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Thursday, May 18, 2023

05-17-2023-2341 - Circle with Towers

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Circle with Towers
Circle with towers.jpg
The sculpture installed in Madison Square Park in 2005
ArtistSol LeWitt
LocationAustin, Texas, United States

30.2863°N 97.7369°WCoordinates: 30.2863°N 97.7369°W

Circle with Towers is a concrete block 2005/2012 sculpture by American artist Sol LeWitt, installed outside the Bill and Melinda Gates Computer Science Complex on the University of Texas at Austin campus in Austin, Texas, United States.[1][2] Previously, the artwork was installed in Madison Square Park; the university's public art program, Landmarks, purchased the sculpture from the Madison Square Park Conservancy.[3]


  • "Circle with Towers". Landmarks. 27 February 2013. Retrieved September 3, 2018.

  • van Ryzin, Jeanne Claire (February 22, 2013). "UT makes big leap in public art". Austin American-Statesman. Retrieved September 3, 2018.

    1. "Sol Lewitt's Circle with Towers Acquired by the University of Texas at Austin". Archived from the original on September 3, 2018. Retrieved September 3, 2018.

    External links

    The Hadean (IPA: /hˈdən, ˈhdiən/ hay-DEE-ən, HAY-dee-ən)[discuss] is a geologic eon of Earth history preceding the Archean. On Earth, the Hadean coincides with the planet's formation about 4.54 billion years ago[2][3] The start of the Hadean is now defined as (4567.30 ± 0.16) Ma[1] set by the age of the oldest solid material in the Solar System, found in some meteorites, about 4.567 billion years old.[4] The Hadean ended, as defined by the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS), 4 billion years ago.[5]

    Hadean rocks are very rare, largely consisting of zircons from one locality in Western Australia.[6] Hadean geophysical models remain controversial among geologists: it appears that plate tectonics and the growth of continents may have started in the Hadean.[6] Earth in the early Hadean had a very thick carbon dioxide atmosphere, but eventually oceans of liquid water formed. 

    Backscatter electron micrograph of detrital zircons from the Hadean (4.404 ± 0.008 Ga) metasediments of the Jack Hills, Narryer Gneiss Terrane, Western Australia


    Atmospheric escape is the loss of planetary atmospheric gases to outer space. A number of different mechanisms can be responsible for atmospheric escape; these processes can be divided into thermal escape, non-thermal (or suprathermal) escape, and impact erosion. The relative importance of each loss process depends on the planet's escape velocity, its atmosphere composition, and its distance from its star. Escape occurs when molecular kinetic energy overcomes gravitational energy; in other words, a molecule can escape when it is moving faster than the escape velocity of its planet. Categorizing the rate of atmospheric escape in exoplanets is necessary to determining whether an atmosphere persists, and so the exoplanet's habitability and likelihood of life.

    A fairy offering wishes, illustration by John Bauer to Alfred Smedberg's The seven wishes

    The Quaternary (/kwəˈtɜːrnəri, ˈkwɒtərnɛri/ kwə-TUR-nə-ree, KWOT-ər-nerr-ee) is the current and most recent of the three periods of the Cenozoic Era in the geologic time scale of the International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS).[4] It follows the Neogene Period and spans from 2.58 million years ago to the present.[5] The Quaternary Period is divided into two epochs: the Pleistocene (2.58 million years ago to 11.7 thousand years ago) and the Holocene (11.7 thousand years ago to today) although a third epoch, the Anthropocene, has been proposed but is not officially recognised by the ICS.[5]

    The Quaternary Period is typically defined by the cyclic growth and decay of continental ice sheets related to the Milankovitch cycles and the associated climate and environmental changes that they caused.[6][7] 

    2.58 – 0 Ma
    Mercator projection SW.jpg
    Mercator projection of the present-day Earth.


