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Thursday, August 26, 2021

08-26-2021-1454 - Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) latino whitewater arroyo arenavirus virus racial ext

 Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) is a rodent-borne viral infectious disease that presents as aseptic meningitis, encephalitis or meningoencephalitis. Its causative agent is lymphocytic choriomeningitis mammarenavirus (LCMV), a member of the family Arenaviridae. The name was coined by Charles Armstrong in 1934.[2]

Lymphocytic choriomeningitis (LCM) is "a viral infection of the membranes surrounding the brain and spinal cord and of the cerebrospinal fluid".[3] The name is based on the tendency of an individual to have abnormally high levels of lymphocytes during infection. Choriomeningitis is "cerebral meningitis in which there is marked cellular infiltration of the meninges, often with a lymphocytic infiltration of the choroid plexuses".[4]

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Whitewater Arroyo mammarenavirus (WWAV) is a zoonotic Arenavirus associated with hemorrhagic fever with liver failure.


Latino mammarenavirus is a species of virus in the family Arenaviridae.[1][2][3] Its host is Calomys callosus, and it was isolated in Bolivia.[1]


Wenzhou mammarenavirus

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An arenavirus is a bisegmented ambisense RNA virus that is a member of the family Arenaviridae.[1] These viruses infect rodents and occasionally humans. A class of novel, highly divergent arenaviruses, properly known as reptarenaviruses, have also been discovered which infect snakes to produce inclusion body disease. At least eight arenaviruses are known to cause human disease. The diseases derived from arenaviruses range in severity. Aseptic meningitis, a severe human disease that causes inflammation covering the brain and spinal cord, can arise from the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virusHemorrhagic feversyndromes, including Lassa fever, are derived from infections such as Guanarito virusJunin virusLassa virusLujo virus,[2]Machupo virusSabia virus, or Whitewater Arroyo virus.[3] Because of the epidemiological association with rodents, some arenaviruses and bunyaviruses are designated as roboviruses.

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