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Saturday, May 20, 2023

05-20-2023-0117 - Moa

Temporal range: MioceneHolocene, 17–0.0006 Ma
Dinornis maximus, Natural History Museum (PV A 608).jpg
North Island giant moa skeleton
Scientific classification e
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Aves
Infraclass: Palaeognathae
Clade: Notopalaeognathae
Order: Dinornithiformes
Bonaparte, 1853[1]
Type species
Dinornis novaezealandiae
Owen, 1843

See text

6 genera, 9 species
  • Dinornithes Gadow, 1893
  • Immanes Newton, 1884

Moa[note 1] (order Dinornithiformes) are an extinct group of flightless birds formerly endemic to New Zealand.[4][note 2] During the Late Pleistocene-Holocene, there were nine species (in six genera). The two largest species, Dinornis robustus and Dinornis novaezelandiae, reached about 3.6 metres (12 ft) in height with neck outstretched, and weighed about 230 kilograms (510 lb)[5] while the smallest, the bush moa (Anomalopteryx didiformis), was around the size of a turkey.[6] Estimates of the moa population when Polynesians settled New Zealand circa 1300 vary between 58,000[7] and approximately 2.5 million.[8]

Moa are traditionally placed in the ratite group.[4] However, their closest relatives have been found by genetic studies to be the flighted South American tinamous, once considered to be a sister group to ratites.[9] The nine species of moa were the only wingless birds, lacking even the vestigial wings that all other ratites have. They were the largest terrestrial animals and dominant herbivores in New Zealand's forest, shrubland, and subalpine ecosystems until the arrival of the Māori, and were hunted only by the Haast's eagle. Moa extinction occurred within 100 years of human settlement of New Zealand, primarily due to overhunting.[7]

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