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Monday, September 6, 2021

09-06-2021-0906 - Mollicutes tenericutes 1984 mycoplasma spiroplasma phytoplasma ureaplasma urea nitrogen American-Bioterrorism

 Mollicutes is a class of bacteria[2] distinguished by the absence of a cell wall. The word "Mollicutes" is derived from the Latin mollis (meaning "soft" or "pliable"), and cutis (meaning "skin"). Individuals are very small, typically only 0.2–0.3 Î¼m (200-300 nm) in size and have a very small genome size. They vary in form, although most have sterols that make the cell membrane somewhat more rigid. Many are able to move about through gliding, but members of the genus Spiroplasma are helical and move by twisting. The best-known genus in the Mollicutes is Mycoplasma.

Mollicutes are parasites of various animals and plants, living on or in the host's cells. Many cause diseases in humans, attaching to cells in the respiratory or urogenital tracts, particularly species of Mycoplasma and Ureaplasma.  Phytoplasma and Spiroplasma are plant pathogens associated with insect vectors.

Whereas formerly the trivial name "mycoplasma" has commonly denoted any member of the class Mollicutes, it now refers exclusively to a member of the genus Mycoplasma.

Scientific classification
Edward and Freundt 1967[1]


Tenericutes (tener cutis: soft skin) is a phylum of bacteria that contains the class Mollicutes. The name was validated in 1984 as a new division (phylum).[3][4][5] Notable genera include MycoplasmaSpiroplasmaUreaplasma, and Phytoplasma.

At first, all members of the class Mollicutes were generally named "mycoplasma" or pleuropneumonia-like organism (PPLO). Mollicutes other than some members of genus Mycoplasma were still unidentified. The first species of Mycoplasma/Mollicutes, that could be isolated was Mycoplasma mycoides. This bacterium was cultivated by Nocard and Roux in 1898.[4]

In 1962, R.G.E. Murray proposed to divide the kingdom Bacteria into three divisions (= phyla) on the basis of the cell wall types:

  1. Gram-negative Gracilicutes, with a thin cell wall and little peptidoglycan;
  2. Gram-positive "Firmacutes", with a thicker cell wall and more peptidoglycan (the name was later changed in "Firmicutes"), and
  3. the "Mollicutes", without a cell wall.[6]

09-02-2021-1558 - tenericutes mollicutes mycoplasma pleuropneumonia PPLO 1898 peptidoglycan mycosis bacteria cell wall spiroplasma Mycoplasmataceae Ureaplasma urealyticum Ultramicrobacteria L-forms L form Bacillus subtilis or Escherichia coli Methotrexate subtilis subillus subilis subilus hay fever grass bacteria catalase toxin L-form bacteria, also known as L-phase bacteria, L-phase variants, and cell wall-deficient (CWD) bacteria, are strains of bacteria that lack cell walls.[1] 1930 1800 bf 1500 pitho prion DN5 nano nanobe pandora Finnlakeviridae polydnavirus PDV Plasmaviridae Rhizidiovirus Dinodnavirus insect virus phagemid molecular biology cosmid defective particle cancer Life, non-cellular life, and comparable structures self-replicating structures lambda phage T7 protein-protein interactions cloning vector DNA-based DNA bacteriophage plasmid capsid granuloma disseminative granulomateous reaction granuloma plasmid Extrachromosomal DNA Extrachromosomal rDNA circle Extrachromosomal circular DNA (eccDNA) Pospiviroidae fungal prion mobilome exon endogenous retrovirus mlv herv herd frd horizontal gene transfer avian sarcoma leukosis virus aslv paleovirology JSRV KoRV syncytin troph blas blast viviparity FeLV feline leukemia virus feline foamy virus feline immunodeficiency virus vaccination neutrophil eosinophil monocyte monoclonal clone 1985 1955 1923 1010 1900 1800 1500 1300 bovine leucosis enzootic bovine nasal carcinoma infectious carcinoma veterinary veterinarian zoonotic enzootic animal plant crustacean mite spore particle pre-form acid rhinitis allergy hay fever shellfish allergy dust mite allergy coryza inflammation cascade acute myeloblasic leukemia nuclear radionucleotide radioactive radiation nuclear trihydrogen cation oxygen triangle cascade proton nano particle micro particle non-chemical particle quantum dissipative system quantum decoherence decoupling optics cloak amnestic drug radk DIW clone grown organ from genetic signature laboratory

above. psyclon nine - use once and destroy

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