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05-20-2023-0226 - blowout (crude oil)

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The Lucas Gusher at Spindletop, Texas (1901)

A blowout is the uncontrolled release of crude oil and/or natural gas from an oil well or gas well after pressure control systems have failed.[1] Modern wells have blowout preventers intended to prevent such an occurrence. An accidental spark during a blowout can lead to a catastrophic oil or gas fire.

Prior to the advent of pressure control equipment in the 1920s, the uncontrolled release of oil and gas from a well while drilling was common and was known as an oil gusher, gusher or wild well.


Gushers were an icon of oil exploration during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. During that era, the simple drilling techniques, such as cable-tool drilling, and the lack of blowout preventers meant that drillers could not control high-pressure reservoirs. When these high-pressure zones were breached, the oil or natural gas would travel up the well at a high rate, forcing out the drill string and creating a gusher. A well which began as a gusher was said to have "blown in": for instance, the Lakeview Gusher blew in in 1910. These uncapped wells could produce large amounts of oil, often shooting 200 feet (61 m) or higher into the air.[2] A blowout primarily composed of natural gas was known as a gas gusher.

Despite being symbols of new-found wealth, gushers were dangerous and wasteful. They killed workmen involved in drilling, destroyed equipment, and coated the landscape with thousands of barrels of oil; additionally, the explosive concussion released by the well when it pierces an oil/gas reservoir has been responsible for a number of oilmen losing their hearing entirely; standing too near to the drilling rig at the moment it drills into the oil reservoir is extremely hazardous. The impact on wildlife is very hard to quantify, but can only be estimated to be mild in the most optimistic models—realistically, the ecological impact is estimated by scientists across the ideological spectrum to be severe, profound, and lasting.[3]

To complicate matters further, the free flowing oil was—and is—in danger of igniting.[4] One dramatic account of a blowout and fire reads,

With a roar like a hundred express trains racing across the countryside, the well blew out, spewing oil in all directions. The derrick simply evaporated. Casings wilted like lettuce out of water, as heavy machinery writhed and twisted into grotesque shapes in the blazing inferno.[5]

The development of rotary drilling techniques where the density of the drilling fluid is sufficient to overcome the downhole pressure of a newly penetrated zone meant that gushers became avoidable. If however the fluid density was not adequate or fluids were lost to the formation, then there was still a significant risk of a well blowout.

In 1924 the first successful blowout preventer was brought to market.[6] The BOP valve affixed to the wellhead could be closed in the event of drilling into a high pressure zone, and the well fluids contained. Well control techniques could be used to regain control of the well. As the technology developed, blowout preventers became standard equipment, and gushers became a thing of the past.

In the modern petroleum industry, uncontrollable wells became known as blowouts and are comparatively rare. There has been significant improvement in technology, well control techniques, and personnel training which has helped to prevent their occurring.[1] From 1976 to 1981, 21 blowout reports are available.[1]

Notable gushers

  • A blowout in 1815 resulted from an attempt to drill for salt rather than for oil. Joseph Eichar and his team were digging west of the town of Wooster, Ohio, US along Killbuck Creek, when they struck oil. In a written retelling by Eichar's daughter, Eleanor, the strike produced "a spontaneous outburst, which shot up high as the tops of the highest trees!"[7]
  • Oil drillers struck a number of gushers near Oil City, Pennsylvania, US in 1861. The most famous was the Little & Merrick well, which began gushing oil on 17 April 1861. The spectacle of the fountain of oil flowing out at about 3,000 barrels (480 m3) per day had drawn about 150 spectators by the time an hour later when the oil gusher burst into flames, raining fire down on the oil-soaked onlookers. Thirty people died. Other early gushers in northwest Pennsylvania were the Phillips #2 (4,000 barrels (640 m3) per day) in September 1861, and the Woodford well (3,000 barrels (480 m3) per day) in December 1861.[8]
  • The Shaw Gusher in Oil Springs, Ontario, was Canada's first oil gusher. On January 16, 1862, it shot oil from over 60 metres (200 ft) below ground to above the treetops at a rate of 3,000 barrels (480 m3) per day, triggering the oil boom in Lambton County.[9]
  • Lucas Gusher at Spindletop in Beaumont, Texas, US in 1901 flowed at 100,000 barrels (16,000 m3) per day at its peak, but soon slowed and was capped within nine days. The well tripled U.S. oil production overnight and marked the start of the Texas oil industry.[10][11]
  • Masjed Soleiman, Iran, in 1908 marked the first major oil strike recorded in the Middle East.[12]
  • Dos Bocas in the State of Veracruz, Mexico, was a famous 1908 Mexican blowout that formed a large crater. It leaked oil from the main reservoir for many years, continuing even after 1938 (when Pemex nationalized the Mexican oil industry).
  • Lakeview Gusher on the Midway-Sunset Oil Field in Kern County, California, US of 1910 is believed to be the largest-ever U.S. gusher. At its peak, more than 100,000 barrels (16,000 m3) of oil per day flowed out, reaching as high as 200 feet (61 m) in the air. It remained uncapped for 18 months, spilling over 9 million barrels (1,400,000 m3) of oil, less than half of which was recovered.[2]
  • A short-lived gusher at Alamitos #1 in Signal Hill, California, US in 1921 marked the discovery of the Long Beach Oil Field, one of the most productive oil fields in the world.[13]
  • The Barroso 2 well in Cabimas, Venezuela, in December 1922 flowed at around 100,000 barrels (16,000 m3) per day for nine days, plus a large amount of natural gas.[14]
  • Baba Gurgur near Kirkuk, Iraq, an oilfield known since antiquity, erupted at a rate of 95,000 barrels (15,100 m3) a day in 1927.[15]
  • The Yates #30-A in Pecos County, Texas, US gushing 80 feet through the fifteen-inch casing, produced a world record 204,682 barrels of oil a day from a depth of 1,070 feet on 23 September 1929.[16]
  • The Wild Mary Sudik gusher in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma, US in 1930 flowed at a rate of 72,000 barrels (11,400 m3) per day.[17]
  • The Daisy Bradford gusher in 1930 marked the discovery of the East Texas Oil Field, the largest oilfield in the contiguous United States.[18]
  • The largest known 'wildcat' oil gusher blew near Qom, Iran, on 26 August 1956. The uncontrolled oil gushed to a height of 52 m (171 ft), at a rate of 120,000 barrels (19,000 m3) per day. The gusher was closed after 90 days' work by Bagher Mostofi and Myron Kinley (USA).[19]
  • On October 17, 1982, a sour gas well AMOCO DOME BRAZEAU RIVER 13-12-48-12, being drilled 20 km west of Lodgepole, Alberta blew out. The burning well was finally capped 67 days later by the Texas well-control company, Boots & Coots.
  • One of the most troublesome gushers happened on 23 June 1985, at well #37 at the Tengiz field in Atyrau, Kazakh SSR, Soviet Union, where the 4,209-metre deep well blew out and the 200-metre high gusher self-ignited two days later. Oil pressure up to 800 atm and high hydrogen sulfide content had led to the gusher being capped only on 27 July 1986. The total volume of erupted material measured at 4.3 million metric tons of oil and 1.7 billion m³ of natural gas, and the burning gusher resulted in 890 tons of various mercaptans and more than 900,000 tons of soot released into the atmosphere.[20]
  • Deepwater Horizon explosion: The largest underwater blowout in U.S. history occurred on 20 April 2010, in the Gulf of Mexico at the Macondo Prospect oil field. The blowout caused the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon, a mobile offshore drilling platform owned by Transocean and under lease to BP at the time of the blowout. While the exact volume of oil spilled is unknown, as of June 3, 2010, the United States Geological Survey Flow Rate Technical Group has placed the estimate at between 35,000 to 60,000 barrels (5,600 to 9,500 m3) of crude oil per day.[21][needs update]

Cause of blowouts

Reservoir pressure

A petroleum trap. An irregularity (the trap) in a layer of impermeable rocks (the seal) retains upward-flowing petroleum, forming a reservoir.

Petroleum or crude oil is a naturally occurring, flammable liquid consisting of a complex mixture of hydrocarbons of various molecular weights, and other organic compounds, found in geologic formations beneath the Earth's surface. Because most hydrocarbons are lighter than rock or water, they often migrate upward and occasionally laterally through adjacent rock layers until either reaching the surface or becoming trapped within porous rocks (known as reservoirs) by impermeable rocks above. When hydrocarbons are concentrated in a trap, an oil field forms, from which the liquid can be extracted by drilling and pumping. The downhole pressure in the rock structures changes depending upon the depth and the characteristics of the source rock. Natural gas (mostly methane) may be present also, usually above the oil within the reservoir, but sometimes dissolved in the oil at reservoir pressure and temperature. Dissolved gas typically comes out of solution as free gas as the pressure is reduced either under controlled production operations or in a kick, or in an uncontrolled blowout. The hydrocarbon in some reservoirs may be essentially all natural gas.

Formation kick

The downhole fluid pressures are controlled in modern wells through the balancing of the hydrostatic pressure provided by the mud column. Should the balance of the drilling mud pressure be incorrect (i.e., the mud pressure gradient is less than the formation pore pressure gradient), then formation fluids (oil, natural gas, and/or water) can begin to flow into the wellbore and up the annulus (the space between the outside of the drill string and the wall of the open hole or the inside of the casing), and/or inside the drill pipe. This is commonly called a kick. Ideally, mechanical barriers such as blowout preventers (BOPs) can be closed to isolate the well while the hydrostatic balance is regained through circulation of fluids in the well. But if the well is not shut in (common term for the closing of the blow-out preventer), a kick can quickly escalate into a blowout when the formation fluids reach the surface, especially when the influx contains gas that expands rapidly with the reduced pressure as it flows up the wellbore, further decreasing the effective weight of the fluid.

Early warning signs of an impending well kick while drilling are:

  • Sudden change in drilling rate;
  • Reduction in drillpipe weight;
  • Change in pump pressure;
  • Change in drilling fluid return rate.

Other warning signs during the drilling operation are:

  • Returning mud "cut" by (i.e., contaminated by) gas, oil or water;
  • Connection gases, high background gas units, and high bottoms-up gas units detected in the mudlogging unit.[22]

The primary means of detecting a kick while drilling is a relative change in the circulation rate back up to the surface into the mud pits. The drilling crew or mud engineer keeps track of the level in the mud pits and closely monitors the rate of mud returns versus the rate that is being pumped down the drill pipe. Upon encountering a zone of higher pressure than is being exerted by the hydrostatic head of the drilling mud (including the small additional frictional head while circulating) at the bit, an increase in mud return rate would be noticed as the formation fluid influx blends in with the circulating drilling mud. Conversely, if the rate of returns is slower than expected, it means that a certain amount of the mud is being lost to a thief zone somewhere below the last casing shoe. This does not necessarily result in a kick (and may never become one); however, a drop in the mud level might allow influx of formation fluids from other zones if the hydrostatic head is reduced to less than that of a full column of mud.[citation needed]

Well control

The first response to detecting a kick would be to isolate the wellbore from the surface by activating the blow-out preventers and closing in the well. Then the drilling crew would attempt to circulate in a heavier kill fluid to increase the hydrostatic pressure (sometimes with the assistance of a well control company). In the process, the influx fluids will be slowly circulated out in a controlled manner, taking care not to allow any gas to accelerate up the wellbore too quickly by controlling casing pressure with chokes on a predetermined schedule.

This effect will be minor if the influx fluid is mainly salt water. And with an oil-based drilling fluid it can be masked in the early stages of controlling a kick because gas influx may dissolve into the oil under pressure at depth, only to come out of solution and expand rather rapidly as the influx nears the surface. Once all the contaminant has been circulated out, the shut-in casing pressure should have reached zero.[citation needed]

Capping stacks are used for controlling blowouts. The cap is an open valve that is closed after bolted on.[23]

Types of blowouts

Ixtoc I oil well blowout

Well blowouts can occur during the drilling phase, during well testing, during well completion, during production, or during workover activities.[1]

Surface blowouts

Blowouts can eject the drill string out of the well, and the force of the escaping fluid can be strong enough to damage the drilling rig. In addition to oil, the output of a well blowout might include natural gas, water, drilling fluid, mud, sand, rocks, and other substances.

Blowouts will often be ignited from sparks from rocks being ejected, or simply from heat generated by friction. A well control company then will need to extinguish the well fire or cap the well, and replace the casing head and other surface equipment. If the flowing gas contains poisonous hydrogen sulfide, the oil operator might decide to ignite the stream to convert this to less hazardous substances.[citation needed]

Sometimes blowouts can be so forceful that they cannot be directly brought under control from the surface, particularly if there is so much energy in the flowing zone that it does not deplete significantly over time. In such cases, other wells (called relief wells) may be drilled to intersect the well or pocket, in order to allow kill-weight fluids to be introduced at depth. When first drilled in the 1930s relief wells were drilled to inject water into the main drill well hole.[24] Contrary to what might be inferred from the term, such wells generally are not used to help relieve pressure using multiple outlets from the blowout zone.

Subsea blowouts

The two main causes of a subsea blowout are equipment failures and imbalances with encountered subsurface reservoir pressure.[25] Subsea wells have pressure control equipment located on the seabed or between the riser pipe and drilling platform. Blowout preventers (BOPs) are the primary safety devices designed to maintain control of geologically driven well pressures. They contain hydraulic-powered cut-off mechanisms to stop the flow of hydrocarbons in the event of a loss of well control.[26]

Even with blowout prevention equipment and processes in place, operators must be prepared to respond to a blowout should one occur. Before drilling a well, a detailed well construction design plan, an Oil Spill Response Plan as well as a Well Containment Plan must be submitted, reviewed and approved by BSEE and is contingent upon access to adequate well containment resources in accordance to NTL 2010-N10.[27]

The Deepwater Horizon well blowout in the Gulf of Mexico in April 2010 occurred at a 5,000 feet (1,500 m) water depth.[28] Current blowout response capabilities in the U.S. Gulf of Mexico meet capture and process rates of 130,000 barrels of fluid per day and a gas handling capacity of 220 million cubic feet per day at depths through 10,000 feet.[29]

Underground blowouts

An underground blowout is a special situation where fluids from high pressure zones flow uncontrolled to lower pressure zones within the wellbore. Usually this is from deeper higher pressure zones to shallower lower pressure formations. There may be no escaping fluid flow at the wellhead. However, the formation(s) receiving the influx can become overpressured, a possibility that future drilling plans in the vicinity must consider.[citation needed]

Blowout control companies

Myron M. Kinley was a pioneer in fighting oil well fires and blowouts. He developed many patents and designs for the tools and techniques of oil firefighting. His father, Karl T. Kinley, attempted to extinguish an oil well fire with the help of a massive explosion—a method still in common use for fighting oil fires. Myron and Karl Kinley first successfully used explosives to extinguish an oil well fire in 1913.[30] Kinley would later form the M. M. Kinley Company in 1923.[30] Asger "Boots" Hansen and Edward Owen "Coots" Matthews also begin their careers under Kinley.

