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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

08-25-2021-1102 - Virophage



Virophages use the replicative cytoplasmic virion factory of giant viruses for their own replication (Fischer and Suttle, 2011).

From: Advances in Virus Research, 2018

Viruses, Viroids, and Prions

David P. Clark, ... Michelle R. McGehee, in Molecular Biology (Third Edition), 2019

Mimiviruses are themselves infected by parasites known as virophages, the first of which was named “Sputnik.” Technically, virophages are satellite viruses; that is, they are defective viruses that need a helper virus to provide missing functions (see Section 24.5.1). 

Bacteriophages, Part A

Christelle Desnues, ... Didier Raoult, in Advances in Virus Research, 2012


This chapter discusses the astonishing discovery of the Sputnik virophage, a new virus infecting giant viruses of the genera Mimivirus and Mamavirus.

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