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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

08-25-2021-1113 - Acanthoma cyanide triple bond neoplastic pathology carcinoma protein lesion dysplasia LCA shows an intraepidermal proliferation of enlarged, atypical-appearing keratinocytes with a disorganized pattern. natis going back to germany for her cyanide science


LCA shows an intraepidermal proliferation of enlarged, atypical-appearing keratinocytes with a disorganized pattern.

From: Diagnostic Pathology: Neoplastic Dermatopathology (Second Edition), 2017 

  • Acantholytic and Acantholytic Dyskeratotic Acanthoma

    In Diagnostic Pathology: Neoplastic Dermatopathology (Second Edition), 2017

    Acantholytic Acanthoma

    An acantholytic acanthoma is a solitary keratosis characterized by acantholysis (dyscohesion of keratinocytes) 

    , which is full thickness in this example. There is a lack of dyskeratosis (corp ronds and grains).

    Acantholytic Dyskeratotic Acanthoma

    An acantholytic dyskeratotic acanthoma is a solitary keratosis with acantholysis 

    and dyskeratosis (corp ronds 
    and grains 
    ). The overall architecture is flat and plaque-like.

    Acantholytic Acanthoma

    Intermediate-magnification view of an acantholytic acanthoma shows dyscohesion of keratinocytes (acantholysis) 

    . Dyskeratosis is not prominent.

    Acantholytic Acanthoma

    High-magnification view of an acantholytic acanthoma reveals acantholytic cells that lack cytologic atypia and have pink cytoplasm 

    due to clumped tonofilaments.

    Large Cell Acanthoma

    In Diagnostic Pathology: Neoplastic Dermatopathology (Second Edition), 2017

    Large Cell Acanthoma

    LCA shows an intraepidermal proliferation of enlarged keratinocytes 

    in a disorganized pattern. There is no basilar budding or overlying parakeratosis typical of an actinic keratosis. Note the prominent solar elastosis 
    in dermis.

    Large Cell Acanthoma at High Magnification

    Higher power of LCA shows enlarged keratinocytes 

    involving the mid to upper layers of epidermis with overlying basket-weave orthokeratosis. The dermis shows solar elastosis and mild chronic inflammatory infiltrate 

    Large Cell Acanthoma at Low Magnification

    Another example of LCA shows an intraepidermal proliferation of enlarged squamous cells 

    . There is a lack of basilar budding or overlying parakeratosis typical of actinic keratosis.

    Large Cell Acanthoma at High Magnification

    The cells show nuclear enlargement, hyperchromasia, and focally prominent nucleoli 

    , but no mitotic figures are identified.


    disease identification 
    nonspc frags/ particle
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    surface area whole sys cons part whole
    melts, phase transitions
    Gan ant- fancy calibration rebuild (chambers, etc.)
    bone digit arm 1 shoulder elb digit 2 hip knee-leg (foot unit) 1 leg 2
    clavicle struct torso hip 2 
    face teeth head neck
    physical injury, nuclear injury, chemical injury, biological injury, N/A injury
    Step down decomtamination
    explosive, melt, rapid, shoots, fumes, crystallization/melt,  cascade cats rxs advisory
    cyanide, nuclear particles, radioactive substance, 
    iodine, phosphorous,
    hydrogen, electron!!?? 
    consideration of ion dangers (danger of aggravated ionization), safety
    lead heavys, compounded, complexed rads
    gas radon xenon antimony heliums (ruled out at explosives)
    fransium radiu gall boron; silver mercury lithium sodium; potash potas magnes zinc selenium cadmium lead 
    calcium, carbon, silicone
    step down decontam rads, chems, cellulose charcoal tar etc.
    aerobic anaerobic N/a resp-met-energy proceses
    anaerobic conversions, clearance
    catabolism initiation, clearance
    temperature fields field stabilization calibration of field and chamber exacerbations progression etc.
    gas calibration particle.
    waits, 24.7
    ion stable post-clogulation restoration of some preventative to gans cancotic devs etc. - imaging, antibiotics, ambulatory.
    ns trace if nec not usually nec; trace for ion channel sell signaling; rebuilding; if ns trace then org reps sometimes veins bloods circulasion perfusion dams, chamber calibs. rebuild. till some connectivity to func indep of ch

    virus = 'citric acid, sodium hydroxide'; fungus = 'Sodium benzoate potas sorbate'; bacteria = 'sulfur oxy dioxane dioxene dioxide piperonyl butoxide - accutane'; parasite = 'sodium metabisulfite sulphene sulphone sulfur calibrations non contaminated - cyanide'; etc.. (quote) [Russel Stover Chocolates, etc., Non Verbatim]; additions, subtractions, change, modifications, etc.. Diphenidine. piperadine. phosphate, iodine, hydrogen, acid. colloids (anti protein anti fat catabolic cachexia systems). smoke, tobacco tolerance nicotine, caffiene, phosphate/acid/iodine, etc..
    amoeba/protozoa/prion/frags/parts/gene/vectors/etc. = phosphate, nuclear, prion tag-etc..
    dr bettey dvm - how many bonds are in that - quinidine, quinolone, ivermectin, betadine, sulfadiazene, silver, silver sulfate, sulfadiazine, radIodin, barbiturate, piperazine, piperadine, ine, amphetamine, phosphor, phosphate, phoston, carbonate, phosgene, etc..
    NBNb - can cant understan man; can can the can. phosphate/acid/iodine, potas sulph nits, hydrags props, trihydrogen, phosphorous, lead, arsenic, iodine, proton/hydrogen, cellulose, etc..
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    Technical Warning: Bertin Technologies restricts the sale of this product to licensed controlled substance laboratories and qualified academic research institutions. Please contact us for further details.
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    • 1-(1,2-diphenylethyl)-piperidine, monohydrochloride
    Correlated keywords:
    • 36794-52-2 94913-48-1 forensic science MK-801 MKs 801 MK801 NMDA receptors channels blockers designer drugs neuroprotective brain injury hypoxia injuries antagonist signals transduction ions pumps opioids analytical references standards homeomorph hydrochloride HCl
    Product Overview: 
    Diphenidine is a homeomorph of the NMDA receptor channel blocker, MK 801, that has been identified as a designer drug.{26258} The (S)- and (R)- enantiomers of diphenidine have been reported to inhibit MK 801 binding to NMDA receptors in rat brain membranes with Ki values of 0.13 and 5.25 µM, respectively.{26258} It has been studied as a neuroprotective agent for the treatment of brain injury following hypoxia.{26257} This product is intended for forensic and research applications.

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