    The Tonian (from Ancient Greek: τόνος, romanizedtónos, meaning "stretch") is the first geologic period of the Neoproterozoic Era. It lasted from 1000 to 720 Mya (million years ago). Instead of being based on stratigraphy, these dates are defined by the ICS based on radiometric chronometry. The Tonian is preceded by the Stenian Period of the Mesoproterozoic Era and followed by the Cryogenian.

    Rifting leading to the breakup of supercontinent Rodinia, which had formed in the mid-Stenian, occurred during this period, starting from 900 to 850 Mya. 

    In geology, a rift is a linear zone where the lithosphere is being pulled apart[1][2] and is an example of extensional tectonics.[3]

    Typical rift features are a central linear downfaulted depression, called a graben, or more commonly a half-graben with normal faulting and rift-flank uplifts mainly on one side.[4] Where rifts remain above sea level they form a rift valley, which may be filled by water forming a rift lake. The axis of the rift area may contain volcanic rocks, and active volcanism is a part of many, but not all, active rift systems.

    Major rifts occur along the central axis of most mid-ocean ridges, where new oceanic crust and lithosphere is created along a divergent boundary between two tectonic plates.

    Failed rifts are the result of continental rifting that failed to continue to the point of break-up. Typically the transition from rifting to spreading develops at a triple junction where three converging rifts meet over a hotspot. Two of these evolve to the point of seafloor spreading, while the third ultimately fails, becoming an aulacogen

    Diagram illustrating the structural relationship between grabens and horsts
    Infrared-enhanced satellite image of a graben in the Afar Depression

    In geology, a graben (/ˈɡrɑːbən/) is a depressed block of the crust of a planet or moon, bordered by parallel normal faults


    Graben is a loan word from German, meaning 'ditch' or 'trench'. The word was first used in the geologic context by Eduard Suess in 1883.[1] The plural form is either graben[2] or grabens.[3]

    Main tectonic plate boundaries – ridge (red), trench (green), fault (black) – and corresponding triple junctions (yellow dots)


    Multi-junction (MJ) solar cells are solar cells with multiple p–n junctions made of different semiconductor materials. Each material's p-n junction will produce electric current in response to different wavelengths of light. The use of multiple semiconducting materials allows the absorbance of a broader range of wavelengths, improving the cell's sunlight to electrical energy conversion efficiency.

    The Cryogenian (from Ancient Greek: κρύος, romanizedkrýos, meaning "cold" and γένεσις, romanized: génesis, meaning "birth") is a geologic period that lasted from 720 to 635 million years ago.[6] It forms the second geologic period of the Neoproterozoic Era, preceded by the Tonian Period and followed by the Ediacaran.

    Cryogenian was the time of drastic biosphere changes. After the previous Boring Billion years of stability, at the beginning of Cryogenian the severe Sturtian glaciation began, freezing the entire Earth in a planetary state known as a Snowball Earth. After 70 million years it ended, but was quickly followed by the Marinoan glaciation, which was also a global event. These events are the subject of much scientific controversy specifically over whether these glaciations covered the entire planet or a band of open sea survived near the equator (termed "slushball Earth").

    A trace fossil, also known as an ichnofossil ( /ˈɪknfɒsɪl/; from Greek: ἴχνος ikhnos "trace, track"), is a fossil record of biological activity but not the preserved remains of the plant or animal itself. Trace fossils contrast with body fossils, which are the fossilized remains of parts of organisms' bodies, usually altered by later chemical activity or mineralization. The study of such trace fossils is ichnology and is the work of ichnologists.

    Trace fossils may consist of impressions made on or in the substrate by an organism. For example, burrows, borings (bioerosion), urolites (erosion caused by evacuation of liquid wastes), footprints and feeding marks and root cavities may all be trace fossils.

    The term in its broadest sense also includes the remains of other organic material produced by an organism; for example coprolites (fossilized droppings) or chemical markers (sedimentological structures produced by biological means; for example, the formation of stromatolites). However, most sedimentary structures (for example those produced by empty shells rolling along the sea floor) are not produced through the behaviour of an organism and thus are not considered trace fossils.