Paul N. "Red" Adair joined the M. M. Kinley Company in 1946, and worked 14 years with Myron Kinley before starting his own company, Red Adair Co., Inc., in 1959.

Red Adair Co. has helped in controlling offshore blowouts, including:

The 1968 American film, Hellfighters, which starred John Wayne, is about a group of oil well firefighters, based loosely on Adair's life; Adair, Hansen, and Matthews served as technical advisors on the film.

In 1994, Adair retired and sold his company to Global Industries. Management of Adair's company left and created International Well Control (IWC). In 1997, they would buy the company Boots & Coots International Well Control, Inc., which was founded by Hansen and Matthews in 1978.

Methods of quenching blowouts

Subsea Well Containment

Government Accountability Office diagram showing subsea well containment operations

After the Macondo-1 blowout on the Deepwater Horizon, the offshore industry collaborated with government regulators to develop a framework to respond to future subsea incidents. As a result, all energy companies operating in the deep-water U.S. Gulf of Mexico must submit an OPA 90 required Oil Spill Response Plan with the addition of a Regional Containment Demonstration Plan prior to any drilling activity.[32] In the event of a subsea blowout, these plans are immediately activated, drawing on some of the equipment and processes effectively used to contain the Deepwater Horizon well as others that have been developed in its aftermath.

In order to regain control of a subsea well, the Responsible Party would first secure the safety of all personnel on board the rig and then begin a detailed evaluation of the incident site. Remotely operated underwater vehicles (ROVs) would be dispatched to inspect the condition of the wellhead, Blowout Preventer (BOP) and other subsea well equipment. The debris removal process would begin immediately to provide clear access for a capping stack.

Once lowered and latched on the wellhead, a capping stack uses stored hydraulic pressure to close a hydraulic ram and stop the flow of hydrocarbons.[33] If shutting in the well could introduce unstable geological conditions in the wellbore, a cap and flow procedure would be used to contain hydrocarbons and safely transport them to a surface vessel.[34]

The Responsible Party works in collaboration with BSEE and the United States Coast Guard to oversee response efforts, including source control, recovering discharged oil and mitigating environmental impact.[35]

Several not-for-profit organizations provide a solution to effectively contain a subsea blowout. HWCG LLC and Marine Well Containment Company operate within the U.S. Gulf of Mexico[36] waters, while cooperatives like Oil Spill Response Limited offer support for international operations.

Use of nuclear explosions

On Sep. 30, 1966, the Soviet Union experienced blowouts on five natural gas wells in Urta-Bulak, an area about 80 kilometers from Bukhara, Uzbekistan. It was claimed in Komsomoloskaya Pravda that after years of burning uncontrollably they were able to stop them entirely.[37] The Soviets lowered a specially made 30 kiloton nuclear physics package into a 6-kilometre (20,000 ft) borehole drilled 25 to 50 metres (82 to 164 ft) away from the original (rapidly leaking) well. A nuclear explosive was deemed necessary because conventional explosives both lacked the necessary power and would also require a great deal more space underground. When the device was detonated, it crushed the original pipe that was carrying the gas from the deep reservoir to the surface and vitrified the surrounding rock. This caused the leak and fire at the surface to cease within approximately one minute of the explosion, and proved to be a permanent solution. An attempt on a similar well was not as successful. Other tests were for such experiments as oil extraction enhancement (Stavropol, 1969) and the creation of gas storage reservoirs (Orenburg, 1970).[38]

Notable offshore well blowouts

Data from industry information.[1][39]

Year Rig Name Rig Owner Type Damage / details
1955 S-44 Chevron Corporation Sub Recessed pontoons Blowout and fire. Returned to service.
1959 C. T. Thornton Reading & Bates Jackup Blowout and fire damage.
1964 C. P. Baker Reading & Bates Drill barge Blowout in Gulf of Mexico, vessel capsized, 22 killed.
1965 Trion Royal Dutch Shell Jackup Destroyed by blowout.
1965 Paguro SNAM Jackup Destroyed by blowout and fire.
1968 Little Bob Coral Jackup Blowout and fire, killed 7.
1969 Wodeco III Floor drilling Drilling barge Blowout
1969 Sedco 135G Sedco Inc Semi-submersible Blowout damage
1969 Rimrick Tidelands ODECO Submersible Blowout in Gulf of Mexico
1970 Stormdrill III Storm Drilling Jackup Blowout and fire damage.
1970 Discoverer III Offshore Co. Drillship Blowout (S. China Seas)
1971 Big John Atwood Oceanics Drill barge Blowout and fire.
1971 Wodeco II Floor Drilling Drill barge Blowout and fire off Peru, 7 killed.[citation needed]
1972 J. Storm II Marine Drilling Co. Jackup Blowout in Gulf of Mexico
1972 M. G. Hulme Reading & Bates Jackup Blowout and capsize in Java Sea.
1972 Rig 20 Transworld Drilling Jackup Blowout in Gulf of Martaban.
1973 Mariner I Santa Fe Drilling Semi-sub Blowout off Trinidad, 3 killed.
1975 Mariner II Santa Fe Drilling Semi-submersible Lost BOP during blowout.
1975 J. Storm II Marine Drilling Co. Jackup Blowout in Gulf of Mexico.[citation needed]
1976 Petrobras III Petrobras Jackup No info.
1976 W. D. Kent Reading & Bates Jackup Damage while drilling relief well.[citation needed]
1977 Maersk Explorer Maersk Drilling Jackup Blowout and fire in North Sea[citation needed]
1977 Ekofisk Bravo Phillips Petroleum Platform Blowout during well workover.[40]
1978 Scan Bay Scan Drilling Jackup Blowout and fire in the Persion Gulf.[citation needed]
1979 Salenergy II Salen Offshore Jackup Blowout in Gulf of Mexico
1979 Sedco 135 Sedco Drilling Semi-submersible Blowout and fire in Bay of Campeche Ixtoc I well.[41]
1980 Sedco 135C Sedco Drilling Semi-submersible Blowout and fire of Nigeria.
1980 Discoverer 534 Offshore Co. Drillship Gas escape caught fire.[citation needed]
1980 Ron Tappmeyer Reading & Bates Jackup Blowout in Persian Gulf, 5 killed.[citation needed]
1980 Nanhai II People's Republic of China Jackup Blowout of Hainan Island.[citation needed]
1980 Maersk Endurer Maersk Drilling Jackup Blowout in Red Sea, 2 killed.[citation needed]
1980 Ocean King ODECO Jackup Blowout and fire in Gulf of Mexico, 5 killed.[42]
1980 Marlin 14 Marlin Drilling Jackup Blowout in Gulf of Mexico[citation needed]
1981 Penrod 50 Penrod Drilling Submersible Blowout and fire in Gulf of Mexico.[citation needed]
1984 Plataforma Central de Enchova Petrobras fixed platform Blowout and fire in Campos Basin, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 37 fatalities.
1985 West Vanguard Smedvig Semi-submersible Shallow gas blowout and fire in Norwegian sea, 1 fatality.
1981 Petromar V Petromar Drillship Gas blowout and capsize in S. China seas.[citation needed]
1983 Bull Run Atwood Oceanics Tender Oil and gas blowout Dubai, 3 fatalities.
1988 Ocean Odyssey Diamond Offshore Drilling Semi-submersible Gas blowout at BOP and fire in the UK North Sea, 1 killed.
1988 Plataforma Central de Enchova Petrobras fixed platform Blowout and fire in Campos Basin, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, no fatality, platform entirely destroyed.
1989 Al Baz Santa Fe Jackup Shallow gas blowout and fire in Nigeria, 5 killed.[43]
1993 M. Naqib Khalid Naqib Co. Naqib Drilling fire and explosion. Returned to service.
1993 Actinia Transocean Semi-submersible Sub-sea blowout in Vietnam.[44]
2001 Ensco 51 Ensco Jackup Gas blowout and fire, Gulf of Mexico, no casualties[45]
2002 Arabdrill 19 Arabian Drilling Co. Jackup Structural collapse, blowout, fire and sinking.[46]
2004 Adriatic IV Global Santa Fe Jackup Blowout and fire at Temsah platform, Mediterranean Sea[47]
2007 Usumacinta PEMEX Jackup Storm forced rig to move, causing well blowout on Kab 101 platform, 22 killed.[48]
2009 West Atlas / Montara Seadrill Jackup / Platform Blowout and fire on rig and platform in Australia.[49]
2010 Deepwater Horizon Transocean Semi-submersible Blowout and fire on the rig, subsea well blowout, killed 11 in explosion.
2010 Vermilion Block 380 Mariner Energy Platform Blowout and fire, 13 survivors, 1 injured.[50][51]
2012 KS Endeavour KS Energy Services Jack-Up Blowout and fire on the rig, collapsed, killed 2 in explosion.
2012 Elgin platform Total Platform Blowout and prolonged sour gas release, no injuries.

See also


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  • Rig Disaster Website : "Santa Fe al Baz Blowout - Oil Rig Disasters - Offshore Drilling Accidents". Archived from the original on 2010-12-04. Retrieved 2010-05-23.

  • "Actinia Blowout – Oil Rig Disasters – Offshore Drilling Accidents". Archived from the original on 2016-03-03. Retrieved 2016-01-30.

  • Oil Rig Disasters website : "Ensco 51 Blowout - Oil Rig Disasters - Offshore Drilling Accidents". Archived from the original on 2010-06-19. Retrieved 2010-05-29.

  • Oil Rig Disasters Website : "Arabdrill 19 AD19 - Oil Rig Disasters - Offshore Drilling Accidents". Archived from the original on 2010-12-04. Retrieved 2010-09-21.

  • Oil Rig Disasters Website : "GSF Adriatic IV - Oil Rig Disasters - Offshore Drilling Accidents". Archived from the original on 2010-12-04. Retrieved 2010-05-23.

  • Usumacinta website : "Usumacinta and Kab 101 Blowout - Oil Rig Disasters - Offshore Drilling Accidents". Archived from the original on 2014-10-11. Retrieved 2014-10-11.

  • ABC

  • September 2 oil rig explosion Archived 2010-09-03 at the Wayback Machine, CNN

  • External links

    Long sand racer
    Stout Sand snake Psammophis longifrons by Krishna Khan Amravati.jpg
    Subadult Psammophis longifrons

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    (Redirected from Sand crepe)
    Woman's mourning bonnet in hard crape, c. 1880

    Crêpe, also spelled crepe or crape (from the French crêpe)[1] is a silk, wool, or synthetic fiber fabric with a distinctively crisp and crimped appearance. The term "crape" typically refers to a form of the fabric associated specifically with mourning.[2] Crêpe was also historically called "crespe" or "crisp".[3]

    It is woven of hard-spun yarn, originally silk "in the gum" (silk from which the sericin had not been removed). There traditionally have been two distinct varieties of the crêpe: soft, Canton or Oriental crêpe, and hard or crisped crêpe.[4]


    Proportion of Jewish population in Africa


    75 Medicago sativa L.jpg
    Medicago sativa[1]
    Scientific classification edit
    Kingdom: Plantae
    Clade: Tracheophytes
    Clade: Angiosperms
    Clade: Eudicots
    Clade: Rosids
    Order: Fabales
    Family: Fabaceae
    Subfamily: Faboideae
    Genus: Medicago
    Section: M. sect. Medicago
    M. sativa
    Binomial name
    Medicago sativa
    • M. sativa subsp. ambigua (Trautv.) Tutin
    • M. sativa subsp. microcarpa Urban
    • M. sativa subsp. sativa
    • M. sativa subsp. varia (T. Martyn) Arcang.

    A close up of alfalfa sprouts, which are commonly used as a garnish on soups or as a filling in sandwiches and salads.

    Alfalfa (/ælˈfælfə/) (Medicago sativa), also called lucerne, is a perennial flowering plant in the legume family Fabaceae. It is cultivated as an important forage crop in many countries around the world. It is used for grazing, hay, and silage, as well as a green manure and cover crop. The name alfalfa is used in North America. The name lucerne is the more commonly used name in the United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia, and New Zealand. The plant superficially resembles clover (a cousin in the same family), especially while young, when trifoliate leaves comprising round leaflets predominate. Later in maturity, leaflets are elongated. It has clusters of small purple flowers followed by fruits spiralled in 2 to 3 turns containing 10–20 seeds. Alfalfa is native to warmer temperate climates. It has been cultivated as livestock fodder since at least the era of the ancient Greeks and Romans

    Walterinnesia aegyptia
    Scientific classification e
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Reptilia
    Order: Squamata
    Suborder: Serpentes
    Family: Elapidae
    Genus: Walterinnesia
    Lataste, 1887

    Walterinnesia is a genus of venomous snakes in the family Elapidae. The genus contains two species, known commonly as desert black snakes or black desert cobras, which are endemic to the Middle East.[1] The generic name Walterinnesia honours Walter Francis Innes Bey (1858–1937), who was a physician and zoologist in Egypt.[2]



    Milk snake
    Red milk snake.JPG
    Red milk snake (Lampropeltis triangulum syspila)
    Scientific classification edit
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Reptilia
    Order: Squamata
    Suborder: Serpentes
    Family: Colubridae
    Genus: Lampropeltis
    L. triangulum
    Binomial name
    Lampropeltis triangulum

    24 subspecies, see text

    • Coluber triangulum
      Lacépède, 1788
    • Pseudoëlaps Y
      Berthold, 1843
    • Ablabes triangulum
      A.M.C. Duméril & Bibron, 1854
    • Lampropeltis triangula
      Cope, 1860
    • Coronella triangulum
      Boulenger, 1894
    • Osceola doliata triangula
      — Cope, 1900

    The milk snake or milksnake (Lampropeltis triangulum), is a species of kingsnake; 24 subspecies are currently recognized. Lampropeltis elapsoides, the scarlet kingsnake, was formerly classified as a 25th subspecies (L. t. elapsoides), but is now recognized as a distinct species.[2] The subspecies have strikingly different appearances, and many of them have their own common names. Some authorities suggest that this species could be split into several separate species.[2] They are not venomous to humans.[3][4]

    Photomicrograph of a feldspathic wacke (sandstone). Top image is in plane polarized light (PPL); bottom image is in cross polarized light (XPL). Blue epoxy fills pore spaces.
    Photomicrograph of a lithic wacke (sandstone). Top image is in plane polarized light (PPL); bottom image is in cross polarized light (XPL). Blue epoxy fills pore spaces.

