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Wednesday, September 1, 2021

09-01-2021-1534 - Battle of Kandahar

 The Battle of Kandahar[3] began on 9 July 2021, as Taliban insurgents assaulted the city to capture it from the Afghan National Security Forces (ANSF).[4] After heavy fighting for weeks the city's defenses had started to dissolve in August. This allowed the Taliban to enter and overrun most of the city on 12 August 2021, including the Sarposa prison, which included the release of over 1,000 prisoners, and ultimately the capture of the city.[5] However, the siege for the nearby airport continued, where government loyalists held out until being evacuated on 16 August.[1]

Above. Victory for Taliban. Kandahar Independence Day Parade. Kandahar Independence Parade. Year: 2021. 

The Battle of Kandahar, 1 September 1880, was the last major conflict of the Second Anglo-Afghan War. The battle in southern Afghanistan was fought between the British forces under command of General Roberts and the Afghan forces led by Ayub Khan. It ended with a decisive British victory, having inflicted nearly 3,000 casualties in total on the routed Afghans.

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