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Wednesday, September 22, 2021

09-22-2021-1126 - homology sphere

In algebraic topology, a homology sphere is an n-manifold X having the homology groups of an n-sphere, for some integer . That is,


 for all other i.

Therefore X is a connected space, with one non-zero higher Betti number, namely, . It does not follow that X is simply connected, only that its fundamental group is perfect (see Hurewicz theorem).

A rational homology sphere is defined similarly but using homology with rational coefficients. 

Constructions and examples[edit]

  • Surgery on a knot in the 3-sphere S3 with framing +1 or −1 gives a homology sphere.
  • More generally, surgery on a link gives a homology sphere whenever the matrix given by intersection numbers (off the diagonal) and framings (on the diagonal) has determinant +1 or −1.
  • If pq, and r are pairwise relatively prime positive integers then the link of the singularity xp + yq + zr = 0 (in other words, the intersection of a small 5-sphere around 0 with this complex surface) is a Brieskorn manifold that is a homology 3-sphere, called a Brieskorn 3-sphere Σ(pqr). It is homeomorphic to the standard 3-sphere if one of pq, and r is 1, and Σ(2, 3, 5) is the Poincaré sphere.
  • The connected sum of two oriented homology 3-spheres is a homology 3-sphere. A homology 3-sphere that cannot be written as a connected sum of two homology 3-spheres is called irreducible or prime, and every homology 3-sphere can be written as a connected sum of prime homology 3-spheres in an essentially unique way. (See Prime decomposition (3-manifold).)
  • Suppose that  are integers all at least 2 such that any two are coprime. Then the Seifert fiber space
over the sphere with exceptional fibers of degrees a1, ..., ar is a homology sphere, where the b's are chosen so that
(There is always a way to choose the b′s, and the homology sphere does not depend (up to isomorphism) on the choice of b′s.) If r is at most 2 this is just the usual 3-sphere; otherwise they are distinct non-trivial homology spheres. If the a′s are 2, 3, and 5 this gives the Poincaré sphere. If there are at least 3 a′s, not 2, 3, 5, then this is an acyclic homology 3-sphere with infinite fundamental group that has a Thurston geometry modeled on the universal cover of SL2(R).


  • The Rokhlin invariant is a -valued invariant of homology 3-spheres.
  • The Casson invariant is an integer valued invariant of homology 3-spheres, whose reduction mod 2 is the Rokhlin invariant.


If A is a homology 3-sphere not homeomorphic to the standard 3-sphere, then the suspension of A is an example of a 4-dimensional homology manifold that is not a topological manifold. The double suspension of A is homeomorphic to the standard 5-sphere, but its triangulation (induced by some triangulation of A) is not a PL manifold. In other words, this gives an example of a finite simplicial complex that is a topological manifold but not a PL manifold. (It is not a PL manifold because the link of a point is not always a 4-sphere.)

Galewski and Stern showed that all compact topological manifolds (without boundary) of dimension at least 5 are homeomorphic to simplicial complexes if and only ifthere is a homology 3 sphere Σ with Rokhlin invariant 1 such that the connected sum Î£#Σ of Σ with itself bounds a smooth acyclic 4-manifold. As of 2013 the existence of such a homology 3-sphere was an unsolved problem. On March 11, 2013, Ciprian Manolescu posted a preprint on the ArXiv[5] claiming to show that there is no such homology sphere with the given property, and therefore, there are 5-manifolds not homeomorphic to simplicial complexes. In particular, the example originally given by Galewski and Stern (see Galewski and Stern, A universal 5-manifold with respect to simplicial triangulations, in Geometric Topology (Proceedings Georgia Topology Conference, Athens Georgia, 1977, Academic Press, New York, pp 345–350)) is not triangulable.

See also[edit]

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