    Greywacke or graywacke (German grauwacke, signifying a grey, earthy rock) is a variety of sandstone generally characterized by its hardness, dark color, and poorly sorted angular grains of quartz, feldspar, and small rock fragments or lithic fragments set in a compact, clay-fine matrix. It is a texturally immature sedimentary rock generally found in Paleozoic strata. The larger grains can be sand- to gravel-sized, and matrix materials generally constitute more than 15% of the rock by volume. The term "greywacke" can be confusing, since it can refer to either the immature (rock fragment) aspect of the rock or its fine-grained (clay) component.

    Eastern kingsnake
    Lampropeltis getula getula.jpg
    Scientific classification edit
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Reptilia
    Order: Squamata
    Suborder: Serpentes
    Family: Colubridae
    Genus: Lampropeltis
    L. getula
    Binomial name
    Lampropeltis getula
    (Linnaeus, 1766)

    Lampropeltis getula, commonly known as the eastern kingsnake,[3] common kingsnake,[4] or chain kingsnake,[5] is a harmless colubrid species endemic to the United States and Mexico. It has long been a favorite among collectors.[5] Nine subspecies are currently recognized, including the nominate subspecies described here.[6]

    Astolfo and Caligorante

    Astolfo (also Astolpho, Estous, and Estouls) is a fictional character in the Matter of France where he is one of Charlemagne's paladins. He is the son of Otto, the King of England (possibly referring to Charles' contemporary Offa of Mercia), and is a cousin to Orlando and Rinaldo, and a descendant of Charles Martel. While Astolfo's name appeared in the Old French chanson de geste The Four Sons of Aymon, his first major appearance was in the anonymous early fourteenth-century Franco-Venetian epic poem La Prise de Pampelune.[1] He was subsequently a major character (typically humorous) in Italian Renaissance romance epics, such as Morgante by Luigi Pulci, Orlando Innamorato by Matteo Maria Boiardo, and Orlando Furioso by Ludovico Ariosto


    Fragment of George Powell's 1822 chart of the South Shetland Islands showing the phantom Middle Island (bottom right) in Bransfield Strait, Antarctica
    The Zeno map of 1558 showing Frisland – a phantom island in the North Atlantic
    The phantom island of Kianida or Cianeis in the Black Sea on a fragment of the 1467 Nicolaus Germanus edition of Ptolemy's Geography

    A phantom island is a purported island which was included on maps for a period of time, but was later found not to exist. They usually originate from the reports of early sailors exploring new regions, and are commonly the result of navigational errors, mistaken observations, unverified misinformation, or deliberate fabrication. Some have remained on maps for centuries before being "un-discovered."

    Unlike lost lands, which are claimed (or known) to have once existed but to have been swallowed by the sea or otherwise destroyed, a phantom island is one that is claimed to exist contemporaneously, but later found not to have existed in the first place (or found not to be an island, as with the Island of California).

    Chief Saturiwa prepares his men for battle, from Plate XI of Jacques le Moyne des Morgues's engraving of Fort Caroline, Jacques le Moyne and Theodor De Bry.

    Black drink is a name for several kinds of ritual beverages brewed by Native Americans in the Southeastern United States. Traditional ceremonial people of the Yuchi,[1] Caddo,[2] Chickasaw,[3] Cherokee, Choctaw, Muscogee and some other Indigenous peoples of the Southeastern Woodlands use the black drink in purification ceremonies. It was occasionally known as white drink because of the association of the color white with peace leaders in some Native cultures in the Southeast.[4]

    The preparation and protocols vary between tribes and ceremonial grounds; a prominent ingredient is the roasted leaves and stems of Ilex vomitoria (commonly known as yaupon holly), a plant native to the Atlantic and Gulf Coasts. Black drink also usually contains emetic herbs.[5]


    Pituophis catenifer sayi 007.jpg
    Scientific classification e
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Reptilia
    Order: Squamata
    Suborder: Serpentes
    Family: Colubridae
    Genus: Pituophis
    P. c. sayi
    Trinomial name
    Pituophis catenifer sayi
    (Schlegel, 1837)
    • Coluber sayi
      Schlegel, 1837
    • Pityophis sayi sayi
      Cope, 1900
    • Pituophis sayi
      Stejneger & Barbour, 1917
    • Pituophis sayi sayi
      Schmidt & Davis, 1941
    • Pituophis catenifer sayi
      Wright & Wright, 1957
    • Pituophis melanoleucus sayi
      Conant, 1975
    • Pituophis catenifer sayi
      Collins, 1997

    The bullsnake (Pituophis catenifer sayi) is a large, nonvenomous, colubrid snake. It is a subspecies of the gopher snake (Pituophis catenifer). The bullsnake is one of the largest/longest snakes of North America and the United States, reaching lengths up to 8 ft.

    Pneumono­ultra­microscopic­silico­volcano­coniosis (/ˌnjmənˌʌltrəˌmkrəˈskɒpɪkˌsɪlɪkvɒlˌknˌkniˈsɪs/ (listen)[1][2]) is a 45-letter made-up word coined in 1935 by the then president of the National Puzzlers' League, Everett M. Smith. It has sometimes been used as a synonym for the occupational disease known as silicosis, but it should not be as most silicosis is not related to mining of volcanic dusts, and no evidence of silicosis has been found in populations exposed to crystalline silica in volcanic ash. It is the longest word in the English language published in a popular dictionary, Oxford Dictionaries, which defines it as "an artificial long word said to mean a lung disease caused by inhaling very fine ash and sand dust".[3]

    Clinical and toxicological research conducted on volcanic crystalline silica has found little to no evidence of its ability to cause silicosis/pneumo­coniosis-like diseases and geochemical analyses have shown that there are inherent factors in the crystalline structure which may render volcanic crystalline silica much less pathogenic than some other forms of crystalline silica.[4][5]

    Silicosis is a form of occupational lung disease caused by inhalation of crystalline silica dust, and is marked by inflammation and scarring in the form of nodular lesions in the upper lobes of the lungs. It is a type of pneumoconiosis and is known in the United Kingdom as the “black lung”.


    Conioscinella elegans
    Scientific classification
    C. elegans
    Binomial name
    Conioscinella elegans
    Becker, 1910

    Oscinella elegans (Becker, 1910)

    Conioscinella elegans is a species of eye flies in the genus of Conioscinella. It is found in Europe.

    Temporal range: 538.8 –0 Ma Earliest Cambrian (Fortunian)–Recent
    AnomalocarisAtlantic horseshoe crabPenaeus monodonIsoxysAraneus diadematusChelonibia testudinariaLeanchoiliaScolopendra cataractaDicyrtominaElrathiaJuliformiaCarniolan honey beeArthropoda collage.png
    About this image
    Scientific classification e
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Subkingdom: Eumetazoa
    Clade: ParaHoxozoa
    Clade: Bilateria
    Clade: Nephrozoa
    (unranked): Protostomia
    Superphylum: Ecdysozoa
    (unranked): Panarthropoda
    (unranked): Tactopoda
    Phylum: Arthropoda
    Gravenhorst, 1843[1]

    Subphyla, unplaced genera, and classes

    Arthropods (/ˈɑːrθrəpɒd/, from Ancient Greek ἄρθρον (arthron) 'joint', and πούς (pous) 'foot' (gen. ποδός)) are invertebrate animals in the phylum Arthropoda. They possess an exoskeleton with a cuticle made of chitin, often mineralised with calcium carbonate, a segmented body, and paired jointed appendages. In order to keep growing, they must go through stages of moulting, a process by which they shed their exoskeleton to reveal a new one. They are an extremely diverse group, with up to 10 million species.

    Chlorops sp.-pjt.jpg
    Chlorops sp.
    Scientific classification e
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Arthropoda
    Class: Insecta
    Order: Diptera
    (unranked): Eremoneura
    (unranked): Cyclorrhapha
    Section: Schizophora
    Subsection: Acalyptratae
    Superfamily: Carnoidea
    Family: Chloropidae
    Rondani, 1856
    More than 160 genera
    • Mindidae

    The Chloropidae are a family of flies commonly known as frit flies or grass flies.[1] About 2000 described species are in over 160 genera distributed worldwide. These are usually very small flies, yellow or black and appearing shiny due to the virtual absence of any hairs. The majority of the larvae are phytophagous, mainly on grasses, and can be major pests of cereals. However, parasitic and predatory species are known. A few species are kleptoparasites. Some species in the genera Hippelates and Siphunculina (S. funicola being quite well known in Asia) are called eye gnats or eye flies for their habit of being attracted to eyes. They feed on lachrymal secretions and other body fluids of various animals, including humans, and are of medical significance.[2][3]

    There are scant records of chloropids from amber deposits, mostly from the Eocene and Oligocene periods although some material may suggest the family dates back to the Cretaceous or earlier.

    Siphunculina funicola tbf.jpg
    Siphunculina funicola
    Scientific classification e
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Arthropoda
    Class: Insecta
    Order: Diptera
    Family: Chloropidae
    Subfamily: Oscinellinae
    Genus: Siphunculina
    Rondani, 1856

    see text

    Siphunculina is a genus of small flies known as tropical eye flies. They are known for their habit of visiting the eyes of humans and other vertebrates to feed on fluids and in doing so cause annoyance, spread bacterial or viral diseases or cause injury to the eye.[1][2] They have a habit of resting in large numbers on suspended strings, ropes and cobwebs.[3]

    Several species are known from the Old World, including Asia, Europe and Africa.[4][5][6] [7][8][9]


    Temporal range: Paleogene–Recent
    Marsh fly01.jpg
    Marsh fly (Sciomyzidae)
    Scientific classification e
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Arthropoda
    Class: Insecta
    Order: Diptera
    (unranked): Cyclorrhapha
    Section: Schizophora
    Becher, 1882


    The Schizophora are a section of true flies containing 78 families, which are collectively referred to as muscoids, although technically the term "muscoid" should be limited to flies in the superfamily Muscoidea; this is an example of informal, historical usage persisting in the vernacular. The section is divided into two subsections, the Acalyptratae and Calyptratae, which are commonly referred to as acalyptrate muscoids and calyptrate muscoids, respectively.

    The defining feature of the Schizophora is the presence of a special structure used to help the emerging adult fly break free of the puparium; this structure is an inflatable membranous sac called the ptilinum that protrudes from the face, above the antennae. The inflation of the ptilinum (using fluid hemolymph rather than air) creates pressure along the line of weakness in the puparium, which then bursts open along the seam to allow the adult to escape. When the adult emerges, the fluid is withdrawn, the ptilinum collapses, and the membrane retracts entirely back inside the head. The large, inverted, "U"-shaped suture in the face through which it came, however, is still quite visible, and the name "Schizophora" ("split-bearers") is derived from this ptilinal or frontal suture. The term was first used by Eduard Becher

    Anthomyia pluvialis01.jpg
    Anthomyia pluvialis
    Scientific classification e
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Arthropoda
    Class: Insecta
    Order: Diptera
    (unranked): Eremoneura
    (unranked): Cyclorrhapha
    Section: Schizophora
    Subsection: Calyptratae
    Superfamily: Muscoidea

    Muscoidea is a superfamily of flies in the subsection Calyptratae. Muscoidea, with approximately 7000 described species, is nearly 5% of the known species level diversity of the Diptera, the true flies. Most muscoid flies are saprophagous, coprophagous or necrophagous as larvae, but some species are parasitic, predatory, or phytophagous.[1] In September 2008, a study was done on the superfamily using both nucleic and mitochondrial DNA and the conclusion suggested that Muscoidea may actually be paraphyletic.[2]

    Chicken egg diagram.svg
    Diagram showing the chorion of a chicken egg
    Human fetus, enclosed in the amnion
    Anatomical terminology

    The chorion is the outermost fetal membrane around the embryo in mammals, birds and reptiles (amniotes). It develops from an outer fold on the surface of the yolk sac, which lies outside the zona pellucida (in mammals), known as the vitelline membrane in other animals. In insects it is developed by the follicle cells while the egg is in the ovary.[1]


    Temporal range: Early Cretaceous (Barremian) – Present
    Monotreme collage.jpg
    Four of the five extant monotreme species: platypus (top-left), short-beaked echidna (top-right), western long-beaked echidna (bottom-left), and replica eastern long-beaked echidna (bottom-right)
    Scientific classification e
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Chordata
    Class: Mammalia
    Order: Monotremata
    C.L. Bonaparte, 1837[2]

    Monotremes (/ˈmɒnətrmz/) are mammals of the order Monotremata. They are one of the three groups of living mammals, along with placentals (Eutheria), and marsupials (Metatheria). Monotremes are typified by structural differences in their brains, jaws, digestive tract, reproductive tract, and other body parts, compared to the more common mammalian types. In addition, they lay eggs rather than bearing live young, but, like all mammals, the female monotremes nurse their young with milk.

    Monotremes have been considered members of Australosphenida, a clade that contains extinct mammals from the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Madagascar, South America, and Australia, though this is disputed.

    The only surviving examples of monotremes are all indigenous to Australia and New Guinea, although they were also present in the Late Cretaceous and Paleocene of southern South America, indicating that they were also present in Antarctica, though remains have not been found there. The extant monotreme species are the platypus and four species of echidnas. There is currently some debate regarding monotreme taxonomy.

