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Wednesday, August 25, 2021

08-25-2021-0645 - Priority Immigrant Group: Asia, Russia. (edited, refine attempt; 0911)

 08-25-2021-0645 - 

IMMIGRANCY est. 2018+


Priority Immigrant Group: Asia, Russia. (Priority for safe return to home country, security, safety, fund, resource, armed forces, family, rights, etc..) [inc. immigration due natural disaster, nuclear occurrence event of 2010-2016, etc.; early immigration, longer duration of stay, enduring good character/person, effort proper kind, kind, proper, humane, integrity, honor, respect, humility, privacy, rule appreciation, intelligence or hard working (and humane), selfless, wisdom, etc.; especially non-violent, non-conspiracy, non-harm, etc.; etc.; FIRST TIME IMMIGRANTS from HIGH EQUITY COUNTRY (E.G. JAPAN, ETC.) VERY IMPORTANT, CANNOT BE LEFT UNDER-RESOURCED/UN-RESOURCED/ETC.; FIRST TIME IMMIGRANTS WITH ONE CITIZENSHIP, FIRST TIME IMMIGRANTS, ETC. (ESPECIALLY THAT MOVED TO USA BEFORE YEAR 2018)]

Euthanasia: Unidentified Race, Neander, Heathen, Norway, Finland, Trafficker, Stolen Child-sequence-particle-part-whole-gene-code-marker-person-etc., clone, secret family branches CL1, etc..

Leave alone: Underground, hiding, secret, classified, independent, FOREIGN, foreign, etc..

Deport or Execute or unknown-unintended-unplanned-unaccountable-excused'outcome'attempt'by'amcan-etc. (esp. if cannot provide funds/resource/etc. to preexisting US citizens, residents, immigrants, presences, etc., etc.; deportation/execution/etc. of 1+ group/s cannot become a problem for english language speakers, us citizens, us employed, us educated, us marriage, us husband wife child/kids ~ family, family line, procreation/progeny, beauty/youth/fertility, income, house, employment, education, opportunity, rights, health, arms, friendships, foreign country connections, foreign citizenship, retirement, options, safety/security/privacy, information/truth, truth, us family, us resource, foreign language speakers/foreign culture/foreign lines/etc., immigrants from foreign countries that speak their foreign language/have respect for their foreign culture-people-etc./have history/long family line/long life/long line/values-morals-principles-rules-order-etc./structure-function/system/etc., foreign relations, foreign affairs, foreign country, foreign, foreign autonomy, foreign sovereignty, foreign independence, foreign culture, foreign language, foreign genetic line, foreign people, foreign equity, foreign safety-privacy-security-advancement-science-mating-procreation-progeny-knowledge-intelligence-identity-reputation-connections-long time-land-resource-etc. (e.g. no violence by people/etc. and to them), etc. - cannot dispense-waste-throwaway-risk-expose'to'hardship/violence-violence-endanger-etc. long time friends and true friends (including study abroad in usa/etc., educated, middle east americans, asian americans, russian americans, ukraine americans, conventions, tradition, rule, non-armed forces, working people, families, US educated, us organizations, etc.) over foreign novelties, human-body trends, society family type trends (everyone in-vivos one generation), trafficker, birthright, stolen shell from russia, exotic breeds, greed, wants, ideals, american dreams, negligence, etc..), etc.. Anticipated groups with mass recent migrations that may require euthanasia or return to home country include: eur, af-south, ME, Latin, bruen-neandre, Jewwej, Indo-Pacifica, REfugee-SMUNK-USA-etc., Roman ispirescu etc., Germs, Dis, Petersen, gendis, metdis, Lt/Surg/Stog, Gen-Mod, Trans, etc..

Above. War Pigs - Black Sabbath

08-25-2021-0645 - Priority Immigrant Group: Asia, Russia.  (edited, refine attempt; 0911)

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