Blog Archive

Monday, August 23, 2021

08-23-2021-0607 - compilation/collection of items draft (082420210045)

08-16-2021-0100 - Compilation USA Petersen Mass Trafficking Ring Amnestic Drug DIW DFA clone cloak etc. mass procreation of petersen herself by petersen herself

7. psychosis is grayden bruen neander - genetics with attack in undeclared war against birthright, mass traffin of birthright, abudction and druggin w/ CWI/amnestic drug/etc. of unk birthright, swapping birthright shell, swapping birthrt brains, cloning birthright, putting birthright kids with trafficker amcan, etc.. Victims accept death is not psychosis or psychotic life. deception to deny them euthanasia or death is psychotic by grayden who deceive them about true nature of affairs of reality and their opportunity to die. - CIA n e

08-15-2021-0439 - United States of America North America Continent Domestic Copy draft [n.d.]

Sunday, August 15, 2021

08-15-2021-0439 - United States of America North America Continent Domestic Copy draft [n.d.]

 1. Large Scale Industry

2. World Migration

3. HIV, tropics, animals, digging, etc.; very inhumane human experimentation; etc..

4. Anorexia Stigma appearance in world societies.

5. AIDS, toxoplasmosis of the brain surfaces in USA female of type c, lipodystrophy/etc. appear in USA male or female of type d; 

6. Cancer Research (indication leukemia took; HTLV, HLV-HIV, HTLV-I, SIV, Polio/Polyo, etc. (chronic leuks v. acute leuks upon exposure, infrastructure flaws fatal revealed - acute leuk misattributed to biological cause for disease of blood, where physical cause for condition of the blood (aggravant , eg radiation type eg. gamma)))

7. Large scale domestic accidental sterilization by insecticides, water, food, air, dust/soil, components, etc.

8. Facilitation of environment to carry; increase in oil, hydrophobic volatile organic compounds lipids hydrocarbs fats etc. in atmosphere and environment (with settle seep and stew). Aerosol Aeromatic Suspension Gaseous etc.. Concentration Weight etc. diversification for carry. Prepared for bioaerosols and hydro-oxy comms. Including nitro red explosives.

9. Nuclearization (public sale of chemicals radionucleotide, masers, etc.)

10. Electrical Grid (large scale ionization), prepared from world copper (no material standard)

11. Underground spare country doing bioweapons/cloning/trafficking/teaching each other/practicing cloak work/improving cloak process/trying to build mat from particle scratch/etc.; that turned into infiltration/invasion/etc. global disruption and surveillance and finally conspiracy when they ran out of stuff to do

12. Compensation by trafficking/theft

13. Abduction and enhostage of birthright, VIV and their family. Intellectual Property Theft, Mass Trafficking. etc.

14. Slaves (slaves spread disease, danger, destruction)

15. Non-disclosure with cover (e.g. people on cl1 fightin asia 1900s; people below left alone despite surv ineffective at max cap; hostages, pows, con camps, jew emigration from con camp germ, jails, psych unit, BHU, asylum, sanitoriums, psychiatric ward, jail, detainment, shelter, street, german easy emigration from tropics/travel/back forth/etc., world scale operations (beyond normal human trav), etc.)

16. Theft of goods/etc. from foreign countries

17. Scheme concept integrated into all persons of/etc. America

18. Movin suspect groups - Mister and Jewej migration (community of everyone without discrimination only principle alignment of trafficking); german revelation 1800 and german comm channels reveal age of german cell infiltrant in americas (mass german migration); azi v appears with west german white brown 100% caucasian wavy haired chig layng; trafficker gangs appear multiracial with racial child preference (soldiers, emt, criminals, etc.); petersen and the degenerate met amcans with genetic disease and asburgers (their disease state has not improved; they steal children foreign and import for argument of improvement/false argument of health without differentiation); mass migration outward of traffickers/clones/stolen children/perturbations/disease/aberrations/derivatives/integrants/variants/integrals/etc.; etc.. Warring between gangs unacknowledged and blame the victim/etc.. Dysfunction reveal america position of inability to truth due to assailant-guilty-party-etc. of knowing-awareness-etc., and where victims have been framed on both sides (knowing victim and unknowing victim). Triangle of crime, square of crime; etc. (expands many dimensions until long-term criminal arrives; petersen/norway/nord/neander/heathen/barbarian/jewej/etc.).

