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Wednesday, May 17, 2023

05-17-2023-0038 - Ajax Animator, SWFTools, Powerflasher FDT, etc. (draft)

Ajax Animator is a free, web-based animation suite.[1][2] Its development began in March 2006 by Antimatter15, then a sixth grader. Ajax Animator was originally intended to be a free replacement to Flash MX,[3][4] but is now a general-purpose animation tool. Ajax Animator is primarily written using JavaScript, the Ext JS framework, and HTML5-related technologies such as SVG. The software can be used either from within a web browser or from an offline installation.[5]

SWFTools is an open source software tool suite for creating and manipulating SWF files. Distributed under the terms of the GPL-2.0-or-later, it may be compiled from C source, to run under Linux, Microsoft Windows, and Apple OS X.[1] On Microsoft Windows systems, the pre-compiled installer also installs a GUI wrapper for the suite's PDF to SWF conversion tool, pdf2swf.

SWFTools relies upon, and links against, additional third-party libraries for some of its functionality, e.g. Xpdf, PDFlib, freetype, and libjpeg

Powerflasher FDT is an integrated development environment (IDE) built on the Eclipse platform for development of Adobe Flash-based content.[5][6][7][8][9][10][11][12][13][14][15][16]

FDT enables development of content such as video games, rich web applications and Adobe AIR applications, in the ActionScript 3 and Haxe programming languages.[17] FDT offers project management, code editing and interactive debugging. FDT is similar in purpose and design to Adobe Flash Builder and FlashDevelop. The primary purpose of the IDE is enabling developers to edit, compile, debug and publish a Flash ActionScript project.

FDT uses a subscription-based licensing model and is available in multiple editions,[18][19] including a free version with restricted features for hobbyists,[20] and a low-cost version for students.[21]

Scaleform GFx is a discontinued game development middleware package, a vector graphics rendering engine used to display Adobe Flash-based user interfaces and HUDs for video games.[6] In March 2011, Autodesk acquired Scaleform Corporation[7] and Scaleform GFx became part of the Autodesk Gameware line of middleware. On July 12, 2018, Autodesk discontinued Scaleform GFx, and it is no longer available for purchase.[8]

Authors created user interfaces using Adobe Flash authoring tools, such as Adobe Animate (formerly Adobe Flash Professional); the resulting SWF files were used directly by the GFx libraries, providing similar functionality to the Adobe Flash Player but optimized for use within game engines.

Scaleform GFx supported all major platforms, including game consoles, mobile and PC operating systems.[1] Scaleform provides APIs for direct communication between Flash content and the game engine, and pre-built integrations for popular engines such as Unity, Unreal Engine, and CryENGINE.[9][10][11][12][13][14] Scaleform GFx could also be licensed for use as a standalone Flash runtime system on mobile platforms,[15][16] competing with Adobe AIR

Gnash is a media player for playing SWF files.[2] Gnash is available both as a standalone player for desktop computers and embedded devices, as well as a plugin for the browsers still supporting NPAPI.[3] It is part of the GNU Project and is a free and open-source alternative to Adobe Flash Player.[4] It was developed from the gameswf project.[5]

Gnash was first announced in late 2005[6] by software developer John Gilmore. As of 2011, the project's maintainer is Rob Savoye. The main developer's web site for Gnash is located on the Free Software Foundation's GNU Savannah project support server.[7]

Gnash supports most SWF v7 features and some SWF v8 and v9, however SWF v10 is not supported.[7]

ShockWave Component (SWC)
Adobe-swc icon.png
Filename extension
Internet media type
Magic numberPK\003\004
Developed byAdobe Systems
Type of formatClass Library
Container forXML SWF CSS
Extended fromZIP

An SWC file is a package of precompiled Flash symbols and ActionScript code that allows a Flash or Flex developer to distribute classes and assets, or to avoid recompiling symbols and code that will not change.[1][2] SWC files can be generated by the Adobe Flash Professional authoring tool, and by Flash Builder (or its companion compiler MXMLC).[3] They are sometimes referred to as class libraries and cannot be directly executed by the Flash Player.

SWC code libraries are typically included in an ActionScript 3 project, and compiled into the final SWF file alongside the developer's program, by the ActionScript 3 compiler. Only the classes that have been used by the project (and their dependencies) are transferred into the resulting SWF file.

