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Sunday, September 19, 2021

09-19-2021-1003 - It was while doing experiments on the electrolysis of water at the University of Basel that Schönbein first began to notice a distinctive odor...ozone...lightening


It was while doing experiments on the electrolysis of water at the University of Basel that Schönbein first began to notice a distinctive odor in his laboratory.[6] This smell gave Schönbein the clue to the presence of a new product from his experiments. Because of the pronounced smell, Schönbein coined the term "ozone" for the new gas, from the Greek word "ozein", meaning "to smell". Schönbein described his discoveries in publications in 1840.[7] He later found that the smell of ozone was similar to that produced by the slow oxidation of white phosphorus.[8]

The ozone smell Schönbein detected is the same as that occurring in the vicinity of lightning storms, an odor that indicates the presence of ozone in the atmosphere.[4]önbein 

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