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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

08-25-2021-0552 - 1B IM EXP 1yr

  932,000 naturalization applications in Fiscal Year 2019 

91,000 out of the 381,000 naturalization

300,000 aspiring Americans 

 290,000 immigrants

300,000 immigrant

290,000 110,000

300,000 new American

Previous Boundless reports have shown how President Trump’s green card ban and work visa ban favor individuals from Western Europe and other wealthy countries. The disenfranchisement of 300,000 aspiring Americans is no different.

Annual number of people naturalized, by region or country of birth

Southeast Asia78,68410.9%
South Asia77,93910.8%
South America66,0739.2%
East Asia58,0728.1%
Eastern Europe46,7186.5%
Middle East43,3886.0%
Central America39,3705.5%
Western Europe29,2884.1%
Central Asia3,1270.4%
Australia & New Zealand1,8570.3%
Pacific Islands1,7680.2%
Total (avg. FY14-18)720,839

 300,000 missing voters are lucky

Country-by-country data were taken from Table 21 of the 2018 DHS Yearbook of Immigration Statistics, grouped into regions, and averaged over the five-year period between FY 2014–2018 (excluding “Other” and “Unknown” categories).

The State of the Immigration Courts: Trump Leaves Biden 1.3 Million Case Backlog in Immigration Courts

When President Donald Trump assumed office, 542,411 people had deportation cases pending before the Immigration Courts. At the start of 2021, that number now stands at 1,290,766—nearly two and a half times the level when Trump assumed office just four years ago. Waiting in the wings are another 300,000+ cases that President Trump's policy changes have decided aren't finally resolved, but have not yet been placed back on the active docket[1].

Canada to x over 400,000 immigrants per year or Canada will y to welcome 

Above. Tool - Pot

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