    The name monotreme derives from the Greek words μονός (monós 'single') and τρῆμα (trêma 'hole'), referring to the cloaca

    Temporal range: Early Maastrichtian
    Scientific classification
    P. pascuali
    Binomial name
    Patagorhynchus pascuali

    Patagorhynchus is a genus of prehistoric monotreme mammal from the Late Cretaceous Early Maastrichtian age of Santa Cruz province, Argentina. It is known from a single species: Patagorhynchus pascuali.[1] The holotype, MPM-PV-23087, consists of a lower right molar attached to a fragment of dentary. It was collected in the Chorillo Formation of Rio Gallegos, Santa Cruz, Argentina in 2022 and is housed in the Museo Padre Molina.[1]

    72.1 ± 0.2 – 66.0 Ma
    Opening of western Indian Ocean 70 Ma.png
    Opening of the western Indian Ocean in the Maastrichtian
    Name formalityFormal
    Usage information
    Celestial bodyEarth
    Regional usageGlobal (ICS)
    Time scale(s) usedICS Time Scale
    Chronological unitAge
    Stratigraphic unitStage
    Time span formalityFormal
    Lower boundary definitionMean of 12 biostratigraphic criteria
    Lower boundary GSSPGrande Carrière quarry, Landes, France
    43.6795°N 1.1133°W
    Lower GSSP ratifiedFebruary 2001[2]
    Upper boundary definitionIridium enriched layer associated with a major meteorite impact and subsequent K-Pg extinction event.
    Upper boundary GSSPEl Kef Section, El Kef, Tunisia
    36.1537°N 8.6486°E
    Upper GSSP ratified1991

    The Maastrichtian ( /mɑːˈstrɪktiən/) is, in the ICS geologic timescale, the latest age (uppermost stage) of the Late Cretaceous Epoch or Upper Cretaceous Series, the Cretaceous Period or System, and of the Mesozoic Era or Erathem. It spanned the interval from 72.1 to 66 million years ago. The Maastrichtian was preceded by the Campanian and succeeded by the Danian (part of the Paleogene and Paleocene).[3]

    The Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event (formerly known as the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event)[a] occurred at the end of this age.[3] In this mass extinction, many commonly recognized groups such as non-avian dinosaurs, plesiosaurs and mosasaurs, as well as many other lesser-known groups, died out. The cause of the extinction is most commonly linked to an asteroid about 10 to 15 kilometres (6.2 to 9.3 mi) wide[4][5] colliding with Earth, ending the Cretaceous.


    Series are subdivisions of rock layers based on the age of the rock and formally defined by international conventions of the geological timescale. A series is therefore a sequence of strata defining a chronostratigraphic unit. Series are subdivisions of systems and are themselves divided into stages.

    Series is a term defining a unit of rock layers formed during a certain interval of time (a chronostratigraphic unit); it is equivalent (but not synonymous) to the term geological epoch (see epoch criteria) which defines the interval of time itself, although the two words are sometimes confused in informal literature.

    Units in geochronology and stratigraphy[1]
    Segments of rock (strata) in chronostratigraphy Time spans in geochronology Notes to
    geochronological units
    Eonothem Eon 4 total, half a billion years or more
    Erathem Era 10 defined, several hundred million years
    System Period 22 defined, tens to ~one hundred million years
    Series Epoch 34 defined, tens of millions of years
    Stage Age 99 defined, millions of years
    Chronozone Chron subdivision of an age, not used by the ICS timescale


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    Chronostratigraphy is the branch of stratigraphy that studies the ages of rock strata in relation to time.

    The ultimate aim of chronostratigraphy is to arrange the sequence of deposition and the time of deposition of all rocks within a geological region, and eventually, the entire geologic record of the Earth.

    The standard stratigraphic nomenclature is a chronostratigraphic system based on palaeontological intervals of time defined by recognised fossil assemblages (biostratigraphy). The aim of chronostratigraphy is to give a meaningful age date to these fossil assemblage intervals and interfaces.[1]


    Chronostratigraphy relies heavily upon isotope geology and geochronology to derive hard dating of known and well defined rock units which contain the specific fossil assemblages defined by the stratigraphic system. In practice, as it is very difficult to isotopically date most fossils and sedimentary rocks directly, inferences must be made in order to arrive at an age date which reflects the beginning of the interval.

    The methodology used is derived from the law of superposition and the principles of cross-cutting relationships

    The methodology used is derived from the law of superposition and the principles of cross-cutting relationships.

    Because igneous rocks occur at specific intervals in time and are essentially instantaneous on a geologic time scale, and because they contain mineral assemblages which may be dated more accurately and precisely by isotopic methods, the construction of a chronostratigraphic column relies heavily upon intrusive and extrusive igneous rocks.

    Metamorphism, often associated with faulting, may also be used to bracket depositional intervals in a chronostratigraphic column. Metamorphic rocks can occasionally be dated, and this may give some limits to the age at which a bed could have been laid down. For example, if a bed containing graptolites overlies crystalline basement at some point, dating the crystalline basement will give a maximum age of that fossil assemblage.

    This process requires a considerable degree of effort and checking of field relationships and age dates. For instance, there may be many millions of years between a bed being laid down and an intrusive rock cutting it; the estimate of age must necessarily be between the oldest cross-cutting intrusive rock in the fossil assemblage and the youngest rock upon which the fossil assemblage rests.


    Chronostratigraphic units, with examples:[2]

    Differences from geochronology

    It is important not to confuse geochronologic and chronostratigraphic units.[3][4] Chronostratigraphic units are geological material, so it is correct to say that fossils of the species Tyrannosaurus rex have been found in the Upper Cretaceous Series.[5] Geochronological units are periods of time and take the same name as standard stratigraphic units but replacing the terms upper/lower with late/early. Thus it is also correct to say that Tyrannosaurus rex lived during the Late Cretaceous Epoch.[6]

    Chronostratigraphy is an important branch of stratigraphy because the age correlations derived are crucial in drawing accurate cross sections of the spatial organization of rocks and in preparing accurate paleogeographic reconstructions.

    See also


    Category:Geochronological dating methods

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia


    This category has the following 4 subcategories, out of 4 total.





    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Commissural fiber
    Coronal cross-section of brain showing the corpus callosum at top and the anterior commissure below
    Latinfibra commissuralis, fibrae commissurales telencephali
    Anatomical terms of neuroanatomy

    The commissural fibers or transverse fibers are axons that connect the two hemispheres of the brain. In contrast to commissural fibers, association fibers connect regions within the same hemisphere of the brain, and projection fibers connect each region to other parts of the brain or to the spinal cord.[1]

    General characteristics

    Like other mammals, monotremes are endothermic with a high metabolic rate (though not as high as other mammals; see below); have hair on their bodies; produce milk through mammary glands to feed their young; have a single bone in their lower jaw; and have three middle-ear bones.

    In common with reptiles and marsupials, monotremes lack the connective structure (corpus callosum) which in placental mammals is the primary communication route between the right and left brain hemispheres.[3] The anterior commissure does provide an alternate communication route between the two hemispheres, though, and in monotremes and marsupials it carries all the commissural fibers arising from the neocortex, whereas in placental mammals the anterior commissure carries only some of these fibers.[4]

    Diagram of a monotreme egg. (1) Shell; (2) Yolk; (3) Yolk Sac; (4) Allantois; (5) Embryo; (6) Amniotic Fluid; (7) Amniotic Membrane; and (8) Membrane

    Extant monotremes lack teeth as adults. Fossil forms and modern platypus young have a "tribosphenic" form of molars (with the occlusal surface formed by three cusps arranged in a triangle), which is one of the hallmarks of extant mammals. Some recent work suggests that monotremes acquired this form of molar independently of placental mammals and marsupials,[5] although this hypothesis remains disputed.[6] Tooth loss in modern monotremes might be related to their development of electrolocation.[7]

    Monotreme jaws are constructed somewhat differently from those of other mammals, and the jaw opening muscle is different. As in all true mammals, the tiny bones that conduct sound to the inner ear are fully incorporated into the skull, rather than lying in the jaw as in non-mammal cynodonts and other premammalian synapsids; this feature, too, is now claimed to have evolved independently in monotremes and therians,[8] although, as with the analogous evolution of the tribosphenic molar, this hypothesis is disputed.[9][10] Nonetheless, findings on the extinct species Teinolophos confirm that suspended ear bones evolved independently among monotremes and therians.[11] The external opening of the ear still lies at the base of the jaw.

    The sequencing of the platypus genome has also provided insight into the evolution of a number of monotreme traits, such as venom and electroreception, as well as showing some new unique features, such as monotremes possessing 5 pairs of sex chromosomes and that one of the X chromosomes resembles the Z chromosome of birds,[12] suggesting that the two sex chromosomes of marsupial and placental mammals evolved after the split from the monotreme lineage.[13] Additional reconstruction through shared genes in sex chromosomes supports this hypothesis of independent evolution.[14] This feature, along with some other genetic similarities with birds, such as shared genes related to egg-laying, is thought to provide some insight into the most recent common ancestor of the synapsid lineage leading to mammals and the sauropsid lineage leading to birds and modern reptiles, which are believed to have split about 315 million years ago during the Carboniferous.[15][16] The presence of vitellogenin genes (a protein necessary for egg shell formation) is shared with birds; the presence of this symplesiomorphy suggests that the common ancestor of monotremes, marsupials, and placental mammals was oviparous, and that this trait was retained in monotremes but lost in all other extant mammal groups. DNA analyses suggest that although this trait is shared and is synapomorphic with birds, platypuses are still mammals and that the common ancestor of extant mammals lactated.[17]

    The monotremes also have extra bones in the shoulder girdle, including an interclavicle and coracoid, which are not found in other mammals. Monotremes retain a reptile-like gait, with legs on the sides of, rather than underneath, their bodies. The monotreme leg bears a spur in the ankle region; the spur is not functional in echidnas, but contains a powerful venom in the male platypus. This venom is derived from β-defensins, proteins that are present in mammals that create holes in viral and bacterial pathogens. Some reptile venom is also composed of different types of β-defensins, another trait shared with reptiles.[15] It is thought to be an ancient mammalian characteristic, as many non-monotreme archaic mammal groups also possess venomous spurs.[18]

    Reproductive system

    The key anatomical difference between monotremes and other mammals gives them their name; monotreme means “single opening” in Greek, referring to the single duct (the cloaca) for their urinary, defecatory, and reproductive systems. Like reptiles, monotremes have a single cloaca. Marsupials have a separate genital tract, whereas most placental mammalian females have separate openings for reproduction (the vagina), urination (the urethra), and defecation (the anus). In monotremes, only semen passes through the penis while urine is excreted through the male's cloaca.[19] The monotreme penis is similar to that of turtles and is covered by a preputial sac.[20][21]

    Monotreme eggs are retained for some time within the mother and receive nutrients directly from her, generally hatching within 10 days after being laid — much shorter than the incubation period of sauropsid eggs.[22][23] Much like newborn marsupials (and perhaps all non-placental mammals[24]), newborn monotremes, called "puggles,"[25] are larval- and fetus-like and have relatively well-developed forelimbs that enable them to crawl around. In fact, because monotremes lack nipples, puggles crawl about more frequently than marsupial joeys in search of milk, this difference raising questions about the supposed developmental restrictions on marsupial forelimbs.[clarification needed][26]

    Rather than through nipples, monotremes lactate from their mammary glands via openings in their skin. All five extant species show prolonged parental care of their young, with low rates of reproduction and relatively long life-spans.

    Monotremes are also noteworthy in their zygotic development: Most mammalian zygotes go through holoblastic cleavage, where the ovum splits into multiple, divisible daughter cells. Contrastingly, monotreme zygotes, like those of birds and reptiles, undergo meroblastic (partial) division. This means the cells at the yolk's edge have cytoplasm continuous with that of the egg, allowing the yolk and embryo to exchange waste and nutrients with the surrounding cytoplasm.[15]


    Monotreme female reproductive organs
    Male platypus reproductive system. 1. Testes, 2. Epididymis, 3. Bladder, 4. Rectum, 5. Ureter, 6. Vas Deferens, 7. Genito-urinary sinus, 8. Penis enclosed in a fibrous sheath, 9. Cloaca, 10. Opening in the ventral wall of the cloaca for the penis.

    Monotremes' metabolic rate is remarkably low by mammalian standards. The platypus has an average body temperature of about 31 °C (88 °F) rather than the averages of 35 °C (95 °F) for marsupials and 37 °C (99 °F) for placental mammals.[27][28] Research suggests this has been a gradual adaptation to the harsh, marginal environmental niches in which the few extant monotreme species have managed to survive, rather than a general characteristic of extinct monotremes.[29][30]

    Monotremes may have less developed thermoregulation than other mammals, but recent research shows that they easily maintain a constant body temperature in a variety of circumstances, such as the platypus in icy mountain streams. Early researchers were misled by two factors: firstly, monotremes maintain a lower average temperature than most mammals; secondly, the short-beaked echidna, much easier to study than the reclusive platypus, maintains normal temperature only when active; during cold weather, it conserves energy by "switching off" its temperature regulation. Understanding of this mechanism came when reduced thermal regulation was observed in the hyraxes, which are placental mammals.

