Blog Archive

Monday, August 23, 2021

08-23-2021-0857 - Trichophyton

 Trichophyton is a genus of fungi, which includes the parasitic varieties that cause tinea, including athlete's footringwormjock itch, and similar infections of the nail, beard, skin and scalp. Trichophyton fungi are moldscharacterized by the development of both smooth-walled macro- and microconidiaMacroconidia are mostly borne laterally directly on the hyphae or on short pedicels, and are thin- or thick-walled, clavate to fusiform, and range from 4 to 8 by 8 to 50 Î¼m in size. Macroconidia are few or absent in many species. Microconidia are spherical, pyriform to clavate or of irregular shape, and range from 2 to 3 by 2 to 4 μm in size.

Above. Type O Negatie - Black No. 1

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