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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Psyclon Nine - Divine Infektion


'In the United States, over 35,600 cases of syphilis were reported by health officials in 1999.'

Pt 1 Syphilshittys Small Pocks Typhus Yello-F Malaria Measulars Mumpules bubules Rubellaes
Pt 1 Rables
Pt 1 FulGan 
Pt 1 PusGan kidney failure dame bramage bone caviation
Pt 1 Granulocytation 
Pt 2 Hepashityles and the 
Pt 1 J.Schmittey and the Golden Assburgers, 
Pt 2 Black Lead Fungus, 
Pt 2 Arsenic-Lead, 
Pt 1 Bacto-org Toxin. 
Pt 2 insecticides, pesticides, industrial chemicals, etc.. 
Pt 1 VOC, chemical emissions/byproduct, Env shared gas sewer.  
Pt 1 HIV-AIDS, Simiainanation, siv vac ad, etc.
Pt 2 animal derived princple of variance.
Pt 2 Non-Text principle/approach to bioops. 
Pt 1 poolio
Pt 1 spirulina spirocheatles beatles
Pt 1 radionucleotide radionuclide nucleotide nuclide
Pt 1 nuclear distance incapacitation weapon, radioactive potas/K
Pt 1 Potash Nitrogen Ammoniation condensation/precipitation/etc. of liquid
Pt 1 Diptherial Thyphoid Ricketts Rickettesia Scurvi 
Pt 1 Black fly particle EMR scale nano etc.
Pt 1 Prion disease, Prion, Fragment, Particle
Pt 1 Phagulants, Macrophage, Undiff cell mass, nucleation cascade, disadhesion, decoherence of cellular aspect ess. (wall/isolation boundry/mass), etc.
Pt 1 ascaries, hemlinths, girardia, toxoplasmidia, gardenerella, trypanos, leishman, tricho, trichinurisis, filariasis, threads, MCL thrips, hooks, etc. T Grade, Tr Grade, Try/Tri/Tre/Tra/etc.
Pt 3 protazoae, fruke, amoebae, macrophage
Pt 1 Neuro digestation sec metabolite of org
Pt 1 genetic interfering particle - defective interfering particle, intercalating agent, alkylate environment, Pt 3 solvents, surfactants, emulsifiers, 
Pt 1 protein modification (degredation, higher order formation disassembly, etc.), 
Pt 1 superficial dermal to epidermal migrans
Pt 1 ocular larval migrans, migrans disease
Pt 1 equine infectious anemia, leukemia infectious, transmissive respiratory adeno cancer, tuberculoski/tuberculosis
Pt 1 infectious aerosol transmission 
Pt 1 very light partial particle float drive STP breathing air space
Pt 1 neurosisterpsychosis - tape worm infection; nag floweri amoebs; fungal ....

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