    The echidna was originally thought to experience no rapid eye movement sleep.[31] However, a more recent study showed that REM sleep accounted for about 15% of sleep time observed on subjects at an environmental temperature of 25 °C (77 °F). Surveying a range of environmental temperatures, the study observed very little REM at reduced temperatures of 15 °C (59 °F) and 20 °C (68 °F), and also a substantial reduction at the elevated temperature of 28 °C (82 °F).[32]

    Monotreme milk contains a highly expressed antibacterial protein not found in other mammals, perhaps to compensate for the more septic manner of milk intake associated with the absence of nipples.[33]

    During the course of evolution the monotremes have lost the gastric glands normally found in mammalian stomachs as an adaptation to their diet.[34] Monotremes synthesize L-ascorbic acid only in the kidneys.[35]

    Both the platypus and echidna species have spurs on their hind limbs. The echidna spurs are vestigial and have no known function, while the platypus spurs contain venom.[36] Molecular data show that the main component of platypus venom emerged before the divergence of platypus and echidnas, suggesting that the most recent common ancestor of these taxa was also possibly a venomous monotreme.[37]


    The traditional "theria hypothesis" states that the divergence of the monotreme lineage from the Metatheria (marsupial) and Eutheria (placental mammal) lineages happened prior to the divergence between marsupials and placental mammals, and this explains why monotremes retain a number of primitive traits presumed to have been present in the synapsid ancestors of later mammals, such as egg-laying.[38][39][40] Most morphological evidence supports the theria hypothesis, but one possible exception is a similar pattern of tooth replacement seen in monotremes and marsupials, which originally provided the basis for the competing "Marsupionta" hypothesis in which the divergence between monotremes and marsupials happened later than the divergence between these lineages and the placental mammals. Van Rheede (2005) concluded that the genetic evidence favors the theria hypothesis,[41] and this hypothesis continues to be the more widely accepted one.[42]

    Monotremes are conventionally treated as comprising a single order Monotremata. The entire grouping is also traditionally placed into a subclass Prototheria, which was extended to include several fossil orders, but these are no longer seen as constituting a group allied to monotreme ancestry. A controversial hypothesis now relates the monotremes to a different assemblage of fossil mammals in a clade termed Australosphenida, a group of mammals from the Jurassic and Cretaceous of Madagascar, South America and Australia, that share tribosphenic molars.[5][43] However in a 2022 review of monotreme evolution, it was noted that Teinolophos, the oldest (Barremian ~ 125 million years ago) and the most primitive monotreme differed substantially from non-monotreme australosphenidans in having five molars as opposed to the three present in non-monotreme australosphenidians. Aptian and Cenomanian monotremes of the family Kollikodontidae (113-96.6 ma) have four molars. This suggests that the monotremes are likely to be unrelated to the australosphenidan tribosphenids.[44]

    The time when the monotreme line diverged from other mammalian lines is uncertain, but one survey of genetic studies gives an estimate of about 220 million years ago,[45] while others have posited younger estimates of 163 to 186 million years ago. Teinolophos like modern monotremes displays adaptations to elongation and increased sensory perception in the jaws, related to mechanoreception or electroreception.[44]

    A fossil jaw fragment attributed to a platypus from Cenomanian deposits (100-96.6 ma) from the Griman Creek Formation in Lightning Ridge, New South Wales, is the oldest platypus-like fossil.[44] The durophagous Kollikodon, the pseudotribosphenic Steropodon, and Stirtodon occur in the same Cenomanian deposits. Oligo-Miocene fossils of the toothed platypus Obdurodon have also been recovered from Australia, and fossils of a 63 million-year old platypus occur in southern Argentina (Monotrematum), see fossil monotremes below. The platypus genus Ornithorhynchus in known from Pliocene deposits, and the oldest fossil tachyglossids are Pleistocene (1.7 ma) in age.[44]

    Molecular clock and fossil dating give a wide range of dates for the split between echidnas and platypuses, with one survey putting the split at 19–48 million years ago,[46] but another putting it at 17–89 million years ago.[47] It has been suggested that both the short-beaked and long-beaked echidna species are derived from a platypus-like ancestor.[44]

    The precise relationships among extinct groups of mammals and modern groups such as monotremes are uncertain, but cladistic analyses usually put the last common ancestor (LCA) of placentals and monotremes close to the LCA of placentals and multituberculates, whereas some suggest that the LCA of placentals and multituberculates was more recent than the LCA of placentals and monotremes.[48][49]

    An echidna excavating a defensive burrow on French Island

    Fossil monotremes

    The first Mesozoic monotreme to be discovered was the Cenomanian (100-96.6 ma) Steropodon galmani from Lightning Ridge, New South Wales.[50] Biochemical and anatomical evidence suggests that the monotremes diverged from the mammalian lineage before the marsupials and placental mammals arose. The only Mesozoic monotremes are Teinolophos (Barremian, 126 ma), Sundrius and Kryoryctes (Albian, 113-108 ma), Steropodon, Stirtodon, Kollikodon, and an unnamed ornithorhynchid (all Cenomanian) from Australian deposits in the Cretaceous, indicating that monotremes were diversifiying by the early Late Cretaceous.[51] Monotremes have been found in the latest Cretaceous and Paleocene of southern South America, so one hypothesis is that monotremes arose in Australia in the Late Jurassic or Early Cretaceous, and that some migrated across Antarctica to South America, both of which were still united with Australia at that time.[52][53]

    Fossil species

    A 100 million-year-old Steropodon jaw on display at the American Museum of Natural History, New York City, USA
    Platypuses swimming at Sydney Aquarium

    Excepting Ornithorhynchus anatinus, all the animals listed in this section are known only from fossils.


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  • Flannery, Timothy F.; Rich, Thomas H.; Vickers-Rich, Patricia; Ziegler, Tim; Veatch, E. Grace; Helgen, Kristofer M. (2022-01-02). "A review of monotreme (Monotremata) evolution". Alcheringa: An Australasian Journal of Palaeontology. 46 (1): 3–20. doi:10.1080/03115518.2022.2025900. ISSN 0311-5518. S2CID 247542433.

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  • Phillips, M.J.; Bennett, T.H.; Lee, M.S. (2009). "Molecules, morphology, and ecology indicate a recent, amphibious ancestry for echidnas". Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 106 (40): 17089–17094. Bibcode:2009PNAS..10617089P. doi:10.1073/pnas.0904649106. PMC 2761324. PMID 19805098.

  • Springer, Mark S.; Krajewski, Carey W. (2009). "chapter 69 – Monotremes (Prototheria)" (PDF). In Hedges, S. Blair; Kumar, Sudhir (eds.). The Timetree of Life. Oxford University Press. pp. 462–465.

  • Benton, Michael J. (2004). Vertebrate Palaeontology. Wiley. p. 300. ISBN 978-0-632-05637-8.

  • Carrano, Matthew T.; Blob, Richard W.; Gaudin, Timothy J.; Wible, John R. (2006). Amniote Paleobiology: Perspectives on the Evolution of Mammals, Birds, and Reptiles. University of Chicago Press. p. 358. ISBN 978-0-226-09478-6.

  • Ashwell, K., ed. (2013). Neurobiology of Monotremes. Melbourne: CSIRO Publishing. ISBN 9780643103115.

  • "Fossil Record of the Monotremata". Retrieved 9 June 2011.

  • Benton, Michael J. (1997). Vertebrate Palaeontology (2nd ed.). Wiley. pp. 303–304. ISBN 978-0-632-05614-9.

    1. Chimento, N.R.; Agnolín, F.L.; et al. (16 February 2023). "First monotreme from the Late Cretaceous of South America". Communications Biology. 6: 146. doi:10.1038/s42003-023-04498-7.

    Further reading

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    The Cretaceous (IPA: /krɪˈtʃəs/ krih-TAY-shəs)[2] is a geological period that lasted from about 145 to 66 million years ago (Mya). It is the third and final period of the Mesozoic Era, as well as the longest. At around 79 million years, it is the longest geological period of the entire Phanerozoic. The name is derived from the Latin creta, "chalk", which is abundant in the latter half of the period. It is usually abbreviated K, for its German translation Kreide.

    The Cretaceous was a period with a relatively warm climate, resulting in high eustatic sea levels that created numerous shallow inland seas. These oceans and seas were populated with now-extinct marine reptiles, ammonites, and rudists, while dinosaurs continued to dominate on land. The world was ice free, and forests extended to the poles. During this time, new groups of mammals and birds appeared. During the Early Cretaceous, flowering plants appeared and began to rapidly diversify, becoming the dominant group of plants across the Earth by the end of the Cretaceous, coincident with the decline and extinction of previously widespread gymnosperm groups.

    The Cretaceous (along with the Mesozoic) ended with the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event, a large mass extinction in which many groups, including non-avian dinosaurs, pterosaurs, and large marine reptiles, died out. The end of the Cretaceous is defined by the abrupt Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary (K–Pg boundary), a geologic signature associated with the mass extinction that lies between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic Eras

    ~145.0 – 66.0 Ma
    Name formalityFormal
    Usage information
    Celestial bodyEarth
    Regional usageGlobal (ICS)
    Time scale(s) usedICS Time Scale
    Chronological unitPeriod
    Stratigraphic unitSystem
    Time span formalityFormal
    Lower boundary definitionNot formally defined
    Lower boundary definition candidates
    Lower boundary GSSP candidate section(s)None
    Upper boundary definitionIridium-enriched layer associated with a major meteorite impact and subsequent K-Pg extinction event
    Upper boundary GSSPEl Kef Section, El Kef, Tunisia
    36.1537°N 8.6486°E
    Upper GSSP ratified1991


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

    In geology, Neocomian was a name given to the lowest stage of the Cretaceous system. It is generally considered to encompass the interval now covered by the Berriasian, Valanginian and Hauterivian, from approximately 145 to 130 Ma.[1] It was introduced by Jules Thurmann in 1835 on account of the development of these rocks at Neuchâtel (Neocomum), Switzerland. It has been employed in more than one sense. In the type area the rocks have been divided into two sub-stages, a lower, Valanginian (from Valengin, Pierre Jean Édouard Desor, 1854) and an upper, Hauterivian (from Hauterive, Eugène Renevier, 1874); there is also another local sub-stage, the infra-Valanginian or Berriasian (from Berrias, Henri Coquand, 1876). These three sub-stages constitute the Neocomian in its restricted sense. Adolf von Koenen and other German geologists extend the use of the term to include the whole of the Lower Cretaceous up to the top of the Gault or Albian. Eugène Renevier divided the Lower Cretaceous into the Neocomian division, embracing the three sub-stages mentioned above, and an Urgonian division, including the Barremian, Rhodanian and Aptian sub-stages. Sir A. Geikie (Text Book of Geology, 4th ed., 1903) regards Neocomian as synonymous with Lower Cretaceous, and he, like Renevier, closes this portion of the system at the top of the Lower Greensand (Aptian). Other British geologists (A. J. Jukes-Browne, &c.) restrict the Neocomian to the marine beds of Speeton and Tealby, and their estuarine equivalents, the Weald Clay and Hastings Sands (Wealden). Much confusion would be avoided by dropping the term Neocomian entirely and employing instead, for the type area, the sub-divisions given above. This becomes the more obvious when it is pointed out that the Berriasian type is limited to Dauphine; the Valanginian has not a much wider range; and the Hauterivian does not extend north of the Paris basin.

    Characteristic fossils of the Berriasian are Hoplites euthymi, H. occitanicus; of the Valanginian, Natica leviathan, Belémnites pistilliformis and B. dilatatus, Oxynoticeras Gevrili; of the Hauterivian, Hoplites radiatus, Crioceras capricornu, Exogyra Couloni and Toxaster complanatus. The marine equivalents of these rocks in England are the lower Speeton Clays of Yorkshire and the Tealby beds of Lincolnshire. The Wealden beds of southern England represent approximately an estuarine phase of deposit of the same age. The Hils clay of Germany and Wealden of Hanover; the limestones and shales of Teschen; the Aptychus and Pygope diphyoides marls of Spain, and the Petchorian formation of Russia are equivalents of the Neocomian in its narrower sense.


    1. "Neocomian". A Dictionary of Earth Sciences. n.d. Retrieved 2022-05-01 – via Oxford Reference.


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Sedimentary rock
    Seven Sisters 3.jpg
    Beachy Head is a part of the extensive Southern England Chalk Formation.
    Calcite (calcium carbonate)

    Chalk is a soft, white, porous, sedimentary carbonate rock. It is a form of limestone composed of the mineral calcite and originally formed deep under the sea by the compression of microscopic plankton that had settled to the sea floor. Chalk is common throughout Western Europe, where deposits underlie parts of France, and steep cliffs are often seen where they meet the sea in places such as the Dover cliffs on the Kent coast of the English Channel.

    Chalk is mined for use in industry, such as for quicklime, bricks and builder's putty, and in agriculture, for raising pH in soils with high acidity. It is also used for "blackboard chalk" for writing and drawing on various types of surfaces, although these can also be manufactured from other carbonate-based minerals, or gypsum


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    (Redirected from Coccoliths)
    Scanning electron micrograph of Coccolithus pelagicus, plated with coccoliths

    Coccoliths are individual plates or scales of calcium carbonate formed by coccolithophores (single-celled phytoplankton such as Emiliania huxleyi) and cover the cell surface arranged in the form of a spherical shell, called a coccosphere.


    Coccolithophores are spherical cells about 5–100 micrometres across, enclosed by calcareous plates called coccoliths, which are about 2–25 micrometres across.[1] Coccolithophores are an important group of about 200 marine phytoplankton species [2] which cover themselves with a calcium carbonate shell called a "coccosphere". They are ecologically and biogeochemically important but the reason why they calcify remains elusive. One key function may be that the coccosphere offers protection against microzooplankton predation, which is one of the main causes of phytoplankton death in the ocean.[3]

    Coccolithophores have been an integral part of marine plankton communities since the Jurassic.[7][8] Today, coccolithophores contribute ~1–10% to primary production in the surface ocean [9] and ~50% to pelagic CaCO3 sediments.[10] Their calcareous shell increases the sinking velocity of photosynthetically fixed CO2 into the deep ocean by ballasting organic matter.[11][12] At the same time, the biogenic precipitation of calcium carbonate during coccolith formation reduces the total alkalinity of seawater and releases CO2.[13][14] Thus, coccolithophores play an important role in the marine carbon cycle by influencing the efficiency of the biological carbon pump and the oceanic uptake of atmospheric CO2.[3]

    As of 2021, it is not known why coccolithophores calcify and how their ability to produce coccoliths is associated with their ecological success.[15][16][17][18][19] The most plausible benefit of having a coccosphere seems to be a protection against predators or viruses.[20][18] Viral infection is an important cause of phytoplankton death in the oceans,[21] and it has recently been shown that calcification can influence the interaction between a coccolithophore and its virus.[22][23] The major predators of marine phytoplankton are microzooplankton like ciliates and dinoflagellates. These are estimated to consume about two-thirds of the primary production in the ocean [24] and microzooplankton can exert a strong grazing pressure on coccolithophore populations.[25] Although calcification does not prevent predation, it has been argued that the coccosphere reduces the grazing efficiency by making it more difficult for the predator to utilise the organic content of coccolithophores.[26] Heterotrophic protists are able to selectively choose prey on the basis of its size or shape and through chemical signals [27][28] and may thus favor other prey that is available and not protected by coccoliths.[3]

    Formation and composition

    Coccoliths are formed within the cell in vesicles derived from the golgi body. When the coccolith is complete these vesicles fuse with the cell wall and the coccolith is exocytosed and incorporated in the coccosphere. The coccoliths are either dispersed following death and breakup of the coccosphere, or are shed continually by some species. They sink through the water column to form an important part of the deep-sea sediments (depending on the water depth). Thomas Huxley was the first person to observe these forms in modern marine sediments and he gave them the name 'coccoliths' in a report published in 1858.[29][30] Coccoliths are composed of calcium carbonate as the mineral calcite and are the main constituent of chalk deposits such as the white cliffs of Dover (deposited in Cretaceous times), in which they were first described by Henry Clifton Sorby in 1861.[31]


    There are two main types of coccoliths, heterococcoliths and holococcoliths. Heterococcoliths are formed of a radial array of elaborately shaped crystal units. Holococcoliths are formed of minute (~0.1 micrometre) calcite rhombohedra, arranged in continuous arrays. The two coccolith types were originally thought to be produced by different families of coccolithophores. Now, however, it is known through a mix of observations on field samples and laboratory cultures, that the two coccolith types are produced by the same species but at different life cycle phases. Heterococcoliths are produced in the diploid life-cycle phase and holococcoliths in the haploid phase. Both in field samples and laboratory cultures, there is the possibility of observing a cell covered by a combination of heterococcoliths and holococcoliths. This indicates the transition from the diploid to the haploid phase of the species. Such combination of coccoliths has been observed in field samples, with many of them coming from the Mediterranean.[32][33]

    Types of cocoliths


    Coccoliths are also classified depending on shape. Common shapes include:[34][35]

    • Calyptrolith – basket-shaped with openings near the base
    • Caneolith – disc- or bowl-shaped
    • Ceratolith – horseshoe or wishbone shaped
    • Cribrilith – disc-shaped, with numerous perforations in the central area
    • Cyrtolith – convex disc shaped, may with a projecting central process
    • Discolith – ellipsoidal with a raised rim, in some cases the high rim forms a vase or cup-like structure
    • Helicolith – a placolith with a spiral margin
    • Lopadolith – basket or cup-shaped with a high rim, opening distally
    • Pentalith – pentagonal shape composed of five four-sided crystals
    • Placolith – rim composed of two plates stacked on top of one another
    • Prismatolith – polygonal, may have perforations
    • Rhabdolith – a single plate with a club-shaped central process
    • Scapholith – rhombohedral, with parallel lines in center
    Helicoliths of Helicosphaera carteri
    Coccosphere of Emiliania huxleyi consisting of overlapping placoliths


    Although coccoliths are remarkably elaborate structures whose formation is a complex product of cellular processes, their function is unclear. Hypotheses include defence against grazing by zooplankton or infection by bacteria or viruses; maintenance of buoyancy; release of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis; to filter out harmful UV light; or in deep-dwelling species, to concentrate light for photosynthesis.

