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Wednesday, August 11, 2021

08-11-2021-1633 - talaromycosis

Talaromyces marneffei, formerly called Penicillium marneffei,[1] was identified in 1956.[2] The organism is endemic to southeast Asia where it is an important cause of opportunistic infections in those with HIV/AIDS-related immunodeficiency. Incidence of T. marneffei infections has increased due to a rise in HIV infection rates in the region.[3][4]

When it was classified as a Penicillium, it was the only known thermally dimorphic species of that genus that caused a lethal  systemic infection (talaromycosis), with fever and anaemia similar to disseminatedcryptococcosis. This contrasted with related Penicillium species that are usually regarded as unimportant in terms of causing human disease.[citation needed]

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