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Friday, September 17, 2021

09-17-2021-0139 - weakly interacting sub-eV particle, or weakly interacting slender particle, or weakly interacting slim particle

In quantum mechanics, the acronym WISP refers to a largely hypothetical weakly interacting sub-eV particle, or weakly interacting slender particle, or weakly interacting slim particle – low-mass particles which rarely interact with conventional particles, if ever. With the exception of “active” neutrinos, all WISPs are hypothetical particles.

The term is essentially synonymous with axion-like particle (ALP).

Although left-chiral neutrinos and right-chiral antineutrinos – “active” neutrinos – are known to exist, and technically do satisfy the description of the term, “WISP” is most often used to refer to a low-mass hypothetical particle which is a dark matter candidate. Examples include:[1]

     Chargino – supersymmetric fermions that are electrically charged composites of superpartners to bosons
or perhaps a
     Neutralino – supersymmetric fermions that are electrically neutral composites of superpartners to bosons

All WISPs are dark matter candidates, except for active neutrinos, whose cumulative density could not be sufficient to account for the observed effects of dark matter, based on current estimates of their numbers and mass.[1] 

tool the pot

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