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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

08-25-2021-0128 - Draft - USA-USAF-HCP-etc. at fatulant liposomal hydrophops drug delivery systems with human-stolen/human-hybrid/hybridized animal/animal-human/ape/dead baby/etc. types of formulations for vaccine-treatment-antibiotic-etc. and to effect or prime or facilitate genetic modification/human biochemical modification/human biomodification/etc..). fake story-joke-etc..


Nikiya restrictive diet post 1. Saw Africa, 2. Saw Mines and Men at Work Polio on Imigs from Europe, 3. Saw America, realized she was fat. Thought about it. Realized she was out dated by her colloidal studies interest (hydrocarbon-liposomal-etc. outdated colloidal approach <1940+, lipotics/liposomal drug delivery systems/lipid emulsion drugs/vocs/cholesterol/hormones/sterols/steriods/etc. faster drug delivery than traditional colloid suspensions that were common/public/etc., etc., etc., etc..) and that her field was dying as petersen-everyone-usaf-etc. went Liposomal in drug systems and colloidal/etc. was then regarded as primitive/etc. (with incrimination, pathologization, crimininalization of scientist with work in colloidal-ops and by USA NAC et al etc. 1900s et bf.).

Was brought to niks attention by white-nigs-smt-petersen that niks colloidal-old-etc. approach was out deckered/made obsolete by USA-SM-PESEN interest in liposomal-emulsion fatulant [usa read one line of paper and didnt understand and wanted anyway den got dem sum aids] (after stealing weapons-pharm-tech-planes-cloak-gens-princs-etc. from nik viv etc.); to develop 1940-1980 into a dang obsession and approach to drug delivery/control/HCP/etc. where petersen-etc. inherent-insurmountable-etc. condition of deprecation-deterior-inferior-psychopathology-fantasy-imagination-etc. and the USA's inability to find nlab-cloak-etc. without aids, resulted in mass treatment-social circumstance authority to-etc. and simian dissemination to populace as well as massive release of lipo chemicals byproduct and manufacturing emissions/waste/run off/byproduct/contams/etc. (1940-1980, global warming etc.) increase in manuf of lipotic chemicals/polymers/lipophatulants/plastics/obesifiers/lipocats/fat/lipos/lipids/hydrohags/hygrogs/swellorus/etc. (esp. primitive calibrations with release points and rapid unwinding; petersen ideas that petersen family make in stolen shell that are dysfunctional idea-project etc. and do not work are not appropriately prepared/tested/calibrated/etc.) (USA NAC 1920/30-80 wave (USA  NAC 1800 and before work on fatulants obvious by photograph (1800s catalogues) and remains no neck no cloak lipo-biochem change tissue-dysfunction gen-dis appearance stereotype peasant-jew-mister-etc. only  - crop treatments anticipated, immigrantion high, sewer systems negligible/flawed, etc.. materials flaws design structure issues), USA-USAF-HCP-etc. at fatulant liposomal hydrophops drug delivery systems with human-stolen/human-hybrid/hybridized animal/animal-human/ape/dead baby/etc. types of formulations for vaccine-treatment-antibiotic-etc. and to effect or prime or facilitate genetic modification/human biochemical modification/human biomodification/etc..).

Nikiya diverged went into hydrags acids and propellants after USA-med-petersen-scientistlipomal-amcans-etc. failed her by evidence of their malunderstanding of reality-biochem-science-etc. where lipo drug delivery systems became the rage 1920/30-80 usa nac dom. nikiya abandoned wireless/wires, ions, middle east (shes not middle east stephanie anton planted a name on her, named) and standard chemical theory and found solace in nuclear.