19. Genetic and Metabolic disease surface provided environment, industry, import, immigrants, large scale industry/infrastructure, infrastructure, radiation, ionization, electrical, above and below ground operations, exterterresterial/sea operations, material standard, baseline disease of america, america history, time, inhumane experimentation, neglected people, low-intellect/psychopathology/misunderstanding/inferior genetics/etc. of america people, amnestic drug facilitated assault, drug compound drug compound antagonist, cloak, clone, genetic operations, cell work abuse, pharmaceutical culture, technological advancement clandestine, harrowing baby factories, fertility banks interrelation, basement human experimentation, use of facility to commit gang violent crimes, trafficking, mutilation, sterilization, amputation, torture, very large scale weapons operations, etc. (fatally flawed, fated practices), and spread to foreign country by emigrants, export, trafficking, argument, weapons, war, etc..

Monday, April 12, 2021

Cloak, Clone, Drug Compound Antagonist Amnestic Drug, Brain Transplant (Laboratory Grown Organ), full rebuild, psychoacoustics, lab grown organs, DCAT, human trafficking (carry over blog Nikiya Anton Bettey 2019) [illicit edit advisory]


Saturday, December 19, 2020

Cloak, Clone, Drug Compound Antagonist Amnestic Drug, Brain Transplant (Laboratory Grown Organ), full rebuild, psychoacoustics, lab grown organs, DCAT, human trafficking

Cloak, Clone, Drug Compound Antagonist Amnestic Drug (cognitive physical incapacitant; DCAT), Brain Transplant (w/ rapid dissemination-facilitation of nervous system regrowth/attachment) BTR, laboratory grown organ (cellular foundation), full rebuild, psychoacoustics (acoustic weapon large scale), embryo human derived from source any (fractionation of egg, genetic material, etc.), distance incapacitation weapon, genetic modification/gen mod,  Artificial metabolism, etc..

Nuclear powdered Jeep vehicle; ground dig with nuclear power.

1. cloak physical body

2. clone human

3. drug compound antagonist amnestic drug (without awareness/event-recall)

4. laboratory grown organ from genetic signature

5. psychoacoustics (large scale distance enabled acoustic weap)

6. brain eye transplant implant; biomech/bioeng

7. full rebuild

8. embryo human derived from source unconv (fractionation of egg, egg clone, set clone, animal to human, retrograde gen, etc.)

9. hybrid human; artificial metabolic (resp/dig/genitourin), art nervous system (card; transport/ Tx Rx);

10. zero point shift/zero point change/etc.

11. stolen children/trafficker families

12. Psychology - conditioning, priming, etc.; human-X interface, etc..

13. Genetic modification humans (cross-species transfer, etc.).

14. distance incapacitation weapon (esp. for utilization with prep, amnestic drug, lab grown, chemical, etc.).

Quote [Reference Retained]

The Searchers: Love Potion Nr 9 -

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Monday, April 12, 2021

Illicit Edit Advisory Post Missing (from Blog Nikiya Anton Bettey 2019)

Illicit Edit Advisory Post Missing from 'Blogger' Blog identified by the title and description: 'Nikiya Anton Bettey', and 'Published: 2019'; that was composed between the years of: 2019-2020. A link to the Blog of reference is provided as follows: .
Carry over blog

Monday, April 12, 2021

Dissipative System Quantum Decoherence Decoupling Optics (carry over blog Nikiya Anton Bettey, 2019) [illicit edit advisory]


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Dissipative System Quantum Decoherence Decoupling Optics

Monday, April 12, 2021

'A Technology to Make a Physical Body Not Ostensible to the Unaided Human Eye, Standard Camera Lens, etc..' [REFERENCE] (Carry over blog: Nikiya Anton Bettey, 2019) 


Saturday, September 26, 2020

'A Technology to Make a Physical Body Not Ostensible to the Unaided Human Eye, Standard Camera Lens. (etc.)' [REFERENCE]

 'A Technology to Make a Physical Body Not Ostensible to the Unaided Human Eye, Standard Camera Lens.' [REFERENCE]

Monday, April 12, 2021

'They are unaware that they are intoxicated while they are intoxicated. They cannot recall the events that occurred while intoxicated once unintoxicated.' [Reference] (Carry over blog: Nikiya Anton Bettey, 2019)

liquefication, mineralization, calcus, tartar, plaque, biofilm, etc. scarring

Thursday, August 5, 2021

08-04-2021-1845 - Correction/Version/update/variety/etc.

dis induction with persistence;  etc.; autoregeneration of disease trigger/etc.. BW21

Monday, April 12, 2021

Euthanasia Request (Carry over blog, Nikiya Anton Bettey 2019) [illicit edit advisory]

Monday, April 12, 2021

ME S AS; AS S RU; US S BR; USBR S All (Carry over Blog: Nikiya Anton Bettey, 2019) [Illicit Edit Advisory]

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