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Monday, September 6, 2021

09-06-202`-0215 - Tennessee inmate who gave birth in prison

'It's devastating': Tenn. inmate dies from COVID-19 after giving birth, sparking custody battle
Thursday, September 2, 2021 5:58PM

HAMILTON COUNTY, Tenn. -- The COVID-19 death of a Tennessee inmate who gave birth shortly before dying could lead to a bitter custody battle.

Elmore's newborn will never know her mother. Flores is working to make sure she's raised by family.

"This new child, we are actively working to get this child over to them," Flores said. "This child is in bad shape herself."

Elmore had an extensive criminal history, mostly made up of misdemeanors. About two weeks ago, she landed in Silverdale on drug charges.

"I can tell you she was a high-risk patient, not only because of the pregnancy, but because of the legal charges. I can't say anymore," said Sheriff Hammond.

Sheriff Hammond said Elmore is the first inmate in their custody to die from COVID-19 and he's hoping she's the last.

The Chicago gangster Al Capone died of syphilitic paresis, having contracted syphilis in a brothel prior to Prohibition and the Volstead Act and not having been treated for it in time to prevent the development of syphilitic paresis in himself.

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