    Fossil record

    Because coccoliths are formed of low-Mg calcite, the most stable form of calcium carbonate, they are readily fossilised. They are found in sediments together with similar microfossils of uncertain affinities (nanoliths) from the Upper Triassic to recent. They are widely used as biostratigraphic markers and as paleoclimatic proxies. Coccoliths and related fossils are referred to as calcareous nanofossils or calcareous nannoplankton (nanoplankton).


  • Moheimani, N.R.; Webb, J.P.; Borowitzka, M.A. (2012), "Bioremediation and other potential applications of coccolithophorid algae: A review. . Bioremediation and other potential applications of coccolithophorid algae: A review", Algal Research, 1 (2): 120–133, doi:10.1016/j.algal.2012.06.002

  • Young, J. R.; Geisen, M.; Probert, I. (2005). "A review of selected aspects of coccolithophore biology with implications for paleobiodiversity estimation" (PDF). Micropaleontology. 51 (4): 267–288. doi:10.2113/gsmicropal.51.4.267.

  • Haunost, Mathias; Riebesell, Ulf; D'Amore, Francesco; Kelting, Ole; Bach, Lennart T. (30 June 2021). "Influence of the Calcium Carbonate Shell of Coccolithophores on Ingestion and Growth of a Dinoflagellate Predator". Frontiers in Marine Science. Frontiers Media SA. 8. doi:10.3389/fmars.2021.664269. ISSN 2296-7745. CC BY icon.svg Material was copied from this source, which is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

  • Irie, Takahiro; Bessho, Kazuhiro; Findlay, Helen S.; Calosi, Piero (2010-10-15). "Increasing Costs Due to Ocean Acidification Drives Phytoplankton to Be More Heavily Calcified: Optimal Growth Strategy of Coccolithophores". PLoS ONE. Public Library of Science (PLoS). 5 (10): e13436. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0013436. ISSN 1932-6203. CC BY icon.svg Modified material was copied from this source, which is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

  • Aloisi, G. (6 August 2015). "Covariation of metabolic rates and cell size in coccolithophores". Biogeosciences. Copernicus GmbH. 12 (15): 4665–4692. Bibcode:2015BGeo...12.4665A. doi:10.5194/bg-12-4665-2015. ISSN 1726-4189. S2CID 6227548.

  • Henderiks, Jorijntje (2008). "Coccolithophore size rules — Reconstructing ancient cell geometry and cellular calcite quota from fossil coccoliths". Marine Micropaleontology. Elsevier BV. 67 (1–2): 143–154. Bibcode:2008MarMP..67..143H. doi:10.1016/j.marmicro.2008.01.005. ISSN 0377-8398.

  • Bown, Paul R.; Lees, Jackie A.; Young, Jeremy R. (2004). "Calcareous nannoplankton evolution and diversity through time". Coccolithophores. pp. 481–508. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-06278-4_18. ISBN 978-3-642-06016-8.

  • Hay, William W. (2004). "Carbonate fluxes and calcareous nannoplankton". Coccolithophores. pp. 509–528. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-06278-4_19. ISBN 978-3-642-06016-8.

  • Poulton, Alex J.; Adey, Tim R.; Balch, William M.; Holligan, Patrick M. (2007). "Relating coccolithophore calcification rates to phytoplankton community dynamics: Regional differences and implications for carbon export". Deep Sea Research Part II: Topical Studies in Oceanography. 54 (5–7): 538–557. Bibcode:2007DSRII..54..538P. doi:10.1016/j.dsr2.2006.12.003.

  • Broecker, Wallace; Clark, Elizabeth (2009). "Ratio of coccolith CaCO3to foraminifera CaCO3in late Holocene deep sea sediments". Paleoceanography. 24 (3). Bibcode:2009PalOc..24.3205B. doi:10.1029/2009PA001731.

  • Klaas, Christine; Archer, David E. (2002). "Association of sinking organic matter with various types of mineral ballast in the deep sea: Implications for the rain ratio". Global Biogeochemical Cycles. 16 (4): 1116. Bibcode:2002GBioC..16.1116K. doi:10.1029/2001GB001765. S2CID 34159028.

  • Honjo, Susumu; Manganini, Steven J.; Krishfield, Richard A.; Francois, Roger (2008). "Particulate organic carbon fluxes to the ocean interior and factors controlling the biological pump: A synthesis of global sediment trap programs since 1983". Progress in Oceanography. 76 (3): 217–285. Bibcode:2008PrOce..76..217H. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2007.11.003.

  • Frankignoulle, Michel; Canon, Christine; Gattuso, Jean-Pierre (1994). "Marine calcification as a source of carbon dioxide: Positive feedback of increasing atmospheric CO2". Limnology and Oceanography. 39 (2): 458–462. Bibcode:1994LimOc..39..458F. doi:10.4319/lo.1994.39.2.0458. hdl:2268/246251.

  • Rost, Björn; Riebesell, Ulf (2004). "Coccolithophores and the biological pump: Responses to environmental changes". Coccolithophores. pp. 99–125. doi:10.1007/978-3-662-06278-4_5. ISBN 978-3-642-06016-8.

  • Young, J. R. (1987). Possible Functional Interpretations of Coccolith Morphology. New York: Springer-Verlag, 305–313.

  • Young, J. R. (1994). "Functions of coccoliths," in Coccolithophores, eds A. Winter and W. G. Siesser (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 63–82.

  • Raven, JA; Crawfurd, K. (2012). "Environmental controls on coccolithophore calcification". Marine Ecology Progress Series. 470: 137–166. Bibcode:2012MEPS..470..137R. doi:10.3354/meps09993.

  • Monteiro, Fanny M.; Bach, Lennart T.; Brownlee, Colin; Bown, Paul; Rickaby, Rosalind E. M.; Poulton, Alex J.; Tyrrell, Toby; Beaufort, Luc; Dutkiewicz, Stephanie; Gibbs, Samantha; Gutowska, Magdalena A.; Lee, Renee; Riebesell, Ulf; Young, Jeremy; Ridgwell, Andy (2016). "Why marine phytoplankton calcify". Science Advances. 2 (7): e1501822. Bibcode:2016SciA....2E1822M. doi:10.1126/sciadv.1501822. PMC 4956192. PMID 27453937.

  • Müller, Marius N. (2019). "On the Genesis and Function of Coccolithophore Calcification". Frontiers in Marine Science. 6. doi:10.3389/fmars.2019.00049.

  • Hamm, Christian; Smetacek, Victor (2007). "Armor: Why, when, and How". Evolution of Primary Producers in the Sea. pp. 311–332. doi:10.1016/B978-012370518-1/50015-1. ISBN 9780123705181.

  • Brussaard, Corina P. D. (2004). "Viral Control of Phytoplankton Populations-a Review1". The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 51 (2): 125–138. doi:10.1111/j.1550-7408.2004.tb00537.x. PMID 15134247. S2CID 21017882.

  • Johns, Christopher T.; Grubb, Austin R.; Nissimov, Jozef I.; Natale, Frank; Knapp, Viki; Mui, Alwin; Fredricks, Helen F.; Van Mooy, Benjamin A. S.; Bidle, Kay D. (2019). "The mutual interplay between calcification and coccolithovirus infection". Environmental Microbiology. 21 (6): 1896–1915. doi:10.1111/1462-2920.14362. PMC 7379532. PMID 30043404.

  • Haunost, Mathias; Riebesell, Ulf; Bach, Lennart T. (2020). "The Calcium Carbonate Shell of Emiliania huxleyi Provides Limited Protection Against Viral Infection". Frontiers in Marine Science. 7. doi:10.3389/fmars.2020.530757.

  • Calbet, Albert; Landry, Michael R. (2004). "Phytoplankton growth, microzooplankton grazing, and carbon cycling in marine systems". Limnology and Oceanography. 49 (1): 51–57. Bibcode:2004LimOc..49...51C. doi:10.4319/lo.2004.49.1.0051. hdl:10261/134985. S2CID 22995996.

  • Mayers, K.M.J.; Poulton, A.J.; Daniels, C.J.; Wells, S.R.; Woodward, E.M.S.; Tarran, G.A.; Widdicombe, C.E.; Mayor, D.J.; Atkinson, A.; Giering, S.L.C. (2019). "Growth and mortality of coccolithophores during spring in a temperate Shelf Sea (Celtic Sea, April 2015)". Progress in Oceanography. 177: 101928. Bibcode:2019PrOce.17701928M. doi:10.1016/j.pocean.2018.02.024. S2CID 135347218.

  • Young, J. R. (1994) "Functions of coccoliths". In: Coccolithophores, Eds A. Winter and W. G. Siesser (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), 63–82.

  • Tillmann, Urban (2004). "Interactions between Planktonic Microalgae and Protozoan Grazers1". The Journal of Eukaryotic Microbiology. 51 (2): 156–168. doi:10.1111/j.1550-7408.2004.tb00540.x. PMID 15134250. S2CID 36526359.

  • Breckels, M. N.; Roberts, E. C.; Archer, S. D.; Malin, G.; Steinke, M. (2011). "The role of dissolved infochemicals in mediating predator-prey interactions in the heterotrophic dinoflagellate Oxyrrhis marina". Journal of Plankton Research. 33 (4): 629–639. doi:10.1093/plankt/fbq114.

  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1858). "Appendix A". Deep Sea Soundings in the North Atlantic Ocean between Ireland and Newfoundland, made in H.M.S. Cyclops, Lieut.-Commander Joseph Dayman, in June and July 1857. London: British Admiralty. pp. 63–68 [64].

  • Huxley, Thomas Henry (1868). "On some organisms living at great depth in the North Atlantic Ocean". Quarterly Journal of Microscopical Science. New series. 8: 203–212.

  • Sorby, Henry Clifton (1861). "On the organic origin of the so-called 'Crystalloids' of the chalk". Annals and Magazine of Natural History. Ser. 3. 8 (45): 193–200. doi:10.1080/00222936108697404.

  • Fortuño, José Manuel; Cros, Lluïsa (2002-03-30). "Atlas of Northwestern Mediterranean Coccolithophores". Scientia Marina. 66 (S1): 1–182. doi:10.3989/scimar.2002.66s11. ISSN 1886-8134.

  • Malinverno, E; Dimiza, MD; Triantaphyllou, MV; Dermitzakis, MD; Corselli, C (2008). Coccolithophores of the Eastern Mediterranean sea: A look into the marine microworld. Athens: "ION" Publishing Group. ISBN 978-960-411-660-7.

  • Amos Winter; William G. Siesser (2006). Coccolithophores. Cambridge University Press. pp. 54–58. ISBN 978-0-521-03169-1.

  • Carmelo R Tomas (2012). Marine Phytoplankton: A Guide to Naked Flagellates and Coccolithophorids. Academic Press. pp. 161–165. ISBN 978-0-323-13827-7.

    1. Bendif, El Mahdi; Probert, Ian; Díaz-Rosas, Francisco; Thomas, Daniela; van den Engh, Ger; Young, Jeremy R.; von Dassow, Peter (2016-05-24). "Recent Reticulate Evolution in the Ecologically Dominant Lineage of Coccolithophores". Frontiers in Microbiology. Frontiers Media SA. 7. doi:10.3389/fmicb.2016.00784. ISSN 1664-302X. CC BY icon.svg Modified material was copied from this source, which is available under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.

    External links



    Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva
    Other namesStone man disease, Münchmeyer disease
    Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva.jpg
    The effects of fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva, a disease which causes damaged soft tissue to regrow as bone.
    (Skeleton of Harry Raymond Eastlack)
    SpecialtyMedical genetics, rheumatology
    SymptomsContinuous bone growth
    Usual onsetBefore age 10
    Differential diagnosisFibrous dysplasia
    PrognosisMedian life expectancy ≈ 40 years old (if properly managed)
    Frequency801 confirmed cases worldwide (2017); incidence rate estimated to be 0.5 cases per million people (1 in 2 million)

    Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva (/ˌfbrdɪˈsplʒ(i)ə ɒˈsɪfɪkænz prəˈɡrɛsɪvə/;[1] abbr. FOP), also called Münchmeyer disease or formerly myositis ossificans progressiva, is an extremely rare connective tissue disease in which fibrous connective tissue such as muscle, tendons, and ligaments turn into bone tissue. It is the only known medical condition where one organ system changes into another.[2] It is a severe, disabling disorder with no cure or treatment.