    The study of traces – ichnology – divides into paleoichnology, or the study of trace fossils, and neoichnology, the study of modern traces. Ichnological science offers many challenges, as most traces reflect the behaviour – not the biological affinity – of their makers. Accordingly, researchers classify trace fossils into form genera, based on their appearance and on the implied behaviour, or ethology, of their makers.


    An evolutionary radiation is an increase in taxonomic diversity that is caused by elevated rates of speciation,[1] that may or may not be associated with an increase in morphological disparity.[2] Radiations may affect one clade or many, and be rapid or gradual; where they are rapid, and driven by a single lineage's adaptation to their environment, they are termed adaptive radiations.[3]

    The Great Ordovician Biodiversification Event (GOBE), was an evolutionary radiation of animal life throughout[1] the Ordovician period, 40 million years after the Cambrian explosion,[2] whereby the distinctive Cambrian fauna fizzled out to be replaced with a Paleozoic fauna rich in suspension feeder and pelagic animals.[3]

    It followed a series of Cambrian–Ordovician extinction events, and the resulting fauna went on to dominate the Palaeozoic relatively unchanged.[4] Marine diversity increased to levels typical of the Palaeozoic,[5] and morphological disparity was similar to today's.[6][7] The diversity increase was neither global nor instantaneous; it happened at different times in different places.[4] Consequently, there is unlikely to be a simple or straightforward explanation for the event; the interplay of many geological and ecological factors likely produced the diversification.[1] 

    Possible line of meteors (on the modern globe) associated with the Middle Ordovician meteor event 467.5±0.28 million years ago. Although this is suggestive of a single large meteorite shower, the exact alignment of continental plates 470 million years ago is unknown and the exact timing of meteors is also unknown.



    Illustration of the Taconic orogeny

    The Taconic orogeny was a mountain building period that ended 440 million years ago and affected most of modern-day New England. A great mountain chain formed from eastern Canada down through what is now the Piedmont of the East coast of the United States. As the mountain chain eroded in the Silurian and Devonian periods, sediments from the mountain chain spread throughout the present-day Appalachians and midcontinental North America.[1]

    Reconstruction of how the Iapetus Ocean and surrounding continents might have been arranged during the late Ediacaran period

    The Iapetus Ocean (/ˈæpɪtəs/; eye-AP-ih-təs)[1] was an ocean that existed in the late Neoproterozoic and early Paleozoic eras of the geologic timescale (between 600 and 400 million years ago). The Iapetus Ocean was situated in the southern hemisphere, between the paleocontinents of Laurentia, Baltica and Avalonia. The ocean disappeared with the Acadian, Caledonian and Taconic orogenies, when these three continents joined to form one big landmass called Euramerica. The "southern" Iapetus Ocean has been proposed to have closed with the Famatinian and Taconic orogenies, meaning a collision between Western Gondwana and Laurentia.

    Because the Iapetus Ocean was positioned between continental masses that would at a much later time roughly form the opposite shores of the Atlantic Ocean, it can be seen as a sort of precursor of the Atlantic, and the process by which it opened shares many similarities with that of the Atlantic's initial opening in the Jurassic.[2] The Iapetus Ocean was therefore named for the titan Iapetus, who in Greek mythology was the father of Atlas, after whom the Atlantic Ocean was named.[A]


    Laurussia (left) during the closure of the Iapetus Ocean 430 Mya (middle Silurian) (view centred on 0°,-60°).
    Euramerica in the Devonian

    Laurentia remained almost static near the Equator throughout the early Palaeozoic, separated from Baltica by the up to 3,000 km (1,900 mi)-wide Iapetus Ocean.[20] In the Late Cambrian, the mid-ocean ridge in the Iapetus Ocean subducted beneath Gondwana which resulted in the opening of a series of large back-arc basins. During the Ordovician, these basins evolved into a new ocean, the Rheic Ocean, which separated a series of terranes – Avalonia, Carolinia, and Armorica – from Gondwana.[21]

