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Monday, August 30, 2021

08-29-2021-2009 - five clusters of mink variants of SARS-CoV-2; 69–70deltaHV

 In Denmark, there have been five clusters of mink variants of SARS-CoV-2; the Danish State Serum Institute (SSI) has designated these as clusters 1–5 (Danish: cluster 1–5). In cluster 5, also referred to as ΔFVI‑spike by the SSI,[23] several different mutations in the spike protein of the virus have been confirmed. The specific mutations include 69–70deltaHV (a deletion of the histidine and valine residues at the 69th and 70th position in the protein),...Along with bats, pangolins, and humans, minks are one of the many mammal species that can be infected with coronaviruses.[6]

The specific mutations include 69–70deltaHV (a deletion of the histidine and valine residues at the 69th and 70th position in the protein), Y453F (a change from tyrosine to phenylalanine at position 453, inside the spike protein's receptor-binding domain), I692V (isoleucine to valine at position 692), M1229I (methionine to isoleucine at position 1229), and a non-conservative substitution S1147L.[24][23][25]

Mink-related mutations that partially resemble the mutations discovered in Denmark, although part of a separate genomic group, are known from the Netherlands.[17][26]

above. Ludacris-Ho

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