    FOP is caused by a mutation of the gene ACVR1. The mutation affects the body's repair mechanism, causing fibrous tissue including muscle, tendons, and ligaments to become ossified, either spontaneously or when damaged as the result of trauma. In many cases, otherwise minor injuries can cause joints to become permanently fused as new bone forms, replacing the damaged muscle tissue. This new bone formation (known as "heterotopic ossification") eventually forms a secondary skeleton and progressively restricts the patient's ability to move. Bone formed as a result of this process is identical to "normal" bone, simply in improper locations. Circumstantial evidence suggests that the disease can cause joint degradation separate from its characteristic bone growth.[3]

    Surgical removal of the extra bone growth has been shown to cause the body to "repair" the affected area with additional bone. Although the rate of bone growth may differ depending on the patient, the condition ultimately leaves sufferers immobilized as new bone replaces musculature and fuses with the existing skeleton. This has earned FOP the nickname "stone man disease".[4]

    Protist collage 2.jpg
    Scientific classificationEdit this classification
    Domain: Eukaryota
    Supergroups and typical phyla[1]
    Cladistically included but traditionally excluded taxa

    A protist (/ˈprtɪst/) is any eukaryotic organism (that is, an organism whose cells contain a cell nucleus) that is not an animal, plant, or fungus. Protists, along with other eukaryotes, all descend from the last eukaryotic common ancestor.[3] Protists do not form a natural group, or clade; any unicellular eukaryote may be described as a protist,[4] in addition to some cases of multicellular protists such as slime molds, brown algae and xenophyophorean forams.[5] The study of protists is termed protistology.[6]

    Emiliania huxleyi is a species of coccolithophore found in almost all ocean ecosystems from the equator to sub-polar regions, and from nutrient rich upwelling zones to nutrient poor oligotrophic waters.[1][2][3][4] It is one of thousands of different photosynthetic plankton that freely drift in the photic zone of the ocean, forming the basis of virtually all marine food webs. It is studied for the extensive blooms it forms in nutrient-depleted waters after the reformation of the summer thermocline. Like other coccolithophores, E. huxleyi is a single-celled phytoplankton covered with uniquely ornamented calcite disks called coccoliths. Individual coccoliths are abundant in marine sediments although complete coccospheres are more unusual. In the case of E. huxleyi, not only the shell, but also the soft part of the organism may be recorded in sediments. It produces a group of chemical compounds that are very resistant to decomposition. These chemical compounds, known as alkenones, can be found in marine sediments long after other soft parts of the organisms have decomposed. Alkenones are most commonly used by earth scientists as a means to estimate past sea surface temperatures.

    Coccolithophore shells

    • Exoskeleton: coccospheres and coccoliths

    Each coccolithophore encloses itself in a protective shell of coccoliths, calcified scales which make up its exoskeleton or coccosphere.[73] The coccoliths are created inside the coccolithophore cell and while some species maintain a single layer throughout life only producing new coccoliths as the cell grows, others continually produce and shed coccoliths.


    The primary constituent of coccoliths is calcium carbonate, or chalk. Calcium carbonate is transparent, so the organisms' photosynthetic activity is not compromised by encapsulation in a coccosphere.[45]


    Coccoliths are produced by a biomineralization process known as coccolithogenesis.[38] Generally, calcification of coccoliths occurs in the presence of light, and these scales are produced much more during the exponential phase of growth than the stationary phase.[74] Although not yet entirely understood, the biomineralization process is tightly regulated by calcium signaling. Calcite formation begins in the golgi complex where protein templates nucleate the formation of CaCO3 crystals and complex acidic polysaccharides control the shape and growth of these crystals.[49] As each scale is produced, it is exported in a Golgi-derived vesicle and added to the inner surface of the coccosphere. This means that the most recently produced coccoliths may lie beneath older coccoliths.[42] Depending upon the phytoplankton's stage in the life cycle, two different types of coccoliths may be formed. Holococcoliths are produced only in the haploid phase, lack radial symmetry, and are composed of anywhere from hundreds to thousands of similar minute (ca 0.1 μm) rhombic calcite crystals. These crystals are thought to form at least partially outside the cell. Heterococcoliths occur only in the diploid phase, have radial symmetry, and are composed of relatively few complex crystal units (fewer than 100). Although they are rare, combination coccospheres, which contain both holococcoliths and heterococcoliths, have been observed in the plankton recording coccolithophore life cycle transitions. Finally, the coccospheres of some species are highly modified with various appendages made of specialized coccoliths.[53]



    Major grazers of the plankton...

    Microzooplankton are defined as heterotrophic and mixotrophic plankton. They primarily consist of phagotrophic protists, including ciliates, dinoflagellates, and mesozooplankton nauplii.[23] As the primary consumers of marine phytoplankton, microzooplankton consume ~ 59–75% daily of the marine primary production, much larger than mesozooplankton. That said, macrozooplankton can sometimes have greater consumption rates in eutrophic ecosystems because the larger phytoplankton can be dominant there.[24][25] Microzooplankton are also pivotal regenerators of nutrients which fuel primary production and food sources for metazoans.[25][26]

    Despite their ecological importance, microzooplankton remain understudied. Routine oceanographic observations seldom monitor microzooplankton biomass or herbivory rate, although the dilution technique, an elegant method of measuring microzooplankton herbivory rate, has been developed for almost four decades (Landry and Hassett 1982). The number of observations of microzooplankton herbivory rate is around 1600 globally,[27][28] far less than that of primary productivity (> 50,000).[29] This makes validating and optimizing the grazing function of microzooplankton difficult in ocean ecosystem models.[26]

    Hard tissue

    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    (Redirected from Calcify)

    Hard tissue, refers to "normal" calcified tissue, is the tissue which is mineralized and has a firm intercellular matrix.[1] The hard tissues of humans are bone, tooth enamel, dentin, and cementum.[2] The term is in contrast to soft tissue.


    Bone is a rigid organ that constitutes part of the vertebral skeleton. Bones support and protect the various organs of the body, produce red and white blood cells, store minerals and also enable mobility. Bone tissue is a type of dense connective tissue. Bones come in a variety of shapes and sizes and have a complex internal and external structure. They are lightweight yet strong and hard, and serve multiple functions. Mineralized osseous tissue or bone tissue, is of two types – cortical and cancellous and gives it rigidity and a coral-like three-dimensional internal structure. Other types of tissue found in bones include marrow, endosteum, periosteum, nerves, blood vessels and cartilage.

    Bone is an active tissue composed of different cells. Osteoblasts are involved in the creation and mineralisation of bone; osteocytes and osteoclasts are involved in the reabsorption of bone tissue. The mineralised matrix of bone tissue has an organic component mainly of collagen and an inorganic component of bone mineral made up of various salts.


    Enamel is the hardest substance in the human body and contains the highest percentage of minerals,[3] 96%, with water and organic material composing the rest.[4] The primary mineral is hydroxyapatite, which is a crystalline calcium phosphate.[5] Enamel is formed on the tooth while the tooth is developing within the gum, before it erupts into the mouth. Once fully formed, it does not contain blood vessels or nerves. Remineralisation of teeth can repair damage to the tooth to a certain degree but damage beyond that cannot be repaired by the body. The maintenance and repair of human tooth enamel is one of the primary concerns of dentistry.

    In humans, enamel varies in thickness over the surface of the tooth, often thickest at the cusp, up to 2.5 mm, and thinnest at its border with the cementum at the cementoenamel junction.[6]

    The normal color of enamel varies from light yellow to grayish (bluish) white. At the edges of teeth where there is no dentin underlying the enamel, the color sometimes has a slightly blue tone. Since enamel is semitranslucent, the color of dentin and any material underneath the enamel strongly affects the appearance of a tooth. The enamel on primary teeth has a more opaque crystalline form and thus appears whiter than on permanent teeth.

    The large amount of mineral in enamel accounts not only for its strength but also for its brittleness.[7] Tooth enamel ranks 5 on Mohs hardness scale and has a Young's modulus of 83 GPa.[5] Dentin, less mineralized and less brittle, 3–4 in hardness, compensates for enamel and is necessary as a support.[8] On radiographs, the differences in the mineralization of different portions of the tooth and surrounding periodontium can be noted; enamel appears lighter than dentin or pulp since it is denser than both and more radiopaque.[9]

    Enamel does not contain collagen, as found in other hard tissues such as dentin and bone, but it does contain two unique classes of proteins: amelogenins and enamelins. While the role of these proteins is not fully understood, it is believed that they aid in the development of enamel by serving as a framework for minerals to form on, among other functions.[7] Once it is mature, enamel is almost totally without the softer organic matter. Enamel is avascular and has no nerve supply within it and is not renewed, however, it is not a static tissue as it can undergo mineralization changes.[10]


    By weight, 70% of dentin consists of the mineral hydroxyapatite, 20% is organic material, and 10% is water.[9] Yellow in appearance, it greatly affects the color of a tooth due to the translucency of enamel. Dentin, which is less mineralized and less brittle than enamel, is necessary for the support of enamel.[11] Dentin rates approximately 3 on the Mohs scale of mineral hardness.[12]


    Cementum is slightly softer than dentin and consists of about 45% to 50% inorganic material (hydroxyapatite) by weight and 50% to 55% organic matter and water by weight.[13] The organic portion is composed primarily of collagen and proteoglycans.[14] Cementum is avascular, receiving its nutrition through its own imbedded cells from the surrounding vascular periodontal ligament.[9]

    The cementum is light yellow and slightly lighter in color than dentin. It has the highest fluoride content of all mineralized tissue. Cementum also is permeable to a variety of materials. It is formed continuously throughout life because a new layer of cementum is deposited to keep the attachment intact as the superficial layer of cementum ages. Cementum on the root ends surrounds the apical foramen and may extend slightly onto the inner wall of the pulp canal.


  • "Medical Dictionary". Farlex and Partners. Retrieved 25 October 2015.

  • Berkovitz BKB; Holland GR; Moxham BJ (2009). Oral Anatomy, Histology and Embryology. Mosby/Elsevier. p. 7. ISBN 978-0-7234-3551-8.

  • Ross et al., p. 485

  • Ten Cate's Oral Histology, Nancy, Elsevier, pages 70-94

  • M. Staines, W. H. Robinson and J. A. A. Hood (1981). "Spherical indentation of tooth enamel". Journal of Materials Science. 16 (9): 2551–2556. doi:10.1007/bf01113595. S2CID 137704231.

  • Ten Cate's Oral Histology, Nanci, Elsevier, 2013, page 122

  • Ten Cate's Oral Histology, Nanci, Elsevier, pages 70-94

  • Johnson

  • Illustrated Dental Embryology, Histology, and Anatomy, Bath-BaloghFehrenbach, Elsevier, 2011, page 180

  • Bath-Balogh, Fehrenbach, p. 179

  • Johnson, Clarke. "Biology of the Human Dentition Archived 2015-10-30 at the Wayback Machine." Page accessed July 18, 2007.

  • Marshall GW Jr, Marshall SJ, Kinney JH, Balooch M.J. The dentin substrate: structure and properties related to bonding J Dent. 1997 Nov;25(6):441-58.

  • American Academy of Periodontology 2010 In-Service Exam, question A-38

    1. Kumar, G. (15 Jul 2011). Orban's Oral Histology & Embryology (13th ed.). Elsevier India. p. 152. ISBN 9788131228197. Retrieved 1 December 2014.



    The impact of a meteorite or comet is today widely accepted as the main reason for the Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event.

    The lower boundary of the Cretaceous is currently undefined, and the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary is currently the only system boundary to lack a defined Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP). Placing a GSSP for this boundary has been difficult because of the strong regionality of most biostratigraphic markers, and the lack of any chemostratigraphic events, such as isotope excursions (large sudden changes in ratios of isotopes) that could be used to define or correlate a boundary. Calpionellids, an enigmatic group of planktonic protists with urn-shaped calcitic tests briefly abundant during the latest Jurassic to earliest Cretaceous, have been suggested as the most promising candidates for fixing the Jurassic–Cretaceous boundary.[7] In particular, the first appearance Calpionella alpina, coinciding with the base of the eponymous Alpina subzone, has been proposed as the definition of the base of the Cretaceous.[8] The working definition for the boundary has often been placed as the first appearance of the ammonite Strambergella jacobi, formerly placed in the genus Berriasella, but its use as a stratigraphic indicator has been questioned, as its first appearance does not correlate with that of C. alpina.[9] The boundary is officially considered by the International Commission on Stratigraphy to be approximately 145 million years ago,[10] but other estimates have been proposed based on U-Pb geochronology, ranging as young as 140 million years ago.[11][12]

    The upper boundary of the Cretaceous is sharply defined, being placed at an iridium-rich layer found worldwide that is believed to be associated with the Chicxulub impact crater, with its boundaries circumscribing parts of the Yucatán Peninsula and extending into the Gulf of Mexico. This layer has been dated at 66.043 Mya.[13]

    At the end of the Cretaceous, the impact of a large body with the Earth may have been the punctuation mark at the end of a progressive decline in biodiversity during the Maastrichtian age. The result was the extinction of three-quarters of Earth's plant and animal species. The impact created the sharp break known as the K–Pg boundary (formerly known as the K–T boundary). Earth's biodiversity required substantial time to recover from this event, despite the probable existence of an abundance of vacant ecological niches.[14]

    Despite the severity of the K-Pg extinction event, there were significant variations in the rate of extinction between and within different clades. Species that depended on photosynthesis declined or became extinct as atmospheric particles blocked solar energy. As is the case today, photosynthesizing organisms, such as phytoplankton and land plants, formed the primary part of the food chain in the late Cretaceous, and all else that depended on them suffered, as well. Herbivorous animals, which depended on plants and plankton as their food, died out as their food sources became scarce; consequently, the top predators, such as Tyrannosaurus rex, also perished.[15] Yet only three major groups of tetrapods disappeared completely; the nonavian dinosaurs, the plesiosaurs and the pterosaurs. The other Cretaceous groups that did not survive into the Cenozoic Erathe ichthyosaurs, last remaining temnospondyls (Koolasuchus), and nonmammalian cynodonts (Tritylodontidae) were already extinct millions of years before the event occurred.[citation needed]

    Coccolithophorids and molluscs, including ammonites, rudists, freshwater snails, and mussels, as well as organisms whose food chain included these shell builders, became extinct or suffered heavy losses. For example, ammonites are thought to have been the principal food of mosasaurs, a group of giant marine lizards related to snakes that became extinct at the boundary.[16]

    Omnivores, insectivores, and carrion-eaters survived the extinction event, perhaps because of the increased availability of their food sources. At the end of the Cretaceous, there seem to have been no purely herbivorous or carnivorous mammals. Mammals and birds that survived the extinction fed on insects, larvae, worms, and snails, which in turn fed on dead plant and animal matter. Scientists theorise that these organisms survived the collapse of plant-based food chains because they fed on detritus.[17][14][18]

    In stream communities, few groups of animals became extinct. Stream communities rely less on food from living plants and more on detritus that washes in from land. This particular ecological niche buffered them from extinction.[19] Similar, but more complex patterns have been found in the oceans. Extinction was more severe among animals living in the water column than among animals living on or in the seafloor. Animals in the water column are almost entirely dependent on primary production from living phytoplankton, while animals living on or in the ocean floor feed on detritus or can switch to detritus feeding.[14]

    The largest air-breathing survivors of the event, crocodilians and champsosaurs, were semiaquatic and had access to detritus. Modern crocodilians can live as scavengers and can survive for months without food and go into hibernation when conditions are unfavorable, and their young are small, grow slowly, and feed largely on invertebrates and dead organisms or fragments of organisms for their first few years. These characteristics have been linked to crocodilian survival at the end of the Cretaceous.[17]

    Geologic formations

    Drawing of fossil jaws of Mosasaurus hoffmanni, from the Maastrichtian of Dutch Limburg, by Dutch geologist Pieter Harting (1866)
    Scipionyx, a theropod dinosaur from the Early Cretaceous of Italy

    The high sea level and warm climate of the Cretaceous meant large areas of the continents were covered by warm, shallow seas, providing habitat for many marine organisms. The Cretaceous was named for the extensive chalk deposits of this age in Europe, but in many parts of the world, the deposits from the Cretaceous are of marine limestone, a rock type that is formed under warm, shallow marine conditions. Due to the high sea level, there was extensive space for such sedimentation. Because of the relatively young age and great thickness of the system, Cretaceous rocks are evident in many areas worldwide.

