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Monday, September 6, 2021

09-06-2021-0054 - Thirteen Service Members Dead Gradient

These are the US service members killed in the Kabul airport attack | Fox  News

At least 182 people were killed during the attack, including 169 Afghan civilians and 13 US service members. Two of the killed civilians were British dual-nationals and one was the child of a British national.[3][43] It was initially reported that 28 Taliban fighters had also been killed in the attack, but this was later denied by Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujahid in an interview with Radio Free Europe/Radio Liberty.[44] The dead Americans were identified as eleven Marines, one soldier, and one Navy corpsman.[5][13][45][46] The American deaths were the first US service deaths in Afghanistan since February 2020 and were the largest single loss of life of US military personnel since the 2011 Afghanistan Boeing Chinook shootdown.[47]

At least 150 more people were injured,[4] including 18 US military personnel and a number of Taliban members.[48]

Thank You.

(op/clone monitor, psuedo death or actual death.)

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