Blog Archive

Monday, September 27, 2021

09-26-2021-1813 - drafting USA Fault

Disco balls in dark Sticker • Pixers® • We live to change
bf. 1900 [esp. 15, 18, 19]


1. BTR (brain transplant raid)

2. Amnestic Drug compound Antagonist

3. Clone

4. Cloak

5. Full Rebuild

6. Genetic Modification (hybrid, hybridization, recellularization, infusion/transfusion, transplant, etc..), Stolen Brain Matrix Structure (decellularization), stolen organ, etc..

7. Stolen child trafficker family

8. Large scale weaponing (large scale acoustic-etc. weapon; distance), Psychoacoustics, neurostimulation, prosthetic component, state match double connect, implants (eye, brain, etc.), 'artificial intelligence', CS, etc..
Saturday, September 25, 2021

09-25-2021-1553 - Neurostimulation, Non-invasive cerebellar stimulation, Artificial intelligence (AI), etc..

9. Scheme for induction of transient reversible alteration of consciousness with event memory impairment persistent residual. (fusor maser etc. distance incapacitation weapon with primer drug [radk] or cell work [animal cell hybrid or gene integration component or etc.] or etc.)

10. Laboratory grown organ from genetic signature, etc..

11. Shell swap, hybridization, stolen brain/BTR, etc.. Permutation include decellularization of stolen brain with recellularization utilizing gene of cooperative recipient (hybridization); stolen shell and theif brain; stolen brain and any shell/amcan-shell; etc.. 

12. cell work 

13. embryo made from any and litter creation [esp. fractionation of egg, egg clone, etc.]

14. Stolen intellectual property, enslaved scientists, enhostage scientist scenario, scientist son missing scenario, theft from baby litter of DOP by USA/NAC (w/o euthanize/cremate), theft of baby litter technology from scientist who made DOP baby litter and by USA/NAC, etc..

15. Resurrection, Reincarnation, Revival, etc., (esp. deceased human, Jesus Christ, Royalty, neanderthals, dop, etc.), etc..

Thursday, May 20, 2021

Prior post reference 052021 draft remains repost copy

Monday, August 16, 2021

08-15-2021-2109 - Draft USA NAC DOM ENHOS

Monday, April 12, 2021

Cloak, Clone, Drug Compound Antagonist Amnestic Drug, Brain Transplant BTR, Laboratory Grown Organ from genetic signature, full rebuild, psychoacoustics, cell work, double connect state match, DCAT, human trafficking (carry over blog Nikiya Anton Bettey 2019) [illicit edit advisory]

Saturday, December 19, 2020

Cloak, Clone, Drug Compound Antagonist Amnestic Drug, Brain Transplant (Laboratory Grown Organ), full rebuild, psychoacoustics, lab grown organs, DCAT, human trafficking

Cloak, Clone, Drug Compound Antagonist Amnestic Drug (cognitive physical incapacitant; DCAT), Brain Transplant (w/ rapid dissemination-facilitation of nervous system regrowth/attachment) BTR, laboratory grown organ (cellular foundation), full rebuild, psychoacoustics (acoustic weapon large scale), embryo human derived from source any (fractionation of egg, genetic material, etc.), distance incapacitation weapon, double connect, genetic modification/gen mod,  Artificial metabolism, etc..

Nuclear powdered Jeep vehicle; ground dig with nuclear power.

1. cloak physical body

2. clone human

3. drug compound antagonist amnestic drug (without awareness/event-recall)

4. laboratory grown organ from genetic signature

5. psychoacoustics (large scale distance enabled acoustic weap)

6. brain eye transplant implant; biomech/bioeng

7. full rebuild

8. embryo human derived from source unconv (fractionation of egg, egg clone, set clone, animal to human, retrograde gen, etc.)

9. hybrid human; artificial metabolic (resp/dig/genitourin), art nervous system (card; transport/ Tx Rx);

10. zero point shift/zero point change/etc.

11. stolen children/trafficker families

12. Psychology - conditioning, priming, etc.; human-X interface, etc..

13. Genetic modification humans (cross-species transfer, etc.).

14. distance incapacitation weapon (esp. for utilization with prep, amnestic drug, lab grown, chemical, etc.).

Quote [Reference Retained]

The Searchers: Love Potion Nr 9 -

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