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Tuesday, August 24, 2021

08-24-2021-0322 - 16,000 people have been evacuated out of Kabul within the last 24 hours, US general did

The latest on Afghanistan

By Meg Wagner, Melissa Macaya, Mike Hayes and Veronica Rocha, CNN

Updated 8:05 p.m. ET, August 23, 2021
15 hr 55 min ago

16,000 people have been evacuated out of Kabul within the last 24 hours, US general did (not says)

From CNN's Maureen Chowdhury

Do not make this a problem for afghans, afganistanians, INDIA, middle east, etc., that are not fleeing continent east in 2018+ to USA NAC DOM.

Do not make this a problem for Italy. Please do not violence italy or penalty of death.

2021: USA Pounded N with three generations of degenerate german-asian gangs: Jews, Indo-Pacifica, Afghanistan (smith smuggling child plant zone of stolen childs out of russia shell etc.). - SSF (Anti-United Shits of Earth; Project Planetearthy; Death Proponent; Nuclear Warfare Proponent; Scientist/etc.; Breeding Operations/Population Control Measure/etc.; etc.)

We are at: 
Jew 1920
Indo-Pacific 1980
Afgan-Rome-Smith/USA 2020

Latin-Inuit-Canada-Island-SmallLocale Bred-FXD
Birthright Stolen Shells-Clones-Stolen Child-Trafficker SElfRevealMister

Nikihas betrayal turns nuclear. Everyone forgets. Everyone forgets my identity family birthright colors sons weapons and cloaks. Somehow i am supposed to play hostage as a pow on NAC DOM USA. Its scientist hostage scenario by fucking Apes-degenerate-USA-NACDOM-NAC-EARTH and their/USA's stolen sequence/cell/gene/child/etc.. No one has an axe or an asian wire handy.

One more motion is Count Four.
Count Four.
Exceed Count Four.

CIA 618

Eat My Brown Cousins, USA. Just Eat Them All.
Get You Some Ruby May. Get Some Rabys Web.
Make Some Bob, Baby Bob. Simian.
Let Me Kill You Fast.
Break Black Neck Frack. 
Stephanie Anton has them running to corner. Steph, help their teeth.
I'll remember as much as last life. No one will go as far as me. I am last of line.
What would Persia Do.

Remanents are clones with stolen sequence on CL1.

Who else earned.

We are at: 
NATIVE AMERICAN - contained their group w/o intervent/dam
Latinos - Spain - Europe - contained their group w/o intervent/dam
African - Latin - Spain - Europe - contained their group w/o intervent/dam

Jew 1920
    Holotype case Mister MCL 
        Did not contain group w/o intervent/dam (ref holocaust)
    Holotype case obese anabolic german female ROSE-HURD-GRAYDEN-LAYNG-Rabys Web-Poland-GermanJew-Germans-Neander-Heathen-Barb-etc.
        Did not contain group w/o intervent/dam (ref. USA Petersen Wade Health Profiles - they work on themselves, low intel/sk/etc.)
Indo-Pacific 1980
    Type isl.Hawaii-South Asia-Black-Middle East-AZIV - SL HTASTFBRN OCPA-WAde
        Did not contain group w/o intervent/dam (ref. AZIV, South Indo war, hawaii)
Afgan-Rome-Smith/USA 2021
    Holotype Ispirescu/Grayden-MiddleEastEmployees(St.Joseph)/LatinoEmployee-Grayden/WadetMiddleEast/WadeFriends/etc. - Gen-Mod/stolen shell/stolen organ/skin bleach/etc. Gen Dis/Kidn Dis/Thy-Spl-Brn-Eye-ConTis/etc. Middle East Filth (untouchables have disease; import of MEW - europexmiddleeast 100 years proj cunt east by USA) 
        Did not contain group w/o intervent/dam (ref. Kabul, Afghan evacuation 2020, trafficking of SSF/DOP/Foreign, smith relations, petersen/usa negotiations-interrogations-etc., etc.)

Latin-Inuit-Canada-Island-SmallLocale Bred-FXD 2040-2060


1. Petersen HIV AIDS STF Lipodys OBS SHT-NK DEFNK Thy-Spl-Brn-Eye-Thy Bone malacia USA NAC DOM - takin drugs, does drugs
2. Wade HIV Toxoplasmotics  Massive Bone cavitation-malacia single time point USA et N Melt USA NAC DOM - using a weapini, does drugs
3. B.Bettey SIV Fibromatosis Fibrosarcoma USA NAC DOM - worked in field long time, does drugs
4. Rabys Web Genetic Disease Polio Post Simian Hyster Amputation-internal-organ-att(sev only unk) def Imported into USA as Child USA NAC DOM (afghanistan, afghan female white import to germany and then italy then USA 1900s - identification by skin cancer [non smoker] HILVT1/HIV/SIV/po/etcs., etc.) - helped USA
5. Nati - Opp Inf due HIV Variant & Gen-dis at met dis - born or import USA NAC DOM - helped USA

6. S Ant - Nothing, anorexia, USA NAC DOM - never helped anyone - VOMT (vic of mass traff)[USA born; not import; not plant]
7. NLAB - PrussBluePhosWh, Anorexia, New Shell et Lieben (not USA) UNK  - never helped anyone - VOMT (vic of mass traff)[trafficked import; plant]

The problem was caused by the United States of America (est. 1900-2000; J.2000; 2020, 2021); North America continent, Americas, Continent West.


Debarrment of traversation to russia. 

Debarrment of traversation to Russia and by parties of middle east, afghanistan, afghan, United States of America, United States, North America, America et al., etc..

Prohibition to leave of united states, persons responsible and in participation of jew, germ, indo-pacifica, afghan-middleeast evacuations, rescues, intel, operations, etc.. Including Presidents of America.

 08-24-2021-0529 -  Prohibition to leave of united states (north america continent), persons responsible for and/or in participation of jew, germ, indo-pacifica, afghan-middleeast, etc., circumstance to include event/occasion/occurance/etc. (e.g. evacuations, rescues, intel, operations, etc.), etc.. Including Presidents of America. 

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