Blog Archive

Monday, August 23, 2021

08-23-2021-1001 - Neural Fibrolipoma

 Neural Fibrolipoma is an overgrowth of fibro-fatty tissue along a nerve trunk that often leads to nerve compression.[1] These only occur in the extremities, and often affect the median nerve. They are rare, very slow-growing, and their origin is unknown.[2] It is believed that they may begin growth in response to trauma. They are not encapsulated by any sort of covering or sheath around the growth itself, as opposed to other cysts beneath the skin that often are. This means there are loosely defined margins of this lipoma. Despite this, they are known to be benign. Neural fibrolipomas are often more firm and tough to the touch than other lipomas. They are slightly mobile under the skin, and compress with pressure.

Above. NSYNC - God Must Have Spent A Little More Time On You...

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