    Avalonia rifted from Gondwana in the Early Ordovician and collided with Baltica near the Ordovician–Silurian boundary (480–420 Mya). Baltica-Avalonia was then rotated and pushed north towards Laurentia. The collision between these continents closed the Iapetus Ocean and formed Laurussia, also known as Euramerica. Another historical term for this continent is the Old Red Continent or Old Red Sandstone Continent, in reference to abundant red beds of the Old Red Sandstone during the Devonian. The continent covered 37,000,000 km2 (14,000,000 sq mi) including several large Arctic continental blocks.[20][21]

    With the Caledonian orogeny completed Laurussia was delimited thus:[22]

    • The eastern margin were the Barents Shelf and Moscow Platform;
    • the western margin were the western shelves of Laurentia, later affected by the Antler orogeny;
    • the northern margin was the Innuitian-Lomonosov orogeny which marked the collision between Laurussia and the Arctic Craton;
    • and the southern margin was a Pacific-style active margin where the northward directed subduction of the ocean floor between Gondwana and Laurussia pushed continental fragments towards the latter.

    During the Devonian (416-359 Mya) the combined landmass of Baltica and Avalonia rotated around Laurentia, which remained static near the Equator. The Laurentian warm, shallow seas and on shelves a diverse assemblage of benthos evolved, including the largest trilobites exceeding 1 m (3 ft 3 in). The Old Red Sandstone Continent stretched across northern Laurentia and into Avalonia and Baltica but for most of the Devonian a narrow seaway formed a barrier where the North Atlantic would later open. Tetrapods evolved from fish in the Late Devonian, with the oldest known fossils from Greenland. Low sea-levels during the Early Devonian produced natural barriers in Laurussia which resulted in provincialism within the benthic fauna. In Laurentia the Transcontinental Arch divided brachiopods into two provinces, with one of them confined to a large embayment west of the Appalachians. By the Middle Devonian, these two provinces had been united into one and the closure of the Rheic Ocean finally united faunas across Laurussia. High plankton productivity from the Devonian-Carboniferous boundary resulted in anoxic events that left black shales in the basins of Laurentia.[23]


    Pangaea formed during the closure of the Rheic Ocean 330 Mya (early Carboniferous) (view centred on 30°S,30°E)

    The subduction of the Iapetus Ocean resulted in the first contact between Laurussia and Gondwana in the Late Devonian and terminated in full collision or the Hercynian/Variscan orogeny in the early Carboniferous (340 Mya).[22] The Variscan orogeny closed the Rheic Ocean (between Avalonia and Armorica) and the Proto-Tethys Ocean (between Armorica and Gondwana) to form the supercontinent Pangaea.[24] The Variscan orogeny is complex and the exact timing and the order of the collisions between involved microcontinents has been debated for decades.[25]

    Pangaea was completely assembled by the Permian except for the Asian blocks. The supercontinent was centred on the Equator during the Triassic and Jurassic, a period that saw the emergence of the Pangaean megamonsoon.[26] Heavy rainfall resulted in high groundwater tables, in turn resulting in peat formation and extensive coal deposits.[27]

    During the Cambrian and Early Ordovician, when wide oceans separated all major continents, only pelagic marine organisms, such as plankton, could move freely across the open ocean and therefore the oceanic gaps between continents are easily detected in the fossil records of marine bottom dwellers and non-marine species. By the Late Ordovician, when continents were pushed closer together closing the oceanic gaps, benthos (brachiopods and trilobites) could spread between continents while ostracods and fishes remained isolated. As Laurussia formed during the Devonian and Pangaea formed, fish species in both Laurussia and Gondwana began to migrate between continents and before the end of the Devonian similar species were found on both sides of what remained of the Variscan barrier.[28]

