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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

08-25-2021-1111 - Myxomatosis



Myxomatosis is primarily a disease of the European rabbit caused by infection with the Myxoma virus.

From: Medical and Veterinary Entomology (Third Edition), 2019

  • Myxomatosis

    In Clinical Veterinary Advisor: Birds and Exotic Pets, 2013


    Myxomatosis was initially introduced to Australia, France, and Britain (illegally) as a biological control agent for wild European rabbits. The clinical appearance of infected rabbits has created controversy over this use. However, the disease is now firmly established in the wild rabbit populations of Europe and Australia. New Zealand has not permitted the introduction of Myxoma virus.

    Suggestions in the literature indicate that some rabbits become chronic carriers of the virus, and that recrudescent infection can be stimulated by immune suppression. Recovered rabbits treated with immune suppressant drugs apparently develop clinical signs that resemble myxomatosis, but virus cannot be isolated from nasal or conjunctival samples or from tissues other than the testes. The epidemiologic significance of this is unclear. Whether male rabbits can introduce myxomatosis into breeding units in this way has not been tested. However, semen from male rabbits with myxomatosis can transmit infection to does.


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