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Thursday, September 2, 2021

09-02-2021-1051 - Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC)

 Disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) is a condition in which blood clots form throughout the body, blocking small blood vessels.[1] Symptoms may include chest painshortness of breath, leg pain, problems speaking, or problems moving parts of the body.[1] As clotting factors and platelets are used up, bleeding may occur.[1] This may include blood in the urineblood in the stool, or bleeding into the skin.[1] Complications may include organ failure.[2]

Relatively common causes include sepsissurgerymajor traumacancer, and complications of pregnancy.[1] Less common causes include snake bitesfrostbite, and burns.[1] There are two main types: acute (rapid onset) and chronic (slow onset).[1] Diagnosis is typically based on blood tests.[2] Findings may include low platelets, low fibrinogen, high INR, or high D-dimer.[2]

Treatment is mainly directed towards the underlying condition.[2][3] Other measures may include giving plateletscryoprecipitate, or fresh frozen plasma.[2] Evidence to support these treatments, however, is poor.[2] Heparin may be useful in the slowly developing form.[2] About 1% of people admitted to hospital are affected by the condition.[4] In those with sepsis, rates are between 20% and 50%.[4] The risk of death among those affected varies from 20 to 50%.[4]

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