    The oldest tree fossils are from the Middle Devonian pteridophyte Gilboa forest in central Laurussia (today New York, United States).[29] In the late Carboniferous, Laurussia was centred on the Equator and covered by tropical rainforests, commonly referred to as the coal forest. By the Permian, the climate had become arid and these rainforests collapsed, lycopsids (giant mosses) were replaced by treeferns. In the dry climate a detritivorous fauna – including ringed worms, molluscs, and some arthropods – evolved and diversified, alongside other arthropods who were herbivorous and carnivorous, and tetrapods – insectivores and piscivores such as amphibians and early amniotes.[30]


    The Uralian orogeny and the formation of Laurasia 300, 280, and 240 Mya.
    View centred on 25°N,35°E.

    During the Carboniferous–Permian Siberia, Kazakhstan, and Baltica collided in the Uralian orogeny to form Laurasia.[31]

    The Palaezoic-Mesozoic transition was marked by the reorganisation of Earth's tectonic plates which resulted in the assembly of Pangaea, and eventually its break-up. Caused by the detachment of subducted mantle slabs, this reorganisation resulted in rising mantle plumes that produced large igneous provinces when they reached the crust. This tectonic activity also resulted in the Permian–Triassic extinction event. Tentional stresses across Eurasia developed into a large system of rift basins (Urengoy, East Uralian-Turgay and Khudosey) and flood basalts in the West Siberian Basin, the Pechora Basin, and South China.[32]

    Laurasia and Gondwana were equal in size but had distinct geological histories. Gondwana was assembled before the formation of Pangaea, but the assembly of Laurasia occurred during and after the formation of the supercontinent. These differences resulted in different patterns of basin formation and transport of sediments. East Antarctica was the highest ground within Pangaea and produced sediments that were transported across eastern Gondwana but never reached Laurasia. During the Palaeozoic, c. 30–40% of Laurasia but only 10–20% of Gondwana was covered by shallow marine water.[33]

    Asian blocks

    Journey of the Asian blocks from Gondwana to Laurasia 450, 350, 300, and 200 Mya.
    View centred on 0°S,105°E.

    During the assembly of Pangaea Laurasia grew as continental blocks broke off Gondwana's northern margin; pulled by old closing oceans in front of them and pushed by new opening oceans behind them.[34] During the Neoproterozoic-Early Paleozoic break-up of Rodinia the opening of the Proto-Tethys Ocean split the Asian blocks – Tarim, Qaidam, Alex, North China, and South China – from the northern shores of Gondwana (north of Australia in modern coordinates) and the closure of the same ocean reassembled them along the same shores 500–460 Mya resulting in Gondwana at its largest extent.[21]

    The break-up of Rodinia also resulted in the opening of the long-lived Paleo-Asian Ocean between Baltica and Siberia in the north and Tarim and North China in the south. The closure of this ocean is preserved in the Central Asian Orogenic Belt, the largest orogen on Earth.[35]

    North China, South China, Indochina, and Tarim broke off Gondwana during the Silurian-Devonian; Palaeo-Tethys opened behind them. Sibumasu and Qiantang and other Cimmerian continental fragments broke off in the Early Permian. Lhasa, West Burma, Sikuleh, southwest Sumatra, West Sulawesi, and parts of Borneo broke off during the Late Triassic-Late Jurassic.[36]

    During the Carboniferous and Permian, Baltica first collided with Kazakhstania and Siberia, then North China with Mongolia and Siberia. By the middle Carboniferous, however, South China had already been in contact with North China long enough to allow floral exchange between the two continents. The Cimmerian blocks rifted from Gondwana in the Late Carboniferous.[31]

    In the early Permian, the Neo-Tethys Ocean opened behind the Cimmerian terranes (Sibumasu, Qiantang, Lhasa) and, in the late Carboniferous, the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean closed in front. The eastern branch of the Palaeo-Tethys Ocean, however, remained opened while Siberia was added to Laurussia and Gondwana collided with Laurasia.[34]