Then nik discovered fancy designer diseases, gen-mod in reverse (after usa stealing her genes/grigory/family/child/technology/work/science/weaps/chems/intel/beauty youth fertility/non dis st/etc., she went into gen mod), etc.. lipomasome/liposome/etc. lytics-acids-hydrags-propellants-ionless operations-acellular life-agranulocyte-photorespiration-cloak-biochemi and f rebuild-etc. nuclearization and nuclear operations on emulsions/fats - puffing, threading, filming, splitting, dissipation, disintegrations, decoherent fields (semi fields pseudfields-field/field etc.), etc.. stuck at phosphorous most of the time. rf. USA anyting in founds (1920s. 1900s, bf in pieces deu mass ext requirements because of negligent mass procreation by Americans-USA-amcan-etc. and of themselves (bf. 1900s and af. 1900s; petersen, smth, norway in usa, etc.) and mass trafficking of people-immigrant-foreign-etc. w plantin tf c).

Jew (middle east europe hun); Indo-Pacifica (South Asia-Middle East-Any); Apusgansutan-rome-MEST-etc. (middle east, united states, asia, latin, finland, norway, germ, it, neander, heathen, barbarian, rome, world scale vics (USA-SexAsslt at DFA, trafficking, stolen child)). Lat-As-ME-AssltVics(vot) (latin middle east asia USA). Latin-Inuit-tribes-islands-middeast-small colonies-prison fam-canada-usa-etc. (Canada, America, Middle East, Africa, Latin America, Asia). german heathens. native americans. spanish-latins-africans-middle easts.  = USA = OperationUSA/MethodUSA: Sterilize N Hold Set N DEPER N Rape N Traffick. (Steal-Organ/Component-Rape Infect Traffick). USA-Social-Society of RIT is anywhere with justice-law-enforcement-civs-usaf-etc. accomplice to crime USA/argument/conspiracy/espionage by petersen-etc./action/cover/incriminate victim/pathologize victim/criminalize victim/etc.. Outcome solvation by incrimination, pathologization, criminalization of victim. 300 yr in with massive growing unknown diseased bruen neander prez.

Nuclear Winner Recon Scale.

infectious particle must be apt for dissipative system, quantum decoherence, decoupling optics survival. May be autoregeneration chemical, responsive to nano signal, proton, electron, component, particle, charge, ionization, field, particle orientation-strength-force-intensity-rate-frequency-slow time quantum complement-etc., etc..

equine infectious anemia; 

zoonotic infection, siv (vaccine adjuvant, base, component starter, component, etc.)

infectious leukemia;

 c-ind code in; p-ind code in; biotic/biological/biologic/biolotic/etc. symbiosis; etc.. 

Infectious adenocarcinoma respiratory cancer; aerosol transmission respiratory system point/region/domain/locale/etc. of infection. 

chlamydiae (spider) - parasite, clostridium-coccus-etc. bact/vir/fung-etc./etc., infection respiratory system, aerosol transmission. 

spirochete - syphillus

malaria - blood cell parasite; plasma cell parasite - ; pluripotent stem cell parasite virus transformative-fragment/prion/defective interfering particle/virus outcomes/intercalation agent/alkylation agent/radiochemotherapy/radiation/radioactive contrast, bromine/beryllium/barium/sulfur/iodine/etc., radioactive potassium contrast agent imaging oncology hematology immunology/etc.,  etc..

suspension time, binary fission; fusion processes; nuclear capabilities tolerance etc.. rates, rate response to signal; etc.. finest reduction capacity to maintain integrity, life, motion, purpose, etc. (smallest fragment-unit-particle-state-component-etc. of organism required to enable-facilitate-occur-etc. existence-survival-spread-reproduction-energy operations-etc. of organism-derivative-variant-component-gene-fragment-particle-etc.).

Likelihood modifiers; vectors; fomites; etc..

Lymphoplasmacytic lymphoma

 Liposomal amphotericin B was significantly more effective than amphotericin B deoxycholate for the treatment of moderate to severe disseminated histoplasmosis in patients with AIDS, with 88% and 64% of patients, respectively, having a successful response.

Above. Queen - I Want to break Free

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