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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

09-01-1521 - Note Equipment (draft)


Note. US (The United States of America, United States, USA, etc.) may offer to repair the equipment (e.g. repairs of equipment performed by ex-US soldiers that chose to stay behind in Afghanistan/United Arab Emirates/etc.; study abroad students in USA of Taliban ancestry that return home to Afghanistan/Taliban region; etc.), and to provide information to the Taliban on the procedure/material/etc. for repair and use of the equipment. Equipment must have structure-function intact, and must be safe and effective for use as intended by the original designer-manufacturer (safe/effective/etc. and to the standard that the equipment-fuel-etc. was originally manufactured and prepared for use by the intended recipient, inc. USAF/US/etc.). The intended recipient may be extended to include the Taliban. Thank You. 
Note 2. It was the proper choice to gift the equipment to the Taliban. USA should not trojan horse with equipment, facilities or people gifted, including by base in United Arab Emirates. Thank You.

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