metabolics, etc.. tubular failure, renal failure, peripheral nerve dest/abs, no pain/high desensitization, cancotics, rabys web syndrome, low potency (usa, usinv), xxy genetics inclined, undermenschen-usa, etc.. - Dr. F
Above. Cremated remains of degenerated brains.

Above. Niki

Above. Key holders.

Above. Foreigns enhostage by America. Empty zone.

Above. Dr. Bettey DVM family

Below. Dr. Bettey DVM - Vet Bond - Holds the Line.

Above. 'Constantine, Hold the Line!'

Above. Trina - B R Right (feat. Ludacris) [Explicit Version]

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