    Chalk is a rock type characteristic for (but not restricted to) the Cretaceous. It consists of coccoliths, microscopically small calcite skeletons of coccolithophores, a type of algae that prospered in the Cretaceous seas.

    Stagnation of deep sea currents in middle Cretaceous times caused anoxic conditions in the sea water leaving the deposited organic matter undecomposed. Half of the world's petroleum reserves were laid down at this time in the anoxic conditions of what would become the Persian Gulf and the Gulf of Mexico. In many places around the world, dark anoxic shales were formed during this interval,[20] such as the Mancos Shale of western North America.[21] These shales are an important source rock for oil and gas, for example in the subsurface of the North Sea.


    In northwestern Europe, chalk deposits from the Upper Cretaceous are characteristic for the Chalk Group, which forms the white cliffs of Dover on the south coast of England and similar cliffs on the French Normandian coast. The group is found in England, northern France, the low countries, northern Germany, Denmark and in the subsurface of the southern part of the North Sea. Chalk is not easily consolidated and the Chalk Group still consists of loose sediments in many places. The group also has other limestones and arenites. Among the fossils it contains are sea urchins, belemnites, ammonites and sea reptiles such as Mosasaurus.

    In southern Europe, the Cretaceous is usually a marine system consisting of competent limestone beds or incompetent marls. Because the Alpine mountain chains did not yet exist in the Cretaceous, these deposits formed on the southern edge of the European continental shelf, at the margin of the Tethys Ocean.

    North America

    Map of North America During the Late Cretaceous

    During the Cretaceous, the present North American continent was isolated from the other continents. In the Jurassic, the North Atlantic already opened, leaving a proto-ocean between Europe and North America. From north to south across the continent, the Western Interior Seaway started forming. This inland sea separated the elevated areas of Laramidia in the west and Appalachia in the east. Three dinosaur clades found in Laramidia (troodontids, therizinosaurids and oviraptorosaurs) are absent from Appalachia from the Coniacian through the Maastrichtian.[22]

    ~145.0 – 139.8 Ma
    Name formalityFormal
    Usage information
    Celestial bodyEarth
    Regional usageGlobal (ICS)
    Time scale(s) usedICS Time Scale
    Chronological unitAge
    Stratigraphic unitStage
    Time span formalityFormal
    Lower boundary definitionUndefined
    Lower boundary definition candidates
    Lower boundary GSSP candidate section(s)None
    Upper boundary definitionUndefined
    Upper boundary definition candidatesFAD of the Calpionellid Calpionellites darderi
    Upper boundary GSSP candidate section(s)

    In the geological timescale, the Berriasian is an age/stage of the Early/Lower Cretaceous. It is the oldest subdivision in the entire Cretaceous. It has been taken to span the time between 145.0 ± 4.0 Ma and 139.8 ± 3.0 Ma (million years ago). The Berriasian succeeds the Tithonian (part of the Jurassic) and precedes the Valanginian

    89.8 ± 0.3 – 86.3 ± 0.5 Ma
    Name formalityFormal
    Usage information
    Celestial bodyEarth
    Regional usageGlobal (ICS)
    Time scale(s) usedICS Time Scale
    Chronological unitAge
    Stratigraphic unitStage
    Time span formalityFormal
    Lower boundary definitionFAD of the Inoceramid Bivalve Cremnoceramus deformis erectus
    Lower boundary GSSPSalzgitter-Salder quarry, Germany
    52.1243°N 10.3295°E
    Lower GSSP ratifiedMay 2021
    Upper boundary definitionFAD of the Inoceramid Bivalve Cladoceramus undulatoplicatus
    Upper boundary GSSPOlazagutia, Spain
    42.8668°N 2.1968°W
    Upper GSSP ratifiedJanuary 2013[2]

    The Coniacian is an age or stage in the geologic timescale. It is a subdivision of the Late Cretaceous Epoch or Upper Cretaceous Series and spans the time between 89.8 ± 1 Ma and 86.3 ± 0.7 Ma (million years ago). The Coniacian is preceded by the Turonian and followed by the Santonian.[3]

    ~113.0 – 100.5 Ma
    Name formalityFormal
    Usage information
    Celestial bodyEarth
    Regional usageGlobal (ICS)
    Time scale(s) usedICS Time Scale
    Chronological unitAge
    Stratigraphic unitStage
    Time span formalityFormal
    Lower boundary definitionFAD of the Planktonic Foraminifer Microhedbergella renilaevis
    Lower boundary GSSPCol de Pré-Guittard section, Arnayon, Drôme, France
    44.4964°N 5.3114°E
    Lower GSSP ratifiedApril 2016[2]
    Upper boundary definitionFAD of the Planktonic Foraminifer Rotalipora globotruncanoides
    Upper boundary GSSPMont Risoux, Hautes-Alpes, France
    44.3925°N 5.5119°E
    Upper GSSP ratified2002[3]

    The Albian is both an age of the geologic timescale and a stage in the stratigraphic column. It is the youngest or uppermost subdivision of the Early/Lower Cretaceous Epoch/Series. Its approximate time range is 113.0 ± 1.0 Ma to 100.5 ± 0.9 Ma (million years ago). The Albian is preceded by the Aptian and followed by the Cenomanian.[4]

    The Maastrichtian ( /mɑːˈstrɪktiən/) is, in the ICS geologic timescale, the latest age (uppermost stage) of the Late Cretaceous Epoch or Upper Cretaceous Series, the Cretaceous Period or System, and of the Mesozoic Era or Erathem. It spanned the interval from 72.1 to 66 million years ago. The Maastrichtian was preceded by the Campanian and succeeded by the Danian (part of the Paleogene and Paleocene).[3]

    The Cretaceous–Paleogene extinction event (formerly known as the Cretaceous–Tertiary extinction event)[a] occurred at the end of this age.[3] In this mass extinction, many commonly recognized groups such as non-avian dinosaurs, plesiosaurs and mosasaurs, as well as many other lesser-known groups, died out. The cause of the extinction is most commonly linked to an asteroid about 10 to 15 kilometres (6.2 to 9.3 mi) wide[4][5] colliding with Earth, ending the Cretaceous.


    From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
    Temporal range: Hauterivian-Barremian
    ~130–125 Ma
    Holcodiscidae - Spitidiscus species.JPG
    Fossil shell of Spitidiscus species from Alpes-de-Haute-Provence, on display at Galerie de paléontologie et d'anatomie comparée in Paris
    Scientific classification e
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Mollusca
    Class: Cephalopoda
    Subclass: Ammonoidea
    Order: Ammonitida
    Family: Holcodiscidae
    Genus: Spitidiscus
    Kilian, 1910

    Spitidiscus is a genus of ammonites placed in the family Holcodiscidae.[1][2]


    List of species within Spitidiscus:[3]

    • Spitidiscus hugii[citation needed]
    • Spitidiscus kilapiae Rawson and Aguirre-Urreta, 2012 - Argentina
    • Spitidiscus oregonensis Imlay, 1960 - Oregon
    • Spitidiscus riccardii Leanza, and Wiedmann, 1992 - Argentina
    • Spitidiscus rotulia - England[citation needed]
    • Spitidiscus simitiensis Haas, 1960 - Colombia
    • Spitidiscus vandeckii (d'Orbigny, 1847)


    Member species have a rather evolute shell in which the whorl section is more or less circular, venter broadly rounded and dorsum fairly deeply impressed. Close, fine low, single or rarely branching ribs are interspersed by frequent straight or slightly sinuous, moderately deep but wide constrictions. The type species S. rotulia is from the Hauterivian of England.[citation needed]

    Biostratigraphic significance

    The first appearance of the species Spitidiscus hugii or Spitidiscus vandeckii are proposed to be the marker for the beginning of the Barremian.[4]


    Spitidiscus has been found in:[3]


  • Wright, C. W. with Callomon, J.H. and Howarth, M.K. (1996), Mollusca 4 Revised , Cretaceous Ammonoidea, vol. 4, in Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part L (Roger L. Kaesler et el. eds.), Boulder, Colorado: The Geological Society of America & Lawrence, Kansas: University of Kansas Press, at 69.

  • "Spitidiscus". Sepkoski's Online Genus Database – Cephalopoda.

  • Spitidiscus at

    1. "GSSP Table - Mesozoic Era". Geologic Time Scale Foundation. Retrieved 15 January 2014.


    • "Spidiscus". Paleobiology Database. Retrieved 30 December 2021.
    • "Spidiscus". Encyclopedia of Life (EOL). Retrieved 30 December 2021.
    • W.J. Arkell et al., (1957). Mesozoic Ammonoidea in Treatise on Invertebrate Paleontology, Part L, Ammonoidea. Geological Society of America and Univ Kansas Press.



    International Commission on Stratigraphy
    Region served
    Official language
    English, French
    Parent organization
    International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS)
    WebsiteICS Official website

    The International Commission on Stratigraphy (ICS), sometimes unofficially referred to as the "International Stratigraphic Commission", is a daughter or major subcommittee grade scientific daughter organization that concerns itself with stratigraphical, geological, and geochronological matters on a global scale.

    It is the largest subordinate body of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS). The ICS is essentially a permanent working subcommittee, which meets far more regularly than the quadrennial meetings scheduled by the IUGS, when it meets as a congress or membership of the whole

    Temporal range: Late Turonian-Santonian
    ~89.8–83.6 Ma
    Scientific classification e
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Mollusca
    Class: Bivalvia
    Order: Pteriida
    Family: Inoceramidae
    Genus: Cladoceramus
    Seitz 1961
    • C. undulatoplicatus Roemer 1852

    Cladoceramus is an extinct genus of fossil marine pteriomorphian bivalves that superficially resembled the related winged pearly oysters of the extant genus Pteria. They lived in the Santonian stage of the Late Cretaceous

    Temporal range: Late Cretaceous-Early Paleocene, Upper Cretaceous–Danian
    Pachydiscus neubergicus.jpg
    Scientific classification e
    Kingdom: Animalia
    Phylum: Mollusca
    Class: Cephalopoda
    Subclass: Ammonoidea
    Order: Ammonitida
    Family: Pachydiscidae
    Genus: Pachydiscus
    Zittel, 1884


    Pachydiscus is an extinct genus of ammonite from the Late Cretaceous and Early Paleocene with a worldwide distribution, and type for the desmoceratacean family Pachydiscidae. The genus' type species is P. neubergicus. Altogether some 28 species have been described.

    The shell of Pachydiscus is compressed and high-whorled, with an oval or flat sided section. Ribs tend to be differentiated into short umbilical and separate ventro-lateral sets, with a smooth area between. Some Hungarian specimens of this genus reached 40 cm (16 in) in diameter.[1]

    Pachydiscus includes two subgenera, P. (Pachysiscus) from the Campanian in which the ribs persist, and P. (Neodesmoceras) from the Maastrichtian in which ribs disappear early, leaving an almost smooth shell.

    Chemostratigraphy, or chemical stratigraphy, is the study of the chemical variations within sedimentary sequences to determine stratigraphic relationships. The field is relatively young, having only come into common usage in the early 1980s, but the basic idea of chemostratigraphy is nearly as old as stratigraphy itself: distinct chemical signatures can be as useful as distinct fossil assemblages or distinct lithographies in establishing stratigraphic relationships between different rock layers.

    The 'golden spike' (bronze disk in the lower section of the image) or 'type section' of the Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) for the base of Ediacaran period (Ediacara, South Australia)
    The 'golden spike' marking the Ediacaran GSSP

    A Global Boundary Stratotype Section and Point (GSSP) is an internationally agreed upon reference point on a stratigraphic section which defines the lower boundary of a stage on the geologic time scale. The effort to define GSSPs is conducted by the International Commission on Stratigraphy, a part of the International Union of Geological Sciences. Most, but not all, GSSPs are based on paleontological changes. Hence GSSPs are usually described in terms of transitions between different faunal stages, though far more faunal stages have been described than GSSPs. The GSSP definition effort commenced in 1977. As of 2022, 78 of the 101 stages that need a GSSP have a ratified GSSP.[1]


    A geologic section has to fulfill a set of criteria to be adapted as a GSSP by the ICS. The following list summarizes the criteria:[2][3]

    • A GSSP has to define the lower boundary of a geologic stage.
    • The lower boundary has to be defined using a primary marker (usually first appearance datum of a fossil species).
      • There should also be secondary markers (other fossils, chemical, geomagnetic reversal).
      • The horizon in which the marker appears should have minerals that can be radiometrically dated.
      • The marker has to have regional and global correlation in outcrops of the same age
      • The marker should be independent of facies.
    • The outcrop has to have an adequate thickness
    • Sedimentation has to be continuous without any changes in facies
    • The outcrop should be unaffected by tectonic and sedimentary movements, and metamorphism
    • The outcrop has to be accessible to research and free to access.
      • This includes that the outcrop has to be located where it can be visited quickly (International airport and good roads), has to be kept in good condition (Ideally a national reserve), in accessible terrain, extensive enough to allow repeated sampling and open to researchers of all nationalities.






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