    When the eastern Palaeo-Tethys closed 250–230 Mya, a series of Asian blocks – Sibumasu, Indochina, South China, Qiantang, and Lhasa – formed a separate southern Asian continent. This continent collided 240–220 Mya with a northern continent – North China, Qinling, Qilian, Qaidam, Alex, and Tarim – along the Central China orogen to form a combined East Asian continent. The northern margins of the northern continent collided with Baltica and Siberia 310–250 Ma, and thus the formation of the East Asian continent marked Pangaea at its greatest extent.[34] By this time, the rifting of western Pangaea had already begun.[31]

    Flora and fauna

    Pangaea split in two as the Tethys Seaway opened between Gondwana and Laurasia in the Late Jurassic. The fossil record, however, suggests the intermittent presence of a Trans-Tethys land bridge, though the location and duration of such a land bridge remains enigmatic.[37]

    Pine trees evolved in the early Mesozoic c. 250 Mya and the pine genus originated in Laurasia in the Early Cretaceous c. 130 Mya in competition with faster growing flowering plants. Pines adapted to cold and arid climates in environments where the growing season was shorter or wildfire common; this evolution limited pine range to between 31° and 50° north and resulted in a split into two subgenera: Strobus adapted to stressful environments and Pinus to fire-prone landscapes. By the end of the Cretaceous pines were established across Laurasia, from North America to East Asia.[38]

    From the Triassic to the Early Jurassic, before the break-up of Pangaea, archosaurs (crurotarsans, pterosaurs and dinosaurs including birds) had a global distribution, especially crurotarsans, the group ancestral to the crocodilians. This cosmopolitanism ended as Gondwana fragmented and Laurasia was assembled. Pterosaur diversity reach a maximum in the Late Jurassic—Early Cretaceous and plate tectonic didn't affect the distribution of these flying reptiles. Crocodilian ancestors also diversified during the Early Cretaceous but were divided into Laurasian and Gondwanan populations; true crocodilians evolved from the former. The distribution of the three major groups of dinosaurs – the sauropods, theropods, and ornithischians – was similar that of the crocodilians. East Asia remained isolated with endemic species including psittacosaurs (horned dinosaurs) and Ankylosauridae (club-tailed, armoured dinosaurs).[39]

    Meanwhile, mammals slowly settled in Laurasia from Gondwana in the Triassic, the latter of which was the living area of their Permian ancestors. They split in two groups, with one returning to Gondwana (and stayed there after Pangaea split) while the other staying in Laurasia (until further descendants switched to Gondwana starting from the Jurassic).

    In the early Eocene a peak in global warming led to a pan-Arctic fauna with alligators and amphibians present north of the Arctic Circle. In the early Palaeogene, landbridges still connected continents, allowing land animals to migrate between them. On the other hand, submerged areas occasionally divided continents: the Turgai Sea separated Europe and Asia from the Middle Jurassic to the Oligocene and as this sea or strait dried out, a massive faunal interchange took place and the resulting extinction event in Europe is known as the Grande Coupure.[40]

    The Coraciiformes (an order of birds including kingfishers) evolved in Laurasia. While this group now has a mostly tropical distribution, they originated in the Arctic in the late Eocene c. 35 Mya from where they diversified across Laurasia and farther south across the Equator.[41]

    The placental mammal group of Laurasiatheria is named after Laurasia.

    Final split

    Opening of the North Atlantic Ocean 90, 50, and 30 Mya.