Flare3D is a framework for developing interactive three-dimensional (3D) graphics within Adobe Flash Player and Adobe AIR, written in ActionScript 3.[3] Flare3D includes a 3D object editor (the Flare3D IDE) and a 3D graphics engine for rendering 3D graphics.[1] Flare3D runs on current[when?] web browsers utilizing the Adobe Flash Player, and uses Stage3D for GPU-accelerated rendering. Flare3D has not been under active development since late 2014.[4]

Stage3D (codenamed Molehill[1]) is an Adobe Flash Player API for rendering interactive 3D graphics with GPU-acceleration, within Flash games and applications. Flash Player or AIR applications written in ActionScript 3 may use Stage3D to render 3D graphics,[2] and such applications run natively on Windows, Mac OS X, Linux, Apple iOS and Google Android.[3] Stage3D is similar in purpose and design to WebGL.[4][5]

SWFObject (originally FlashObject) is an open-source JavaScript library used to embed Adobe Flash content onto Web pages and to protect the flash game against piracy,[1] which is supplied as one small JavaScript file.[2][3] The library can also detect the installed Adobe Flash Player plug-in in all major web browsers, on all major operating systems (OS), and can redirect the visitor to another webpage or show alternate HTML content if the installed plug-in is not suitable.[4]

Starling is an open source game framework used to create 2D games that run both on mobile and desktop platforms. It recreates the traditional Flash display list architecture on top of accelerated graphics hardware. Several commercial games have been built with Starling, including Angry Birds Friends[2] and Incredipede.[3]

Real-Time Messaging Protocol (RTMP) is a communication protocol for streaming audio, video, and data over the Internet. Originally developed as a proprietary protocol by Macromedia for streaming between Flash Player and the Flash Communication Server, Adobe (which acquired Macromedia) has released an incomplete version of the specification of the protocol for public use.

The RTMP protocol has multiple variations:

  1. RTMP proper, the "plain" protocol which works on top of Transmission Control Protocol (TCP) and uses port number 1935 by default.
  2. RTMPS, which is RTMP over a Transport Layer Security (TLS/SSL) connection.
  3. RTMPE, which is RTMP encrypted using Adobe's own security mechanism. While the details of the implementation are proprietary, the mechanism uses industry standard cryptographic primitives.[1]
  4. RTMPT, which is encapsulated within HTTP requests to traverse firewalls. RTMPT is frequently found utilizing cleartext requests on TCP ports 80 and 443 to bypass most corporate traffic filtering. The encapsulated session may carry plain RTMP, RTMPS, or RTMPE packets within.
  5. RTMFP, which is RTMP over User Datagram Protocol (UDP) instead of TCP, replacing RTMP Chunk Stream. The Secure Real-Time Media Flow Protocol suite has been developed by Adobe Systems and enables end‐users to connect and communicate directly with each other (P2P).

While the primary motivation for RTMP was to be a protocol for playing Flash video, it is also used in some other applications, such as the Adobe LiveCycle Data Services ES



RTMPDump is a free software project dedicated to develop a toolkit for RTMP streams. The package includes three programs, rtmpdump, rtmpsrv and rtmpsuck.

  • rtmpdump is used to connect to RTMP servers just like normal Flash video player clients, and capture the stream from the network, and save it to a file. With it, commands may be constructed using connection and authentication information previously obtained from the RTMP server by rtmpsrv.
  • rtmpsrv is used to watch connections and streams
  • rtmpsuck can also be used to capture streams, but can be used to detect parameters to be used with rtmpdump [1][2]

It has been reviewed as "an excellent utility for recording streams broadcasting TV and video on demand"[1] and has been used in academic research on video streaming rate selection[3] and a developmental media framework.[4] The utility has been noted for its small size and its ability to decrypt both RTMPE (Encrypted RTMP) and RTMPS (Secure RTMP) Digital Rights Management technologies. Adobe Systems Inc. asserted that rtmpdump, in a 2009 Digital Millennium Copyright Act Cease and Desist order issued against SourceForge, "can be used" to infringe copyrights, without claiming actual use.[5] As of 2009, SourceForge had removed the project files, providing the message "The project specified has been flagged as deleted".[6] From November 2009 onwards, the project has been hosted as a Git repository at MPlayer's website,[7]








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