    In the Triassic–Early Jurassic (c. 200 Mya), the opening of the Central Atlantic Ocean was preceded by the formation of a series of large rift basins, such as the Newark Basin, between eastern North America, from what is today the Gulf of Mexico to Nova Scotia, and in Africa and Europe, from Morocco to Greenland.[42]

    By c. 83 Mya spreading had begun in the North Atlantic between the Rockall Plateau, a continental fragment sitting on top of the Eurasian Plate, and North America. By 56 Mya Greenland had become an independent plate, separated from North America by the Labrador Sea-Baffin Bay Rift. By 33 Mya spreading had ceased in the Labrador Sea and relocated to the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.[43] The opening of the North Atlantic Ocean had effectively broken Laurasia in two.

    See also



  • Oxford English Dictionary

  • Du Toit 1937, p. 40

  • Torsvik & Cocks 2004, Laurussia and Laurasia, pp. 558, 560

  • Torsvik et al. 2012, From Laurentia to Laurussia and Laurasia: Overview, p. 6

  • Meert 2012, pp. 991–992

  • Ziegler 1988, Abstract

  • Bleeker 2003, p. 108

  • Zhao et al. 2004, Abstract

  • Zhao et al. 2004, Summary and Discussion, pp. 114–115

  • Zhao et al. 2002, Laurentia (North America and Greenland) and Baltica, pp. 145-149

  • Ernst et al. 2013, Progress on continental reconstructions, pp. 8–9

  • "Consensus" reconstruction from Li et al. 2008.

  • Torsvik et al. 1996, Rodinia, pp. 236–237

  • Li et al. 2008, Siberia–Laurentia connection, p. 189

  • Yarmolyuk et al. 2006, p. 1031; Fig. 1, p. 1032

  • Torsvik et al. 1996, Abstract; Initial break-up of Rodinia and Vendian glaciations, pp. 237–240

  • Scotese 2009, p. 71

  • Stampfli 2000, Palaeotethys, p. 3

  • Scotese 2009, The break-up of Pannotia, p. 78

  • Torsvik et al. 2012, p. 16

  • Zhao et al. 2018, Closure of Proto-Tethys Ocean and the first assembly of East Asian blocks at the northern margin of Gondwana, pp. 7-10

  • Ziegler 2012, Introduction, pp. 1–4

  • Cocks & Torsvik 2011, Facies and faunas, pp. 10–11

  • Rey, Burg & Casey 1997, Introduction, pp. 1–2

  • Eckelmann et al. 2014, Introduction, pp. 1484–1486

  • Parrish 1993, Paleogeographic Evolution of Pangea, p. 216

  • Parrish 1993, Geological Evidence of the Pangean Megamonsoon, p. 223

  • McKerrow et al. 2000, The narrowing oceans, pp. 10–11

  • Lu et al. 2019, pp. 1–2

  • Sahney, Benton & Falcon-Lang 2010, Introduction, p. 1079

  • Blakey 2003, Assembly of Western Pangaea: Carboniferous–Permian, pp. 453–454; Assembly of Eastern Pangaea: Late Permian–Jurassic, p. 454; Fig. 10, p. 454

  • Nikishin et al. 2002, Introduction, pp. 4–5; Fig. 4, p. 8

  • Rogers & Santosh 2004, Differences Between Gondwana and Laurasia in Pangea, pp. 127, 130

  • Zhao et al. 2018, Closure of Paleo-Tethys Ocean and assembly of Pangea with East Asian blocks, pp. 14-16

  • Zhao et al. 2018, Closure of Paleo-Asian Ocean: collision of Tarim, Alex and North China with East Europe and Siberia, pp. 11-14

  • Metcalfe 1999, pp. 15–16

  • Gheerbrant & Rage 2006, Introduction, p. 225

  • Keeley 2012, Introduction, pp. 445–446; Mesozoic origin and diversification, pp. 450–451

  • Milner, Milner & Evans 2000, p. 319

  • Milner, Milner & Evans 2000, p. 328

  • McCullough et al. 2019, Conclusion, p. 7

  • Olsen 1997, Introduction, p. 338

    1. Seton et al. 2012, Rockall–North America/Greenland, p. 222




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